Dysbacteriosis of the intestine during pregnancy - symptoms and treatment in pregnant women, than to treat?

Dysbacteriosis, which occurred during pregnancy, has the property to adversely affect not only the female health, but also the development of the baby. That is why it is so important not to allow changes in the microflora before childbirth.

The reasons, because of the negative influence of which there is a dysbacteriosis during pregnancy, is quite a large number. First of all, it should be said about taking medications that have the property of preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms together with useful microflora.

In addition, as a cause for intestinal dysbiosis during pregnancy, violations of salt and hormone metabolism, reception of poor-quality food, which contains a sufficient amount of preservatives, a poor state of ecology, psychoemotional stress, ionizing radiation from home appliances and the use of various chemotherapy, can occur.

Than dysbacteriosis is dangerous during pregnancy?

Dysbacteriosis in pregnant women can occur in both the intestinal cavity and the vagina. Such a violation of the microflora during the carrying of the baby will be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation. It should be noted that the fight against constipation is not so simple in pregnancy and without the presence of dysbiosis, since the fetus will exert pressure on the cavity of the rectum and its vessels, as well as the rest of the intestines. This leads to a slowing down of motor skills and problems with emptying. Dysbacteriosis during pregnancy is an additional factor in disrupting the evacuation of stool, which will cause a feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen. Due to this condition, the organism may become intoxicated.

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The situation is more dangerous if the dysbacteriosis in pregnancy is accompanied by diarrhea. By itself, frequent acts of defecation, as well as disorders associated with pathological processes in the intestinal cavity, are a factor for irritation and changes in uterine tone. With increased uterine tone in the case of dysbiosis in pregnant women, premature birth may occur. However, diarrhea can lead to loss of fluid by the body, which adversely affects the circulatory process, as well as an increase in the likelihood of blood clots.

Dysbacteriosis of the vagina during pregnancy, especially if the inflammatory processes are brightly expressed, can disrupt the elasticity of the birth canal and reduce its resistance to trauma. This condition leads to the rupture of soft tissues during childbirth.

However, dysbiosis during pregnancy affects not only the woman, but also the child. In the process of passing the birth canal, the baby will swallow the mother's vaginal microflora. It is because of this that the colon will later colonize the baby's bacteria. In the event that an insufficient amount of the normal state of the microflora or in the case of an increased level of pathogenic bacteria - a dysbacteriosis will occur in the newborn.

Symptoms of dysbiosis in pregnancy

Symptoms of microflora disorders are reduced to the appearance of:

  • Lack of substances with enzymatic activity.
  • Heartburn.
  • of Meteorism.
  • Constipation or diarrhea, as well as their alternation.

In addition, when carrying a child, delivery of useful substances to the necessary body systems can be disrupted. The woman is more susceptible to diseases, as the immune defense decreases. Also often the appearance of intoxication of the body, expressed in the occurrence of headaches, fever, a feeling of nausea and vomiting, weakness and dizziness. The digestive system can not cope with the performance of its functionality, due to which there are abdominal pains, belching, rumbling.

In case you notice yourself, at least one of the symptoms of dysbiosis during pregnancy, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Than to treat a dysbacteriosis at pregnancy?

Dysbacteriosis in pregnancy will be treated as well as in all other patients. The only exceptions are those stages of microflora disturbance, when the administration of a course of antibiotics is required.

Drugs that contain representatives of microflora do not refer to contraindications for treatment during the period of gestation. This means that a specialist on the basis of a clinical picture of the disturbance of microflora and on the results of the examination of the stool will be prescribed the intake of probiotics and prebiotics. This includes such tools as: Lineks, Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in pregnancy should occur under the strict supervision of a specialist, since it is they who can timely determine the cause and undesirable effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations.

Thus, with dysbiosis it is important to maintain your own useful microflora. In this situation, it is required to provide the bacteria of the intestines with a sufficient number of nutrients, with the exclusion of drugs that lead to their death. To during the treatment to multiply and develop its own normal microflora requires sugar. It will be consumed by bacteria as a source of fiber found in vegetables and fruits. Also, the microflora needs low-molecular sugars. They can also be found in fruits, cereals and sweet potato.

An important aspect of the treatment of dysbiosis in pregnancy is the exclusion of foods and drugs that adversely affect the normal intestinal microflora. So under the ban is the use of alcoholic beverages and antibiotics, which in case of inadequate use may be the cause of the disease.

Treatment of this disorder should only be handled by a qualified specialist, since in this case not only your health, but also the intrauterine development of the baby is at stake.

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