The causes of paraproctitis, from what happens?

Paraproctitis is an acute or chronic inflammation in the cell membrane of the rectal cavity. According to the data, the frequency and disease is 30% among all diseases of the rectum, which affects about 0.5% of the population. The emergence of paraproctitis is predominantly observed in men, the main contingent of patients being the age category from 30 to 50 years. What causes such a disease of the rectum?

Anal glands and Morgenian crypts are very important elements in the pathogenesis of paraproctitis. Intramuscular glands appear during fetal development, and at birth they already exist in the child, however, their functionality begins with the period of puberty. For this reason, this kind of disease, which is associated with the inflammatory processes of crypts and glands, mainly begins to develop in adults. In this case, the flora is polymicrobial with the inevitable participation of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine.

What causes this disease in children? In children of a younger age category, the cause of paraproctitis is infection in the cellulose, through macerated skin, and in newborns, the cause of the onset of the disease is often accompanied by a local infectious focus in septicopyemia.

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Paraproctitis causative agents

The onset of paraproctitis begins due to the entry into the cellular structure of the intestinal microflora of various bacteria. In the case of normal paraproctitis, the polymicrobial flora prevails. Inflammatory processes with the participation of anaerobes will be accompanied by a particularly severe manifestation of the disease - gas phlegmon of the pelvic fat, putrefactive paraproctitis, and anaerobic sepsis.

Tuberculosis, syphilis, actinomycosis rarely cause specific paraproctitis. However, if the disease is tuberculous etiology, then it begins to develop with the penetration of the tubercle bacillus from the inflammatory focus of the lung cavity.

The pathways for pathogenic bacteria that cause paraproctitis can be different. Disease-causing bacteria begin to penetrate into the pararectal tissue from the anal gland, which opens the passage to the anal crypts. As a result of the appearance of inflammatory processes in the anal gland, its duct begins to overlap, in the interspersing space an abscess is formed that breaks into the perianal or pararectal tissue. The transition of the processes from the inflamed glands to the surface of the pararectal tissue is also possible due to the lymphogenous pathway.

Disease-causing bacteria, which are the causes of the disease, can penetrate through such spaces as:

  • Internal - communicates with the submucosal layer of the rectum.
  • Between the inner and the intermediate layer of longitudinal muscles with direct communication with pelviorektvalnoy fiber.
  • Between the inner and the intermediate layer of the longitudinal muscles, which communicate with the upper part of the ischiorectal tissue.
  • External, which connects with ischiorectal tissue due to fibrous septa that pass through the surface portion of the external sphincter.

Immediate causes of paraproctitis

So what is a paraproctitis? First of all, the cause for the onset of the disease is the presence of injuries of the mucous membrane of the rectal cavity by means of foreign bodies, which are contained in stool. Also include development of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Injuries to the rectal cavity are rarely the cause of the onset of the disease.

The cause of paraproctitis may also be hidden in a secondary disease. In this case, inflammatory processes will transfer to the surface of the pararectal tissue from the prostate gland, urethra or female genital organs. So, here you can include various chronic diseases, acute or chronic infection of the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Also often the cause of paraproctitis is a stool disorder.

The development of the disease can begin because of a decrease in immunity, physical activity, lifting weights, erratic reception of acute and fatty foods, which is consumed by alcoholic beverages.

As you can see, the reasons for paraproctitis is enough, the pathogenesis is not complicated, and to prevent the appearance of the disease it is worth to adhere to preventive measures.

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