Microbial eczema on the hands and feet: treatment, causes, ointment

Microbial eczema is one of the varieties of dermatitis that develops again, that is, against a background of a disease, usually a fungal or microbial nature. If in other forms of the disease pyoderma is a complication, then for microbial eczema this phenomenon is standard, appearing already at the first stages of the disease. How does it differ from other types of dermatitis, is it contagious or not, and how to treat microbial eczema on the legs and hands?

Features of the disease

Up to 27% of cases of eczema occur on this type of disease. Localization of it is always indirectly associated with injuries, cuts on the skin, abrasions or trophic ulcers. Often it is provoked by fungal infections, lymphostasis or varicose veins.

A number of bacteria and fungi become the causative agent of the disease. As a rule, they have long-term effects on the body, reduce its protective properties, provoking sensitization. Under the influence of these factors, the process of occurrence of eczema is accelerating.

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Microbial eczema can be contagious only if the patient has herpes. In such cases, the disease can be transmitted by contact.

  • Children are the most vulnerable to microbial eczema, as they are more likely to receive various injuries.
  • In adults, the course of the disease is often associated with a primary disease.

Microbial eczema on the legs( photo)

Classification and forms of

Eczema of microbial nature is divided into several types:

  1. Posttraumatic .The main factor of development is the presence of injuries on the skin. The cause of the appearance in this case of eczema is low immune defense of the organism or slow healing processes. The latter is inherent in some diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  2. Numerical .It differs by plaque lesions with a diameter of up to 3 cm. They are usually concentrated on the upper limbs. The rashes themselves have a wet surface, a clear edge. The skin on the site of eczema is edematic and hyperemic, on the plaques the layers of serous or purulent crusts.
  3. The sisosiform form sometimes develops with sycosis in a number of patients. Rashes are red, itchy, and they are located in the areas characteristic of the disease - the pubic region, beard, armpits, lips.
  4. Varicose eczema of microbial form appears against a background of venous insufficiency or with already developed varicose veins. The impetus to the development of the disease often becomes maceration, trauma in this area or the appearance of a trophic ulcer.
  5. Microbial nipple eczema occurs during lactation with frequent nipple injuries, but it can sometimes develop with scabies. They are covered with cracks, they form foci with red skin, itching and wetting. On the nipples are formed crusts. The whole process takes a long time and is very difficult to treat.

The disease can also be classified by location:

  • on the legs,
  • on the beard,
  • on the hands,
  • in the pubic region,
  • on the neck,
  • on the upper lip,
  • on the abdomen,
  • in the armpit,
  • on the hands,
  • on the nipples,
  • between the fingers.

In the next video, the doctor will tell you what microbial eczema is:

The causes of microbial eczema

The main cause of development is associated with the presence of a pathology that provokes microbial eczema. These are usually fungal or infectious lesions, against which there is a deterioration in the protective function of the skin, and sometimes the body.

Pay attention to an allergic predisposition or burdened heredity, since in these cases the probability of occurrence of microbial eczema is much higher.

Symptoms of

The lesion is usually located on the lower limbs, which is caused by the often worsened blood circulation. The pockets of the rashes are so large that there may not be areas of healthy skin between them. In the inflamed area of ​​the skin, there are both wet areas and pustules with serous or purulent contents.

Eczema of this species is characterized by an abundant amount of purulent crusts that grow. During the course of the disease, there is a strong itching.

Sometimes the wrinkling is not too pronounced. In such cases, on the surface of the rash, large strata of scales are formed. It is very easy to remove them, because under them there is a smooth skin without erosive areas.


Diagnosis is usually established already at the time of the first admission and examination. A special role is played by the characteristics of the clinical picture of the disease, namely, its course is secondary, i.e. against the background of the underlying problem( trauma, varicose, etc.).Conduct laboratory tests only to establish the causative agent of eczema, which is important for the individual selection of antibiotics. Bacteriological sowing can be replaced with scraping on pathogenic fungi, if there is a suspicion that they are the causative agent.

Histological examination is prescribed only on condition of difficulties with the diagnosis. For examination from the field of microbial eczema, a biopsy is taken. Its study allows you to determine the presence of acanthosis, lymphoid infiltration, spongiosis, edema of the dermis.

Differentiate the disease from other types of eczema, family pemphigus( benign course), reticulosis, dermatitis, psoriasis.

Treatment of

Therapeutic way of

The most important importance is given to the treatment of the disease that provoked microbial eczema. Therapy is different, therefore in this case the recommendations are given only by the doctor individually.

  • For topical use, use antimycotic and antibacterial agents, as well as antipruritic agents.
  • Moisture is prevented by antiexudative ointments.
  • Antibacterial agents are good in the treatment of microbial eczema, especially on the basis of birch tar and naftalannoy oil. In addition, they have a drying effect and promote healing.

Physiotherapy is used when the acute process is attenuated. At this stage, usually used procedures such as:

  • ultraviolet,
  • laser therapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • magnetotherapy.

Compliance with hygiene and hypoallergenic diet are important stages of therapy and prevention of exacerbation of the disease. You should try to avoid any injuries. During the entire period of treatment it is better to hide foci of the disease under antiseptic bandages. Do not expose your skin to rain, frost, snow or sun.

About the ointments and other medicines for the treatment of microbial eczema on the hands and feet will tell the next section.

About the treatment of eczema says the famous doctor:

Drug medication

The selection of preparations for the treatment of eczema should be performed by a doctor. Most often, these medicines are used:

  • sedatives;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • Diazolin, Loratadine, Suprastin and other desensitizing agents;
  • antihistamines.

If the inflammatory process begins to spread or transform into a true eczema, glucocorticosteroids and strong antibiotics are added to drug therapy. For the treatment of microbial eczema with folk remedies at home, read on.

Folk methods

Microbial eczema is not treated completely at home, so folk recipes are not able to prevent it. The use of medicines is mandatory, they can not be replaced by any self-made means. It is rational to use them only as an additional component to drug therapy.

  1. Effectively use fish oil as a lotion. The duration of such a procedure is limited to 3 days.
  2. Allow to remove inflammation of the application and lotion based on resorcinol, boric acid.
  3. It is useful to make lotions based on natural antiseptics( for example, chamomile).

It is best to limit the local use of folk remedies due to the danger of aggravating the situation with inflammation. It will be much more useful to take fortified decoctions inside, and if the patient has problems with blood circulation, then it is worth using decoctions aimed at improving the functioning of the circulatory system.

Prevention of

The timely treatment of all pathologies against which microbial eczema develops is of fundamental importance in the therapeutic measures against microbial eczema.

In the future, it is important to carefully treat your health, monitor the circulatory system and exercise regularly. Careful hygiene and following the doctor's instructions are important steps in preventive measures.

Complications of

If you avoid eczema therapy, it will gradually lead to the fact that allergic rashes become permanent. Because of the susceptibility of the body to viruses, there is a risk of contracting herpes. Both diseases exacerbate each other so much that even a lethal outcome is possible.

The prognosis, which has a numeral and other types of microbial eczema, is presented below.


In general, it is considered a favorable prognosis, because microbial eczema is treatable. Difficulties arise only in the elderly or in those whose body is weakened. In such cases, therapy can be prolonged.

Improper therapy or re-injury of the area with eczema worsens the prognosis, as the risk of a secondary wave of allergic rashes is higher. Both processes of the disease merge, aggravating the wetness, and then spreads to healthy skin. At this stage, the wet eczema flows into the true one.

Elena Malysheva will talk about how to treat microbial and other types of eczema:

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