Treatment of internal hemorrhoids with folk remedies and methods, how to effectively cure enemas and baths at home?

Faced with such a disease as internal hemorrhoids, the patient can not decide to contact his or her polyclinic, or resort to alternative medicine. It is best to choose in favor of one or another, only based on the general condition.

In any case, it is recommended to first diagnose internal hemorrhoids, and only then turn to folk treatment. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant sensations of subjects at the time of defecation;
  • Bloody discharge on toilet paper or underwear;
  • Often, cavernous cones fall out;
  • The patient may experience burning sensation in the perianal zone.

If cavernous formations are not started, treatment with folk remedies will quickly normalize the patient's condition.

Traditional medicine against internal hemorrhoids

A man from a long time to strive to get everything useful from nature. This also applies to home treatment. Most of the herbs, root crops and other vegetation can withstand even the most serious ailments. Hemorrhoidal nodes are no exception.

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To cure internal hemorrhoids at home, folk remedies do not necessarily have to run to the field for flowers, it is enough to visit your garden. An excellent folk remedy, cope with the disease, is the usual potatoes. To prepare candles you will need:

  • Directly potatoes and vegetable oil;
  • With a knife, cut out a piece of candy from a potato;
  • Lubricate the potato slice with vegetable oil;
  • Carefully insert a candle into the anus;
  • The candle should be in the rectum all night;
  • Treatment at home should be continued for 10-12 days.

Another unique folk remedy for internal hemorrhoids is the aspen leaf. It is best to use such a folk remedy in the event that the cavernous sacs fall out. Aspen leaves must be placed on a cavernous formation for 2 hours. After that, the patient should rest for a few days. If the cavernous formations continue to disturb the patient, repeat the procedure.

As a home remedy for internal hemorrhoids, rowan can appear. It is necessary to break fresh fruits, after which make juice from them. In addition to the medicine for hemorrhoids, mountain ash can act as a laxative, which allows you to fight with constipation. Freshly picked ashberry juice is recommended to take in the morning at lunch and in the evening for 50-55 grams of juice. For a good taste, it is best to add a few grams of sugar. You can also drink a mountain ash juice with a glass of water.

Baths with internal hemorrhoids

You can fight with a complicated disease not only with candles. One of the effective folk remedies for combating hemorrhoids is the use of baths. Sedentary baths became very popular. In order to carry out the treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home, you must use herbs. It all depends on the type of bath:

To prepare the solution
  • need 3 liters of water, 600 grams of grass smartweed, 3 cups of milk and 600 grams of chopped rolls. Grass is brewed in water, and bread rolls in milk. When both drugs are ready to pour them into the pelvis. The patient sits down with the anus in the basin and is there for a while. The procedure should be performed 4 weeks and only after bowel movement;
  • Effective treatment of internal hemorrhoids at home can be done with a smoke bath. To prepare it you will need a camel's thorn, onion and garlic. As a container it is better to use a bucket or a can. On the bottom of the container is placed a red-hot stone or brick, which is alternately thrown into the component of the medicine. When there is a faint smoke, the patient should be placed above it, so that the smoke gets on the anus. Pain and burning will pass in a few minutes;
  • You can treat internal hemorrhoids at home with cold baths. For the medicine you will need chamomile, horse chestnut seeds, sage and oak bark. Each component is taken in an amount of 50 grams. Herbal collection should be filled with 500 milliliters of boiled water. The broth is infused for 2 hours. After that, you can sit in a basin with a decoction. Actions are best performed before bedtime for 15-20 minutes.

In case if there is no possibility to take a bath, you can use lotions. To cure an internal hemorrhoids at home is not difficult, it is important to follow everything strictly according to the instructions.

You can use manganese as a lotion. The solution should have a light pink shade. The soft tissue is wetted by the solution, and then applied to the anus for 15-20 minutes.

enemas for internal hemorrhoids

To cope with the problem, it is possible in the rectum to enter a special solution, which facilitate the patient's general condition. Care should be given to the treatment of folk remedies of internal hemorrhoids with bleeding. It is best to first stop the blood, and only then proceed to the procedures. There are several types of enemas used for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • First of all it is necessary to resort to the enema, which will clean the intestines. This is best done before the specialist performs a diagnosis or if constipation occurs. The solution can be ordinary warm water;
  • To treat internal hemorrhoids can be such a folk remedy as a curative enema. For the solution it is necessary to use chamomile, wormwood, oak bark and chestnut. The volume of the liquid should not exceed 100 milliliters. The components are capable of removing inflammatory processes, as well as stop bleeding;
  • Washing with an oily solution. Such procedures allow you to get rid of constipation. As a solution of various kinds of oils, you can also use petroleum jelly;
  • As folk remedies for internal hemorrhoids, men may have hypertensive enemas. For the solution, a saline solution is used;
  • Microclysters with internal hemorrhoids allow a short time to cope with the disease. For the procedure, it is best to use decoctions of wormwood, strawberry or marigold. Sometimes plants such as beets or potato juice are used.

General rules for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids

home to cure effectively held, simple rules should be carried out without deviation. From the diet, hot drinks should be excluded:

  • Tea;
  • Coffee;
  • Cocoa.

Also, when treating folk methods of cavernous formations, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcoholic beverages from use. It is best to reduce the number of products used:

  • White bread and other flour products;
  • Potatoes;
  • Rice;
  • Chocolate.

In summer, it is better to eat fruits and vegetables. Hot and spicy food is an irritant. The diet should be strict, so that the patient goes on the amendment much faster.

Prolonged sitting helps to develop hemorrhoids, so it's best to do gymnastics every day. In the interval between work it is recommended to make small walks.

Folk medicine is able to quickly cope with cavernous formations. It is important to follow the instructions when performing any method. In the event that a complication occurs, you need to contact the specialists as soon as possible.

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