Diarrhea with pieces of undigested food, dyspeptic fluid stool in an adult

The correct functioning of the digestive system should be judged not only by the sensations that arise in the intestine or in the stomach, but also in appearance, color scale and the smell of stool. At least occasionally, one should pay attention to their emptying, since mothers do this, watching their newborn children.

At least once in your life a person notices diarrhea in his diarrhea. There are several reasons for the changes in the digestive process. Most often diarrhea with undigested food appears during fermentation, flowing in the intestine. A similar process can be caused by the heavy use of foods that contain fiber. A healthy person can cope with a certain amount of time with the load exerted on the intestines and stomach, but eventually the cells of the gastrointestinal tract become overextended. This disorder causes diarrheal diarrhea.

If there are no symptoms other than a loose stool with bits of undigested food, do not worry too much. Just remember what was used during lunch or dinner.

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Symptoms of diarrheal diarrhea

As a rule, dyspepsia develops sharply and suddenly. The adult person has vomiting, and the child has regurgitation. Such a reaction begins in half an hour after a meal. At the same time, there is a loose stool with undigested food. The frequency of diarrhea is increased up to 8 times a day. In addition to particles of food in the stool, you can notice an admixture of mucus and an unpleasant sour smell.

Another symptom is bloating. When intestinal colic occurs, a person experiences pain and discomfort. Despite the signs of diarrhea and digestion, the general condition of the patient does not change. He feels cheerful.

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the reasons for the appearance of diarrhea with undigested food pieces. There are several main reasons:

  • Pancreatic insufficiency;
  • The use of fiber, which the stomach can not digest and its remnants go out along with diarrhea;
  • Accelerated evacuation of food from the digestive tract;
  • Poisoning of expired products.

Treatment of loose stool with undigested food

After diarrhea was diagnosed in undigested food in an adult and the cause is determined, you can safely proceed to treatment. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet the heavy and irritating intestines food. Such products include:

  • Products containing fiber;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Spicy dishes.

After the diet is adjusted, you should start taking medications such as Creon and Mezim-forte.

In the event that the cause of diarrhea with food was the lack of gastric juice caused by gastritis with low acidity, the doctor will prescribe a therapy. In addition to therapy, hydrochloric acid and omeprazole are prescribed. Thus, it is possible to eliminate liquid stool and stop the development of gastritis.

With regard to the accelerated evacuation of food, which manifests itself in the form of a liquid stool and pieces of undigested food, this condition can be caused by inflammatory processes. Most often this is due to fault:

  • Kolita;
  • Gastroenteritis.

Treatment is carried out in accordance with the revealed pathology. Such diseases are difficult to treat at home, so the patient is hospitalized in a hospital. The patient is prescribed:

  • Antibiotics of a wide spectrum;
  • Regidron;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Analgin.

When diarrhea due to excessive consumption of foods containing fiber, it follows from their diet simply to exclude such food. Diarrhea will stop the next day and the digestion process will quickly recover.

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