Why there is no sulfur in the ears: causes of pathology, provoking factors, treatment

Many people are worried about the question of why there is little sulfur in the ear. Sometimes this leads to a feeling of discomfort, itching may occur. But more often no manifestations are observed.

Secret in the ear

Similar discharge is a paste-like mass, which consists of protein, lipid cells. Its formation is due to the functioning of the sulfur glands, which are at the beginning of the ear canal of the outer ear. In a normal state, sulfur has a viscous consistency, sometimes slightly oily. Normally its shade is light brown.

Thanks to this secret, an acidic environment is formed in the ear. It is unfavorable for bacteria, so infection is more difficult to pass through such a barrier into the inner ear. In general, earwax performs several functions:

  • protects the ears from bacteria,
  • does not allow dust and particles of dirt to penetrate to the eardrum or to the middle ear,
  • protects against water,
  • has disinfectant properties.

Low or no sulfur: causes

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With a small amount of secretion, adequate hearing protection is not provided. Poor moisturizing, open access for microbes is just a small part of the problem. Many causes can lead to such a problem:

  • Congenital anomalies. Due to various abnormalities in development, sulfur glands cease to function normally with time. Sometimes such dysfunction is detected immediately after birth.
  • Smoking. Inhaled fumes of tobacco smoke cause damage to the entire body, including sulfur glands.
  • Improper hygiene procedures. If cleaning measures are used, the gland zone may be injured. This leads to inadequate functioning.
  • The age factor. Over the years, some bodies and systems stop working properly.
  • Tumors. When the structure of the cells changes, inflammation may appear. Earwax also ceases to be produced. The consequence is the destruction of cells in the hearing organ.

Why do you need earwax - answer in our video:

Treatment of pathology

First, contact an otolaryngologist for an accurate diagnosis. If there are coccal bacteria or fungal spores, then the cause is banal inflammation. For treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are taken, sometimes antibiotics. Usually after a full recovery all the processes are being adjusted.

For restoration can be appointed:

  • ointment,
  • physiotherapy.

Modern clinics use hardware methods aimed at determining the state of the cells of the epithelium. If there are problems, the impact is carried out by means of impulses and special electrodes, which are reinforced to the damaged zones.

If there is little sulfur in the ear due to a congenital anomaly, the doctor will prescribe an ointment that compensates for this absence. With it, the auditory canal is constantly moistened. At the same time, disinfection is carried out.


Thanks to various modern tools, the absence of sulfur is not an irreparable problem. Therefore, with the timely elimination of the cause and the treatment begun, the activity of the sulfur glands can be restored or compensated.

If the amount of sulfur is small due to a tumor, then most likely the doctor will offer surgical treatment. Special attention of doctors is recommended to address the situation if the problem is not congenital, but acquired.

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