How to relieve pain with hemorrhoids, what to do, if it hurts, how to cure, how to quickly relieve the condition at home?

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Medicines take first place among people who seek to alleviate pain with hemorrhoids. In order to relieve the inflammation and pain, patients suffering from the disease resort to tablets, suppositories or ointments. It is worth noting that special candles and ointments in most cases have a more rapid and obvious effect. And the pills are more relevant when it is necessary to relieve pain with hemorrhoids, if the attack happened outside the home.

In order to choose a drug, you need to know what kind of disease the patient has. If the hemorrhoids are external, then ointments are used, and when this disease is characterized by internal development, pain relieving candles are used to relieve symptoms.

How to relieve pain with hemorrhoids?

As practice shows, most people choose the following drugs to relieve pain with hemorrhoids:

  • Treatment of pain in hemorrhoidal nodes can be accomplished with Relief, Posterizan, Anestezol and their analogues. The vast majority of these medicines are dispensed without a prescription. Many of them have a wide spectrum of action and can safely remove the syndrome even in pregnant women and nursing mothers. But in order to minimize the risks of side effects from taking medications, you must first consult your doctor.
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  • Tablets from pain in hemorrhoids quickly enough to relieve an attack. Most often doctors prescribe drugs such as Detralex, Venoruton, Glivenol. Usually, these medicinal substances are drunk with a short course along with other types of treatment.
  • If, despite taking the above funds, it hurts the hemorrhoids, you can try to remove the symptoms of adrenaline candles, which are only available on prescription. They help to get rid of or reduce pain when other medications are ineffective.
  • In conditions of a hospital, a "novocain blockade" can be performed, which allows to quickly remove painful sensations. It can only be done by an experienced specialist by introducing medicines into the sacrum. It should be taken into account that, despite the fact that this method is very effective, allowing to remove acute pain and reduce inflammation, it is used only in special cases, when other methods of treatment are ineffective.

How to relieve pain with hemorrhoids folk remedies?

Acute seizures are successfully removed with the help of specially grown medical leeches. They not only suck blood from a site of the body located near to a site, but also inject in an organism anticoagulants and biologically active substances which contain in their saliva. Due to this, blood clots dissolve, thereby removing the cause of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. As a result of hirudotherapy, inflammation is removed, and the pain subsides.

There are many methods of traditional medicine that make it possible to relieve or relieve pain in hemorrhoids at home. Such traditional recipes are known to almost everyone who has encountered this problem to some extent. With their help, if not completely, then significantly alleviate pain. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using the folk remedies in order to avoid allergic reactions and complications.

Quite often, pain relief for hemorrhoids at home is done as follows:

  1. Acute painful hemorrhoids can be treated using a means in which the main component is garlic. This wonderful plant has been successfully used for many centuries. For example, garlic is an active ingredient in candles from hemorrhoids made at home. To do this, it is ground into a gruel and mixed thoroughly with a creamy unsalted butter. From the resulting mass, suppositories 3-5 cm long and 1-1.5 cm in diameter are made. The ready suppository is cooled in the refrigerator, after which it can be disposed of the syndrome.
  2. The following method also makes it possible to relieve pain during hemorrhoids at home. Take one peeled garlic clove and inject it into the anus at night. When morning defecation, he leaves on his own. This procedure is done within a week. You can repeat the session only after an interval of one day.
  3. Rapid relief of pain with hemorrhoids and relief of symptoms can be done with cold water or ice. Despite the triviality of this method, the ice sufficiently effectively helps to relieve the exacerbation. To simplify the procedure for ice treatment, it is necessary to freeze water in the form of a rectal suppository.
  4. To relieve the pain with hemorrhoids at home, they make an enema with a decoction of chamomile. The broth is prepared as follows: take two spoons of dried chamomile( you can buy it freely at the pharmacy or prepare yourself), pour a glass of boiling water and stay on the steam for about 15 minutes. A ready-made broth is filtered and after cooling it is used for staging enemas. It is recommended to do microclysters with a volume of not more than 50 ml. The time of such procedures should not exceed 2 weeks.
  5. Traditional medicine offers to treat painful hemorrhoids with the help of mountain ash. To do this, from the berries make a mushy mass, which is placed in gauze and applied tightly to the outer knots.
  6. It will help to ease the condition and get rid of the pain with hemorrhoids bark of the oak, it is enough to make an enema out of its decoction. To prepare the solution, 100 grams of fresh bark or 30 grams of dried bark( bought at the pharmacy) are taken, the mass is poured into water with a volume of 1 liter and is brought to a boil. After the broth has cooled and filtered, it is ready for delivery of an enema. This course is designed for one week.

What if the hemorrhoids get out and hurt? It is enough to quickly get rid of severe pain in case of an exacerbation of a hemorrhoids it is possible simply enough only in the event that features of disease of the concrete patient and a stage of development of illness are known. In this regard, it is strongly recommended to see a doctor and listen to his advice.

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