Causes and treatment of temperature with headache

2 Non-communicable diseases

Neoplasms. In malignant and benign tumors in the brain, lungs, liver or kidneys, aching headache occurs, which is accompanied by a subfebrile temperature.

She can stay for more than a month, while the patient complains of poor health, weakness, lack of appetite and weight loss. With tumors in the brain, the patient may experience vomiting, which is not accompanied by nausea.

The thermoneurosis develops as a result of a malfunction in the hypothalamus, in which the center responsible for thermoregulation is located. When the disease develops, the temperature of the human body rises to 37 C-38 C. It can last more than two weeks and be accompanied by cephalalgia. At the same time, there are no objective causes of the disease. Most often, people suffering from depression are affected by this disease.

Chronic intoxication occurs due to renal or hepatic insufficiency. Due to a malfunction in the work of these organs, toxins are not excreted from the body and poison it. One of the symptoms of this pathology is cephalalgia and fever.

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Hypertension. When the pressure rises, there is a pulsating and bursting headache, localized in the nape. In certain cases, the temperature may rise slightly, dizziness, chills, palpitations occur.

Dysmenorrhea. In this disease, women during menstruation experience severe pain in the abdomen. The cause of dysmenorrhea may be hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. In addition to pain, there is chills, subfebrile temperature, nausea, general weakness.

Cervical myoglossis. When painful joints appear in the muscles, blood circulation is disrupted and dizziness occurs, cephalalgia localizing in the occiput and giving off to the vertex. The temperature can increase up to 38 C.

Low body temperature, which is accompanied by cephalalgia. If the temperature of the body drops below 35.8 C this is a deviation from the norm and indicates a pathology. Constantly lowered body temperature can signal a dangerous disease. After the body temperature drops below 29 C, a person loses consciousness. And if the temperature drops below 27 C, breathing is disturbed, heart activity and a person falls into a coma.

Cancer. One of the reasons for the low body temperature, which is accompanied by a constant headache, is a cancerous tumor in the brain. The cephalgia is intense at the same time. When the tumor is squeezed by brain structures, intracranial pressure increases.

Non-narcotic analgesics do not give the proper effect. In addition to cephalalgia, there are such symptoms as regular nausea and vomiting that arises from the fact that the tumor affects the center of the vomiting. Vestibular disorders and the presence of horizontal nystagmus may also be a hallmark.

Hypothyroidism in which the functional activity of the thyroid gland is impaired and the production of thyroid hormones affecting the nervous system is reduced. Insufficient amounts of them cause a low body temperature. The disease is accompanied by persistent headache, lethargy, drowsiness, memory failures, slowness, poor work capacity. The patient suffers from constipation, quickly gaining weight and constantly freezing.


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Hypoglycemia. One of the causes of low body temperature may be a decreased level of sugar in the blood. There is such a pathology due to malnutrition. It can also be a sign of diabetes in the initial stage. The patient has muscular tremors, the heart rhythm is broken, the head starts to hurt and turn. The patient has dilated pupils, pale skin, grimaces on his face, he poorly coordinates his body. In severe cases, hypoglycemia threatens with loss of consciousness and coma.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases. The immune system is associated with the mechanism of regulation of the temperature of the human body. If immunity decreases, the temperature may drop for a while, and then rise, depending on the symptoms of the disease.

1 Norm and subfebrile condition

The normal temperature of the human body in a healthy state is 36.6 C. For this figure, I answer the hypothalamus, the thyroid gland. This temperature is not always stable, because depending on the biological rhythms of the human body, it can change. The normal range is from 35.5 to 37.4 C.

At subfebrile temperature for a long time, the index remains from 37.0 to 38 degrees Celsius. Thus the state of health of the person can remain invariable, or very much will worsen.

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3 Virus and immunological response of the body

Most often, the temperature of headache develops due to infection in the human body. Being in the body, it begins to develop and poison it with the products of its vital activity( toxins), while launching the mechanism of the occurrence of pain.

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In addition to this factor, increasing the intracranial pressure due to the increase in production, and the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, play an important role in diseases caused by infection. This causes cerebral edema.

During the disease, the immunological reaction of the body can greatly increase and then after recovery and lowering of temperature there is a chronic headache, which, in fact, is a protective reaction of the body to some insignificant virus.

4 Common infections of

Meningitis in which the brain envelop is inflamed. Accompanied by a very strong, bursting headache. At the same time, the body temperature can rise, up to 40 C. Nausea and strong tension of the occipital muscles appear. With meningitis, the condition deteriorates very quickly, so immediate hospitalization is required.

Rotavirus infection. Cephalgia and fever are combined with a stomach disorder, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. In addition to the intestinal manifestations of the patient, cough, perspiration in the throat and runny nose are disturbed. The disease is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration of the body. Most often, such a disease affects children.

Influenza or SARS.Along with fever and cephalalgia, there is a runny nose, watery eyes, weakness, sore throat, or cough. In this case, cephalgia can be of different intensity and cover the entire head or be localized in separate areas.

Rubella. In addition to fever and cephalalgia, a very small rash is observed in a person, which initially appears behind the ears, and then spreads throughout the body, as well as an increase in the parotid and cervical lymph nodes.

Encephalitis. Symptoms of the disease are headache, fever, nausea, vomiting. Also, there may be epileptic seizures, fever, agitation, psychomotor disorders. With encephalitis, indigestion can occur. In the absence of qualified medical care, the disease can result in the death of the patient.

Rheumatic fever is most often a complication of angina, in which immunity attacks its own body tissue. It is accompanied by temperature, cephalgia, ring-shaped rash on the limbs, swelling of the joints, weakness, chills. The complication of the disease is heart damage. Most often rheumatic fever affects children from five to fifteen years.

Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal. The headache is strong, the pressure is localized in the forehead and temples. When the head is tilted forward, it increases, as well as when tapping, with a finger, in the region of the bridge of the nose. Thus the patient raises temperature, there are dark circles under eyes, a rhinitis and a strong stuffiness of a nose. The patient ceases to feel the smells and taste of food.

Acute adnexitis. Female disease, which causes inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The cause of the disease can be gonococcus, staphylococcus or E. coli. Regardless of the way they penetrated the body, their activity depends on immunity. With its weakening, acute adnexitis develops. In addition to fever and aching headache, weakness, dizziness, lower abdominal pain, which can give back or rectum, discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Measles. The initial sign of the disease is coughing, sneezing. The face becomes puffy, the body temperature can rise to 40 C, and is accompanied by cephalalgia. The next day the diseases on the mucous membrane of the cheeks appear whitish spots that resemble the crystals of salt. On the body of the patient appear red spots of different shapes. They gradually merge and spread to the whole body. Measles is quite a serious disease that causes complications.

Food poisoning. The patient raises the temperature to 38 C, there is vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Arachnoiditis. In a chronic inflammatory process affecting the arachnoid shell of the brain, there is a bursting and dull pain, which is especially aggravated in the morning or during physical exertion. The patient raises the temperature, there is a sleep disorder and severe fatigue.

Chicken pox. Most often this disease affects children, adults are much less likely. Its main symptom is a rash, which causes severe itching and appears both on the skin and on the mucous membranes. It is also accompanied by a headache and fever. After the transferred disease in humans, persistent immunity arises to chicken pox.

If cephalalgia is accompanied by increased or decreased body temperature, or other symptoms, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, as the disease can be dangerous. To get a positive result, you need to start treatment on time.

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