Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home: cabbage leaf, herbs, reviews

Mastopathy is familiar to most modern women. A similar pathology is characterized by a pathological proliferation of the mammary gland with the formation in it of specific seals of benign nature.

Usually pathology is preceded by a hormonal imbalance. If you do not provide proper therapy, then the formation in the chest can degenerate into cancer.

Symptoms of

Women sometimes tend to experience some tenderness in their breasts on the eve of menstruation.

If the pain in the mammary gland acquires a periodic character, then there is reason to be on the alert, because the main sign of mastitis is pain.

Drawing sensation, aching or dull tenderness in the chest, which increases monthly on the eve of menstruation, indicates the development of mastopathy.

In general, the pain syndrome can manifest itself periodically or disturb the patient constantly. Sometimes painful discomfort is given in the shoulder blade, arm, shoulder area.

It is noteworthy that about 15% of patients with mastopathy do not experience pain symptoms, which experts attribute to high rates of individual pain threshold. In addition to pain, mastopathic processes are accompanied by:

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  • Isolation. A similar symptom may occur by itself or occurs with a characteristic pressure on the nipple area. The nature of the discharge may be insignificant or abundant. Shades of secreted secret are transparent, whitish, bloody, greenish, black-brown. The most alarming sign is the presence of bloody mammary iron secretions, a similar sign often indicates the development of malignant oncology;
  • Seals or assemblies. For self-examination, seals with uneven contours and indefinite boundaries are probed. If the nodular form of mastopathy has developed, then a clearly bounded node is palpable in the mammary gland. The complexity of such a diagnosis lies in the identity of the symptoms of nodal mastopathy and breast cancer. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, a mammal consultation and a biopsy are necessary;
  • Swelling of dairy fermented tissues. Occurs in connection with breast engorgement, which is caused by swelling and venous stasis. For such a symptom is characterized by the presence of mastalgia and mastodynia.

Treatment of mastopathy at home with folk remedies

In combination with professional and qualified treatment appointed by specialists, additional therapy in the form of folk methods is allowed.

Such treatment has a mass of positive effects in the general therapeutic picture:

  1. Helps reduce pain syndrome;
  2. Reduces the size of cystic and fibrous neoplasms;
  3. Traditional methods of treatment help prevent new tumors and prevent malignancy of the mastopathy process;
  4. Allows you to achieve hormonal balance;
  5. Has a soothing nervous systemic effect;
  6. Helps in the therapy of side pathologies, which facilitates the basic treatment.

With the help of techniques of traditional medicine, you can achieve amazing results. This approach to mastopathy often helps the patient avoid surgery.

In addition, folk remedies for mastopathy are safe and do not cause adverse reactions, which can not be said about hormone therapy, which is used traditionally.

However, even in folk medicine, there are contraindications to be reckoned with. It is contraindicated to treat fibro-cystic mastopathy with folk remedies if inflammatory symptoms such as hyperemia, swelling and hyperthermia occur.

In addition, when skin rashes appear on the breast, local remedies are not recommended.

Cabbage leaf

Treatment of mastopathy with the use of cabbage leaves has become widespread, because the results of this therapy are simply staggering.

How to apply cabbage leaf in mastitis:

  1. Lubricate the fresh leaf with honey and attach to the breast. Compress for overnight
  2. Lubricate a leaf of cabbage with butter and sprinkle with salt. Change this compress three times a day. Wearing for several days;
  3. The leaves are beaten with a hammer and applied soft on the chest. Do for the night.

As a result of the use of cabbage, pain is quickly coped, puffiness is eliminated, oncology is prevented and the size of neoplasms is reduced.

What herbs to drink with mastopathy

Often the main treatment for mastopathy is supplemented by the intake of herbal remedies containing such herbs as red brush, boric uterus, sage, oregano, hemlock, etc. All the above herbs contribute to the restoration of the hormonal balance and prevent the further proliferation of tissues.


Compresses have a good therapeutic effect. When mastopathy the following compresses are recommended:

  • Saline. 3 liters of salt are taken per liter of warm distilled water. It is necessary to soak the 4-layer dressing with this solution and apply it to the sick chest before going to bed. Course - 14 nightly procedures;Camphoric oil. It is necessary to mix the oil with alcohol( 1: 1).Soak a piece of multilayer gauze with this solution and apply on the breast for the night;
  • Castor oil. Castor oil is slightly heated and impregnated with multilayer gauze, then applied to the chest. Keep at least 2.5 hours. Course -14 daily procedures;
  • Fresh beetroot finely grate to a gruel-like condition, add 5 parts of honey and lay on multilayer gauze or cabbage leaf. The compress is superimposed on the affected chest for 30-40 minutes. Do three times a day.

Such compresses perfectly cope with soreness and discomfort in the affected mammary glands, relieve puffiness and facilitate the general condition of the patient.


No less effective in the treatment of mastopathy are tinctures for internal administration. They are made from herbs, walnut parts, etc. Here are a few common recipes for mastopathy:

  1. Tincture from walnut partitions. Of 30 nuts, remove the membranes and fill them with 100 ml of alcohol. Withstand the mixture in the dark for about 5 days. Take three to four times a day for 20 drops;
  2. Effectively against mastopathy and drinking with birch tar. 3 drops of tar are added to the glass of milk( 1-3 days of treatment), on the second three days of 5 drops( 4-6 days) and in the third three days( 7-9 days).Is taken internally;
  3. Also effective tincture from the roots of burdock. Chopped raw materials( tsp) are poured with boiling water( 1/2 l) and overnight is insisted. Drink the next day.


With diffuse or nodular mastopathy, beekeeping products like honey and propolis are widely used.

Propolis insist on alcohol or water.50 g of raw material is poured into the floor with a liter of alcohol. Withstand in the dark for 10 days, periodically shaking the container. This tincture is taken internally in pure form or dissolving in drinks.

For treatment often used and propolisnuyu ointment. She is smeared with a sick chest, and then she is wrapped in a woolen cloth for the night. Propolis oil is used in a similar way.

Flaxseed oil

Incredibly useful for mastitis flaxseed oil. It is recommended to take 3 tablets daily.l. This oil is seasoned with salads and other dishes. You can lubricate the breast with linseed oil for the night.

The use of this oil in the treatment of mastopathy is due to its ability to restore metabolic estrogenic processes and hormonal balance. You can take a similar device in the form of capsules, having previously discussed their actions with the mammologist.

Ointment Vishnevskogo

In contrast to the above preparations Ointment Vishnevsky with mastopathy is not recommended.

This drug is designed to accelerate abscesses in order to subsequently remove suppuration through the skin surface. And the mastopathic processes are not connected in any way with abscesses and suppurative reactions, therefore and application of similar ointment here is inexpedient.

However, some sources contain recipes containing Vishnevsky ointment as an active ingredient:

  • A mixture of 3 parts of Vishnevsky ointment, 7 parts of fir oil mixed with baby cream( 1: 3).Put the ointment on a multilayer gauze and place on the chest, fastening with adhesive tape. Wear continuously, changing the bandage 2-3 times a day;
  • Lubricate a leaf of cabbage with Vishnevsky ointment and attach to the breast.

Massage of mammary glands

Massage procedures are considered effective methods of treatment of mastopathy. They relieve painful symptoms, relax and stimulate blood flow, eliminate puffiness, prevent malignant mastopathy.

Massage sessions with fibrous and fibrocystic mastopathic form are especially effective, however, only a qualified masseur should carry them out.

Massage is not shown to every patient with mastopathy, therefore preliminary consultation of the mammologist is necessary.



I some years ago got rid of mastopathy with the help of cabbage compresses. She rubbed the cabbage leaf with natural honey and fixed it on her breast for the night. About a week later the breast became completely soft, but I continued to put such a compress a week. It helped.


Long treated mastopathy with various expensive drugs, changed them together in mammologists several times. Now like a good doctor caught. In addition to Mastodinon, he recommended drinking herbal tea with a red broom. I mix these herbs 1: 1 and brew it in the glass. I drink in the morning and before bed. There were notable improvements, although no drugs had helped before.


And I treated mastopathy on the advice of my grandmother. Every evening she rubbed beetroot and applied a compress to her breasts. Leave for the night. So 2 months to do. Mastopathy dissolved, as if there was none at all.

To my mother in her youth, a grandmother advised me to make salt bandages from mastopathy. Mama spent three weeks every evening. I do not know what helped, but more than 20 years have passed, and no more mention of mastopathy.

Video Recipes for the Treatment of Mastopathy:

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