Peppermint - Photo

Mint is one of the most common and well-known plants. It has not only a pleasant aroma, but also a lot of useful substances. Thanks to all of them the plant has received wide application in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. In total, more than 300 varieties are known, but often no more than 20 are used. The article will describe in detail peppermint, photos will clearly help to see the diversity of this plant.

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  • Benefits and contraindications of peppermint
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  • Peppermint medicinal properties and contraindications

Brief botanical description

Mint is unpretentiousHerbaceous plant, which feels comfortable wherever it grows. In the shade and under direct sunlight, it develops perfectly. All plant varieties require moderate watering, but additional feeding can not be made. The healing herb reproduces rapidly, it does by cuttings, seeds, growth of the root system and rooting of individual leaves.

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The spicy plant has a long straight stem, along which the leaves are evenly distributed. The height of the shoot can reach a meter. In some varieties it is dark purple, but in most cases it has green shades. Depending on the variety, they have a dark or light green color of the leaves, and on the edge are small denticles. Flowering begins in the middle of summer and lasts until September. The root system is well developed, it has tree-like processes that spread along the neighboring territory.

Types of mint, photos with names of varieties

All studied species of this plant have the aroma inherent only to it. Peppermint is unique, as all of its varieties are actively grown and used in a variety of spheres of life. There are many kinds of menthol grass, below are the most popular varieties, photos of plants will help them to see clearly.


A variety of spicy grass was brought out by the English by crossing three types: spikelet, water and wild. The plant is not whimsical at all, but it begins to develop poorly with abundant weeds. After 3 years, shrubs need a transplant, as they age and lose an attractive decorative appearance. In the flowering period, it is an excellent honeycomb. The plant contains about 4.5% of menthol oil, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Mint Swamp

This variety is also widely known as mint blossom. In large quantities, it can be found on the territory of Russia, the Caucasus and Ukraine. In height, it reaches up to 50 cm, on the branched shoot there are oblong leaves. Flowering begins in July, and ends in mid-September. Inflorescences are collected in dense rings, located around the shoot. The leaves of the plant contain 2% menthol. Dry leaves and stems are used, as a seasoning in cooking, also it is a part of medicines.

Mint room

Homemade herb is one of the most common indoor plants. It has the same flavor and useful properties as all other members of this family. Spicy plant is not whimsical and perfectly develops in a home pot. It emits essential oils that scare away a variety of insects. It can be used for tea making, dessert and other dishes.

Peppermint Cream

In people this medicinal herb is widely known as lemon balm or honey mint. It blooms throughout the summer, and its aroma attracts bees, so mint is an excellent honey. This variety contains unique essential oils, which are widely used in medicine. Melisa is unpretentious, she perfectly tolerates the cold and does not require additional fertilizer. The height of the stems can reach more than a meter. Spicy plant is appreciated by its aroma and excellent taste, so it is widely used in cooking. Lemon mint is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Menthol Mint

This variety is a representative of peppermint. A distinctive feature is the more pronounced and rich flavor of menthol. The height of the stems is more than 50 cm, the leaves are stretched along it. Peppermint is resistant to a variety of pests and diseases, so it develops well. It is often used for cosmetic purposes, for cooking dishes, as well as in folk and traditional medicine.

How to dry and store medicinal grass

Collect a spicy plant better in the country, where it is environmentally friendly. Many people deliberately plant it on household plots, so that it can then be harvested. Any variety of mint must be collected during active flowering. During this period it is filled with essential oils and useful ingredients. Cut the stems and lay them out in the fresh air, under a canopy to dry. Dry raw materials are ground and placed in a glass jar tightly closed with a lid. Keep medicinal herbs in a dark place.

Important! Mint is not allowed to be collected early in the morning when it is dew or after rain. The plant must be dry, so it retains all its useful properties.

The medicinal plant can be frozen. Instant temperature reduction, will save all the ethereal substances and useful components of mint.

Medical properties and chemical composition

Peppermint contains a large amount of menthol. In the leaves it is about 2%, and in the inflorescences 4-6%.In addition to this unique substance, it has many other useful components that the body needs. Specialists in the chemical composition of this plant found such substances:

  • carotene;
  • tanning elements;
  • is ascorbic acid;
  • phytosterols;
  • ethers;
  • routine.

Thanks to all these components mint helps health effectively, restoring the work of organs and systems. Its substances have medicinal properties, therefore it is a part of medicinal preparations, and it is used in folk medicine. Mint eliminates such problems in the body:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and eliminates nausea;
  • calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep;
  • tunes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminates infectious diseases( FLU, ARI, ARVI, tonsillitis);
  • treats a variety of skin ailments;
  • carefully cares for the oral cavity;
  • stimulates the kidneys;
  • has a choleretic effect on the body;
  • successfully copes with migraine;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • normalizes the work of the respiratory system( bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia).

Important! Before starting treatment with mint, consult a doctor. The doctor's recommendations will help to choose the right methods of therapy and not to harm the health.

Contraindications to the use of

Despite the many useful properties of this herb, it also has some contraindications. Although there are not many of them, these are important points to be paid attention to. Mint must be used with caution for people suffering from such diseases:

  • reduced blood pressure;
  • plant substances reduce the tone of blood vessels in the body;
  • varicose veins;
  • regular heartburn;
  • persistent drowsiness and loss of strength;
  • infertility.

Mint is forbidden to give to a child who is not 3 years old. It should also be used with caution by men, as it dulls the sex drive. People who have an allergic reaction to any components of spicy herbs should stop using it.

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