Intra-ductular papilloma of the mammary gland: causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Benign breast formations should not be considered not hazardous to health. Some of them, for example intraprostatic papilloma, under certain circumstances degenerate into cancer, so treatment of such formations should be done in a timely manner.

What is intra-cellular papilloma of the breast?

Intra-flow papilloma is an outgrowth formed from epithelial cells of the milk ducts of the mammary gland. This benign neoplasm has other names - cystadenopapilloma, papillary cystadenoma.

Visually located inside the duct of the papilloma is similar to cystic growth, in neglected cases, necrosis zones and areas with hemorrhages are revealed around the tumor. Inside the papilloma is a secret with blood, the walls of this formation are fragile enough and therefore any, even the slightest injury can lead to their damage.

Trauma of the tumor ends with the discharge from the nipple of the sap or even a large amount of blood.

The dimensions of the intraprostatic papilloma vary greatly, some patients have a few millimeters of formation in the examination, others have a papilloma growth of up to several centimeters.

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In the photo remote intraprostatic papilloma of the mammary gland

The papillomas located deep in the chest do not change the external shape of the breast, it is understood that atypical changes in the mammary gland can only be caused by the appearance of various secretions from the nipple itself.

There are no age limits to the possible formation of papillomas in the ducts of the mammary glands. Often, this pathology is detected in adolescent girls and in women who entered the postmenopausal period.

But nevertheless, most of all with intraprostatic papillomas, women are diagnosed after 40 years, after this age, natural changes occur in the breast, increasing the risk of the appearance of any neoplasms.

Ordinary papilloma or a wart at any time can become a cancerous melanoma! If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes. Learn how to quickly get rid of papillomas and warts ยป

Causes of development of

The primary cause of papillomas in the mammary ducts is a hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman.

Such a shift in the body occurs in a number of diseases and under the influence of provoking factors, this group of hormonal disorders include:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases in the appendages - oophoritis, adnexitis.
  • Presence in the anamnesis of multiple abortions and surgical manipulations on the appendages and uterus.
  • Obesity.
  • The effect of prolonged negative stress.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.

A study of patients with cystadenopapillomas also established a risk group, it includes:

  • Women with a hereditary predisposition to benign and malignant breast tumors.
  • Smokers Patients.
  • Birthless women.


Intra-flow papillomas are classified into several parameters. Depending on the site of localization of this tumor, there are:

  • Central papillomas, they occupy a place next to the areola of the breast.
  • Peripheral papillomas can grow anywhere else in the breast.

Depending on the amount of papilloma formed inside the breast ducts are divided into:

  • Single or solitary. Single papilloma most often occupies the subareolar zone.
  • Multiple papillomas. A large number of cystic papillomas are detected in the peripheral areas of the breast. It is the multiple papillomas that are most often subjected to malignant degeneration.

Symptoms of

Often intraprostatic papilloma becomes an accidental finding with a prophylactic examination of the mammary glands. This is characteristic of neoplasms located in the subordinate ducts.

To define a papilloma it is possible on two signs, it:

  • Allocations. A transparent or reddish secret can be allocated from the nipple, a similar change is noted both continuously and periodically.
  • Pain. Painful sensations are more troubling when you feel the knot. When palpation, the new formation resembles a rounded knot that is elastic in consistence. Pressing leads to the fact that the nipple increases the amount of discharge, and the knot itself then decreases somewhat in size.

Often intraprostatic papilloma is infected and this causes the appearance of severe pain, the skin over the formation becomes inflamed, swells, the character of the discharge changes, they become yellowish with an admixture of pus.

Diagnosis of

A mammologist is engaged in the examination of women with neoplasm in the chest. Already at examination and palpation the doctor on characteristic signs and character of allocations from a nipple can assume about presence of a papilloma in ducts.

Immediately the swab of the excretions for cytology is taken. If the analysis shows the presence of atypical cells, then an in-depth examination is mandatory, allowing to exclude the cancer process.

To confirm the diagnosis of intraprostatic papilloma, the mammologist appoints:

  • Doktografiyu. This is a method of radiopaque examination of all ducts of the mammary glands, allowing to reveal the size of the tumor and its location. It is on the basis of this survey that a decision is made to choose the method of removing the papilloma.
  • Ultrasound, mammography and MRI are prescribed to exclude other benign or malignant tumors in the breast.

Treatment of of papillary cystadenoma

Detection of intraluminal papilloma is regarded by doctors as a precancerous change in the mammary gland, therefore in any case the removal of such a tumor is indicated.

The operation is called sectoral resection. Initially, a surgical incision is made around the nipple, which allows the surgeon to examine all the ducts. When revealing defective tissues, they are removed along with the papillomas, and the incision is sewn with a cosmetic suture.

If the formation is next to the nipple, then the patients are assigned local anesthesia. When revealing neoplasms in the depth of the chest, general anesthesia is used. The operation is carried out in such a way that the woman's breast shape does not practically change, which means that there is no need for a subsequent plastic surgery.


There is no specific prevention of the disease. Women should understand that most tumors in the breast are due to hormonal imbalance and therefore it is necessary to treat all diseases on time.

Constant prophylactic examinations and age-appropriate examinations allow you to capture any formation in the chest at the stage where treatment is most effective.

Video on the signs of intra-cellular papilloma of the breast:

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