How does a benign brain tumor manifest?

1 What is an ailment?

There are such types of neoplasms:

  1. Schwannoma. It arises from the formation of Schwannom cells, which in turn form a shell covering the surface of the nerve.
  2. Ependymoma occurs as a result of the appearance of cells lining the ventricle of the brain.
  3. Meningioma occurs from the cells of the brain envelope.

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Among all kinds of tumors, there are benign species that have an innate nature. These include:

  • craniopharyngioma chordoma;
  • to germine;
  • to teratom;
  • dermoid cyst;
  • angioma.

Meningioma is a type of benign tumor subspecies characterized by a secondary appearance. It can develop again even after removal. More often such a tumor affects women, and it happens in any age group. The methods of therapy and the symptoms of the disease directly depend on the size of the tumor, its location and the rate of growth. From what kind of tumor is presented, the consequences of the onset of this tumor also depend.

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When a benign tumor has large dimensions, it can worsen intellectual brain functions. Similar types of tumors have cancer cells. Typical for them is slow growth. However, this fact absolutely does not reassure, because with their growth, the remaining areas of the brain are squeezed, which leads to swelling, and this leads to the onset of an inflammatory process in healthy nerve tissues, and intracranial pressure increases.

In very rare cases there is a transition from a benign tumor to a malignant formation. In this case, treatment will have a completely different direction.

2 Diagnosis of the disease

To clearly define the diagnosis as a brain tumor, the patient is recommended to conduct some examinations in terms of neurology. In particular, to make a vision test, during which it is mandatory to analyze the condition of the fundus, the work of the vestibular apparatus, to audit the hearing aid and olfactory, and taste buds.

The condition of the blood vessels in the eyeball can also give information about the level of intracranial pressure. The use of functional techniques is the key to establishing more accurate diagnoses.

There are such types of diagnosis of the disease:

  1. Electroencephalography. With this technique, there are identified common or local changes in the human brain.
  2. Radiology( it's also a radiography).This type of examination can be computer or magnetic resonance. Examination of the cranium by these methods is necessary in order to determine the location of pathological formation and its characteristic features.
  3. Laboratory research. With it, an examination of cerebrospinal fluid is performed, during which evidence of the characteristic features of the tumor is obtained.

In the presence of benign education requires a neurological examination with a special meticulousness.

3 Symptoms of

What are the symptoms of the disease? At first, the benign tumor manifests itself rather poorly, and the patient may not experience much excitement. When the formation begins to increase in volume, it starts to squeeze some parts of the brain. Accordingly, this phenomenon begins to provoke the symptoms of the disease. They can affect different human organs, such as hearing organs, eyesight or smell.

Sometimes there is a disturbance of balance and coordination of the musculoskeletal system. The concentration of attention, memory or speech may be broken - the mental qualities of a person. Sometimes there are unexpected cramps or twitching of any part of the muscle mass. The patient suffers frequent attacks of a nausea or involuntarily arising vomiting, the head hurts, there is a numbness of extremities. In exceptional cases, partial or complete paralysis of the face occurs.


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It is important not to forget that the initial signs of a brain tumor can be served by just nonspecific symptoms, such as the occurrence of headaches and dizziness. In the case of their appearance without special reasons, especially when they begin to progress, it is mandatory to consult a doctor and conduct a full investigation.

4 Applicable treatment

With a benign tumor, no chemotherapy sessions are provided. For each individual, an individual type of treatment is selected, based on the symptoms of the disease. The patient is mainly influenced by his state of health and the presence of associated types of diseases. One of the main methods, which is aimed at eliminating a benign brain tumor, is craniotomy. This is a kind of surgical intervention, during which the patient is opened a skull and pathogenic formation is removed.

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After the surgery, radiotherapy is prescribed. During treatment, those manifestations of the disease that are left are eliminated. The most commonly prescribed form of radiotherapy is traditional. However, in special cases a proton species or radiosurgery is prescribed. Sometimes a medicamentous method of therapy is used. It involves the use of corticosteroid drugs that can reduce the swelling of the brain tissue, which can remove some of the symptoms.

The most effective way to treat a benign brain tumor is through a proton technique. With its help, it is possible to eliminate in full some varieties of tumors. At the same time, nearby organs and tissues do not suffer, and complications with such treatment practically do not arise. Once the course of treatment is completed, the patient will be able to lead the old way of life.

Proton treatment, affecting the formation of a benign species, can reduce the number of doses of radiation in half. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that hormonal and neurocognitive functions are damaged to the least extent. The probability of reappearance of the tumor greatly decreases, to a lesser extent, the organs of hearing, eyes and the central nervous system are irradiated. There is no evidence of a benign tumor that is incurable. Of course, in rare cases, there are situations in which all symptoms can not be eliminated. Sometimes there is difficulty speaking, or vision may not recover.

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