How to treat sinusitis during pregnancy at home?

1 Causes of the development of the disease

Sinusitis can develop with infection of the upper respiratory tract by viruses and bacteria caught through the nose, mouth or throat. With inflammation of one sinus of the nose, the disease has a one-sided course, with both sinuses affected - bilateral.

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In the event of an inflammatory process, for the first time the genyantritis in pregnancy proceeds in acute form. With a prolonged course of the disease( more than 6-7 weeks) passes into a chronic form, there are possible relapses, various complications.

The development of the disease can be a consequence of rhinitis, untreated colds, runny nose, with injury of maxillary sinuses with streptococcal or staphylococcal infection, or in violation of the anatomical structure of the nose, when shortness of breath chases women constantly.

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2 What is the danger of the disease?

The main danger of maxillary sinusitis in pregnant women is that breathing is difficult, the nose is often embedded, the body does not receive enough oxygen. Deficiency can lead to hypoxia, which is very dangerous not only for the baby and can affect the bearing. This affects negatively the heart, lungs, blood pressure will begin to jump.

Over time, the inflammatory process will spread to the brain, the larynx, will provoke the development of other serious diseases: sepsis, tonsillitis, meningitis, pneumonia. Treatment can get difficult, protracted character at transition of an illness in the chronic form. Remains the only way to get rid of the pathology - an operation that is very harmful in pregnancy. Inflammation affects the jaws of the teeth, leads to soreness, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

3 How to recognize the ailment?

Symptoms of the disease are not pleasant. In addition to the permanent stuffiness of the nose( which is usually the case with unilateral sinusitis), on the contrary, there may be abundant mucous secretions of a greenish hue. Often there is a pressing pain under the eyes, a cough, sometimes suffocating and tearing, disturbing at night, manifested by attacks due to the flow of pus on the back wall of the pharynx into the alveoli of the bronchi, then falling and clogging the lungs. The temperature rises sharply in the acute course of the disease. With a combination of all the signs, the general state of health is rather unpleasant.

With constant flow of mucus from the nose or, conversely, the stuffing is produced resistant keratitis, conjunctivitis due to the pressure of purulent contents on the eyes. Often pressing headaches. Any medicamentous effect on the fetus in the early term( up to 12 weeks) can lead to intoxication, other severe lesions in the baby in the future. This condition is extremely dangerous.

Sinusitis during pregnancy at an early stage of development has minor signs and resembles a common cold. Although it is against the background of it with reduced immunity, an inflammatory process can begin. This gives some difficulties in identifying the disease, and not all diagnostic methods are acceptable for pregnant women. For example, it is impossible to perform X-rays due to harmful x-ray exposure, as well as computed tomography, in order not to harm the baby by carelessness.

The doctor makes the conclusion and appointment of treatment on the basis of taking a puncture, visual examination of patients, diaphanoscopy due to the transmission of maxillary sinuses, ultrasound examination on the thermal imager.


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4 Treatment measures

How to treat sinusitis? After taking many medications during pregnancy is undesirable, and the doctor is forced to choose more sparing methods for suppressing foci of infection and restoring drainage in the paranasal sinuses.

A simple and harmless method is a puncture. The essence is to introduce a sterile needle into the sinuses, pouring in a disinfectant solution, for example, Miramistine. Perhaps the appointment of vasoconstrictive drugs - Nazivin, For the nose, Otilin, Pharmazoline - by irrigation of the sinuses of the nose with these sprays up to 3 times a day.

For the dilution of clusters in sinuses, a harmless drug Sinupret is recommended. It is better to use it in tablets. Drops containing alcohol are undesirable for admission to pregnant women.

Treat sinusitis during pregnancy effectively by local administration of antiseptics in the sinuses. Drainage is restored, nasal cavities are cleared, foci of infection are suppressed, breathing is normalized.

The procedure for nasal lavage is the safest and most effective treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women, it can be used at home, but only with the permission of a doctor. For washing use salt, antiseptic, or more harmless - herbal solution. The essence lies in the conduct of a special device in the nose in one nostril, in the other - antiseptic. There is a rinsing of the cavities, evacuation of pus and removal of inflammation. In the remission period, warming up and physiotherapeutic procedures are useful.

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Antibiotics are applicable only in extreme cases, with a progressive course of the disease. No way should they be taken without the permission of the attending physician, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is still being formed. It is possible to use preparations of antibiotics on a plant basis, which do not have harmful effects on the fetus.

Some antibacterial agents do not cause a teratogenic effect, for example, Azithromycin, Augmentin, Spiramycin, cephalosporins are allowed to be taken during pregnancy. As an auxiliary therapy: Lineks, Hilak forte, Bifiform with beneficial bacteria. As an alternative to antibiotics, preparations of homeopathy are applicable: Cinabsin, Asinis, Euphorium. The course of treatment depends on the shape and stage of sinusitis.

Puncture in the form of a puncture of the maxillary sinuses is not only a diagnostic method, but also a cure. When you introduce a special needle into the nasal cavity with medical fluid, breathing is released, nasal passages from accumulations of pus and mucus are cleared, headache passes, body temperature normalizes. It is not true, when patients think that taking a puncture only strengthens the course of the inflammatory process, leads to relapses. Doctors insist on the main reason for the development of sinusitis - untreated early rhinitis, other forms of colds. Puncture is an ordinary puncture, an effective and harmless way of treatment.

Than to treat a genyantritis in house conditions, the doctor can prompt only. Effective and safe inhalation by brewing herbs: oregano, chamomile, birch leaves and inhaling the vapor with the nose, taking cover with a towel. Also medicinal teas from chamomile, St. John's wort or mint, able to relieve inflammation and strengthen immunity.

5 Folk methods of therapy

Medicinal herbs can help with ailment in combination with the main purpose of the doctor, also at the initial stage of sinusitis, or when the symptoms go to recession.

It is recommended to wash the nose with antiseptics: sea salt, decoction of mint or chamomile, marigold.

Well cures inflammation cuff ordinary( infusion).For cooking 3-4 st.l.dry grass pour boiling water( 2 cups), insist up to 5 hours, drain and water the nasal cavity if necessary.

Common caddis and peppermint( infusion).3 tbsp.l collection pour boiling water, insist up to 3 hours, apply 4-5 times a day.

Sorrel horse( root) 1st.l.pour hot water( 1 glass), boil the mixture, insist, rinse the sinuses of the nose.

Leaves of grapes( infusion) wash away mucus and pus, thus cleansing the nose. The natural composition is safe, well removes inflammation, it is recommended to women in an interesting position. It is important to achieve the passage of nasal congestion, otherwise the genyantritis in pregnancy can give complications to the ears, lead to the development of otitis, with infection - with purulent contents.

It is important for a future mother to increase the body's resistance to different infections. To enhance the protective forces are useful teas with lemon, honey, rosehip broth.

In no case can warm up the maxillary sinuses.

Breathing can only be released for a while, then bacteria and viruses will begin to multiply only with greater force.

6 Prevention measures

Genyantritis in pregnancy usually begins with a cold, and it is important not to miss this moment, to begin treatment in order to drown out the further spread of the inflammatory process. Fighting with a cold is important right away as soon as it appears. You can prepare drops at home, and instill them to improve the condition:

  1. Plantain juice diluted with water( 1: 1).
  2. Berries of black nightshade( juice) combine with warm water( 1: 4), wash the nasal passages.
  3. Juice of mother and stepmother removes stuffiness, liquefies a thick secret, washing it out to the outside. This is an effective tool in the treatment of chronic sinusitis.
  4. Aloe juice restores the affected nasal mucosa, instill 2-4 drops in each nostril, using aloe leaves in length to 17-18 cm.
  5. Tea tree( oil) - a powerful antiseptic, quickly leads to the destruction of the pathogenic microflora in the sinuses of the nose. You can mix a few drops with the nipple of aloe and bury your nose.
  6. Tui( oil) for disinfection and purification of sinuses.
  7. Cyclamen eliminates symptoms well. Extruded juice from bulbous plants can be buried in the nose, without diluting with water. The agent quickly acts on mucous aggregations, diluting them. Allocations will flow abundant, but the drug should be applied no more than 1 time per day. Juice plants when ingested into the walls of the stomach can get poisoning.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy should be timely, we must not allow complications, the progression of the disease, the spread of the inflammatory process beyond the sinuses of the nose. Even the most innocuous folk methods should be discussed with the doctor, self-medication is unacceptable.

To mothers, in order not to harm the baby, it is important to always know and remember about it. Use medicines only with the doctor's instructions, do not allow the body to subcool. In winter and in the off-season, when the first signs of a cold appear, immediately take measures to eliminate them, without leading to the development of sinusitis, the spread of the inflammatory process deep into the sinuses.

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