True eczema: causes, treatment, medical history, physician

True eczema is called chronic or acute dermatosis. The latter is manifested by severe itching, the formation of vesicles, swelling and redness. Very soon the rash is replaced by wet areas.

The clinical picture is very specific, which makes diagnostics easier. After drying serous wells on the surface of the skin formed crusts of yellow or gray. About the medical history of the true eczema on the hands, hands and other parts of the body, its treatment and the causes of the fog today.

Features of the

disease The area has no clear contours, but it is characteristic that the disease begins from the face, and then gradually passes to the arms and legs. With true eczema, vesicles and papules are quickly opened, which is one of the characteristics of the disease.

In the army of guys with a stand and a prolonged remission are called, but with some limitations. Deferral can be granted to those persons who have had a relapse about 3 times or more over the past year. If the true eczema is spread over the body and often flows into a sharp form, then in this case you can count on the refusal of conscription into the army.

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Idiopathic eczema( photo)

Stages and types of

The stages of true eczema are divided into several types:

  1. Acute stage( erythematous). Characterized by swollen and pronounced erythema. There are a lot of bubbles on the surface of eczema, wet areas dotted, abundant discharge. Gradually, they are replaced by the formation of scales and crusts. The duration of the whole process is 2 months.
  2. Subacute stage( papuloveziculosis). Common symptoms subside, itching. The foci of the disease acquire cyanotic shades, the mocculation and edema become moderate. This stage can last up to six months.
  3. Chronic stage. Characterized by skin infiltration. Erosions and wetting areas are practically nonexistent, they are found with difficulty. With this form of flow, itching returns. The stage of the stage is not determined accurately, it all depends on the quality of the treatment. In his absence, the likelihood of relapse increases.

One of the types of true eczema is eczema dyshidrotic. Its feature is in continuous and frequent foci, localized on the soles and palms. Vesicles are covered with a dense layer, and after opening around the wetting areas a stratum corneum is formed. Disgidrotic eczema can happen both in a mature and young age, it can be treated as badly as a true one.

The following doctor will tell you about the true eczema and dermatitis in the following video:

Causes of

It is impossible to establish the exact cause of true eczema, but the disease often develops under the influence of several factors. Predisposed to it should be considered people with neurogenic, endocrine diseases, allergic manifestations, metabolic and infectious problems. A considerable impetus to its development is given by burdened heredity.

The following factors can contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Unfavorable working conditions or ecology.
  2. Infections of a chronic nature.
  3. Hyperthyroidism.
  4. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  5. VSD.
  6. Overvoltage( including nervous).
  7. Diabetes mellitus.
  8. Strong stress.

Symptoms of

True eczema begins with redness of the skin, the appearance of swelling. In this area, after a while, rashes begin( vesicles, papules).Accompanying the process is a strong itch.

When the rashes are opened( this happens even if you do not comb the itching areas), then the wet areas are formed on the skin. Erosion constantly exudates. The separated serous fluid at the end of the acute stage begins to dry out, which leads to the appearance of crusts.

Foci of rashes with true eczema are uneven, often abundant. Usually localized lesions on the hands or face. Rarely the area of ​​the disease is single, most often there are lots of rashes, they are symmetrical. On the site there is a rash at different stages of evolution, that is, both new papules and already opened serous wells. All these skin changes are accompanied by itching.

On the chronic stage, spots with pigmented spots are formed, gradually they acquire normal shades. Cracks, peeling, hyperkeratosis or calluses may occur. For a long time after a true eczema, the skin can retain cyanotic colors.


  • The clinical picture is characteristic of true eczema, so the collection of anamnesis plays a key role. According to the patient's question, the expected cause is established, which caused the onset of the disease. To clarify the diagnosis using laboratory research methods.
  • If the indication is revealed, the patient will be referred for allergic and immunological tests.
  • Accession of secondary infection requires seeding the contents of exudate, which will determine the sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • In the most difficult cases, a biopsy is possible.

Pro treatment, which requires idiopathic eczema on the hands, read below.

Treatment of true eczema


Local treatment is given considerable attention, as it helps to reduce swelling, wrinkling, itching and other adverse manifestations faster. Regular lotions will reduce the treatment process, but the main thing is that they prevent the likelihood of secondary infection.

  • In a period when acute inflammation predominates, glucocorticosteroids with a pronounced effect are used. As soon as the stifling of the inflammatory process begins, they are replaced with medications with weaker action. The use of hormonal creams is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor!
  • The repeated use of ointments with corticosteroids or their replacement with antibiotics occurs only when the areas of eczema are infected.
  • At the last stage, it is necessary to use products with a drying effect. A similar action has a solution of tannin, tar oil, resorcinol solution.

Physiotherapy techniques are used only after the acute phase subsides and inflammation is reduced. Especially effective are the following methods:

  • laser therapy,
  • PUVA therapy,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • phototherapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • cryotherapy.

When the disease flows into the chronic stage, it is best to replace all the creams and lotions on the ointments with the plant compound.


  • A number of drugs are used in the acute phase. First use the first generation of antihistamines( chloropyramine, promethazine, mebhydroline).Therapy is further corrected and used antihistamines III and II generations( Terfenadin, Loratadin, Cetirizine).
  • If the inflammatory process is severe, treatment is supplemented with corticosteroids, and exudation is followed by a course of calcium gluconate injections.
  • Use and antiekssudativnye drugs, whose action is aimed at accelerating the drying of papules. They should contain Hydrocortisone, Loratadine, Fluocinol.


Hardware treatment methods are used as a by-side method of eczema therapy, which aims to prevent relapses. In the area of ​​the healed areas, metabolism is thus restored.

How to treat acute and chronic eczema true in a home condition, we will tell below.

Folk methods

As a side-effect therapy, folk techniques can be used. Such measures are better coordinated with the doctor, otherwise improper selection of a tool will aggravate the situation. Among all the recipes to pay attention to the following:

  1. Alternate( 1 tbsp.), Cranberries( 1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water( 2 cups), insist. For 50 ml take the finished product before meals every day.
  2. Althaea officinalis( root) crush and pour with water. After an hour, drain and drink after every 2 hours. It is allowed to add honey if the taste seems unpleasant.
  3. Grate the potatoes and attach to the skin through cheesecloth. The resulting gruel is first required to be squeezed. Repeat this compress should be 4 times a day.
  4. Currant leaves( 40 g) are mixed with the same number of berries and leaves of the viburnum. The resulting gruel pour boiling water. The mixture is impregnated with gauze and applied to eczema for 40 minutes daily.
  5. Sage, calendula and chamomile( 20 g each) is stirred and insisted in a liter of boiling water. Compresses from such a decoction are applied to the rash three times a day.

On other methods of folk eczema treatment tells this video:

Prevention of the disease

In time, all the neurogenic diseases, as well as the following pathologies should be treated:

  • seborrhea,
  • pyococcal lesions,
  • mycosis diseases,
  • exudative diathesis.

It is necessary to prevent contact with chemical irritants and other allergens that can provoke eczema.

  • It is important to pay attention to hardening the body, maintaining a certain diet, regular loads.
  • To moderate is the number of water procedures, and completely limited to visiting the sauna and bath.
  • All recommendations and certain skin care regimen are mandatory.

If foci of a chronic infection are found, they will need to be sanitized.

Complications of

Complicated true eczema is capable of infection. After the bacteria hit the serous areas, pyoderma can develop, which is characterized by extensive purulent lesions.

It is very important that the patient adhere to prescriptions prescribed by the doctor, follow the recommendations.


Complete recovery is doubtful, so all therapy should be aimed at increasing the duration of remission and improving the outcome of treatment.

In the video below you will learn about idiopathic eczema in children:

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