Changes in the pancreas: moderate, secondary, ductal, focal, age and their causes

Any failure in the operation of an organ is not considered normal. However, it is necessary to clearly distinguish what is considered a disease, and what is only a minor deviation. So, for example, the pancreas, is not considered a diagnosis of its moderate change, it is only the opinion of the doctor, calling attention to the fact of a decrease or increase in the density of this organ. However, such a conclusion should be a reason for a more detailed examination of the patient.

Where secondary attention to the pancreas deserves more attention. The fact is that they do not arise just like that( unlike the moderate ones).If the doctor has determined the secondary pancreas when examining the pancreas, the patient is usually recommended to undergo a complete diagnosis for liver, duodenum and gallbladder diseases. In principle, such a violation( secondary) can arise as a result of the disease of other organs and systems of the human body, but this happens extremely rarely.

Undoubtedly, a moderate, and even more so - secondary change in the pancreas is unpleasant and requires immediate medical intervention, but ductal can become a much more serious problem. There are several reasons for this. First, such a disease is always accompanied by pain. They are caused by the fact that the pancreatic ducts are clogged, the pressure in them inevitably rises, and this can not but lead to a protocol expansion. Consequently, pain receptors of the pancreas are constantly irritated by digestive enzymes, which causes the patient not just tangible, but rather severe pain. Secondly, such changes often lead to serious malfunctions in the pancreas, up to its necrosis( destruction).

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Moderate, but often enough - and the secondary change, revealed by examination of the pancreas, may become unpleasant surprise for the patient. Such processes often occur asymptomatically, besides, secondary ones are rarely paid attention, because they disturb violations in the work of completely different organs. But here the focal change in the pancreas is often expected, because it is a consequence of chronic pancreatitis. Unlike the moderate, which covers the entire body, the focal locale is localized in certain places and may indicate their necrosis or malignant tumor. And if in the initial stage of the site of localization such foci can be relatively small, then over time they spread and occupy an increasing area. As a result, the outflow of pancreatic juice is disrupted, intraprotective hypertension begins, which can turn into serious complications for the patient.

Unfortunately, if moderate, as well as secondary, disorders can be prevented or, if detected in time, corrected in time by treatment, then the age changes that appear in the pancreas do not depend on the person's lifestyle and other factors. While the moderates signal that it is urgent to take certain measures, the age group only convinces the attending physician that his patient will soon have to face a certain group of diseases. This is due to the natural aging of the organ, as a result of which the body's supply of insulin decreases and its carbohydrate tolerance significantly decreases. It is with age-related disorders associated with an increase in the statistics of diabetes in elderly people.

Causes of pancreatic changes

The process of "wear" of the body is natural for all organs and systems. The pancreas is no exception. It is this factor that is one of the most common causes of organ change.

Besides this, there are others. For example, such as a variety of inflammatory elements, all kinds of diseases of the digestive system. At least, the cause of pancreatic changes is a serious violation of metabolic processes. A similar condition can cause both fibrosis, as well as lipomatosis.

Stromal changes in the pancreas

One and the most common types of pancreatic changes are stromal-vascular. Otherwise, in medicine they are called mesenchymal. This is a peculiar structural manifestation of the imbalance of metabolic processes in connective tissues, which are formed directly in the stroma of the organ and the wall of the vessels. They occur in a certain area of ​​the orane, which was formed by a microcircular bed and surrounding tissues.

Stromal changes in the pancreas can occur as a result of the accumulation of metabolic processes in the blood either by infiltration or by incorrect synthesis. Similar pathologies are of three types:

  • protein;
  • fat;
  • carbohydrate.

Functional changes of the pancreas

At least, in the medical practice there are functional changes in the pancreas. With this physiological process, there is a disturbance in the external secretory function of the organ, the symptomatology of which is poorly expressed. As a rule, various inflammatory processes are absent.

It is rather difficult to diagnose ailment. Even on ultrasound the specialist does not always determine the functional change, as often, the diseased organ does not differ from the healthy one. Only an experienced specialist can detect a slight increase in it.

It can also be determined by signs such as pain on the left side of the ribs, anorexia, upset of the stool.

Involutive changes in the pancreas

Involutive are age changes. The aging process affects all endocrine and digestive systems and causes disruption of energy, adaptive processes. Moreover, this influence occurs not only at the level of cells, but also at the level of the whole organism. Especially involutive changes pancreas is susceptible.

It is manifested, first of all, by the decrease of the functional capacity of the organ, in particular, by insufficient synthesis of insulin. In turn, this leads to a violation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Degenerative changes in the pancreas

But the perpetrators of degenerative changes in the pancreas are the patients themselves. To put it more precisely, they are addicted to alcoholic beverages. Moreover, neither the quality, nor the amount drunk, the occurrence of this process does not affect. Even after a single dose of a large portion of alcohol, begin to develop degenerative disorders of the structure of this body, as well as local hypoxia. If you do not take timely medical measures, chronic pancreatitis, necrosis, stones in the ducts and even swelling of this organ can develop.

Pancreatic discoloration

This condition refers to diffuse pancreatic disorders. The named sign can be revealed only at carrying out of US.In the course of this study, an equilateral change in the echoconstriction of the entire organ is established. This is not a separate, significant diagnosis, but only a pathological process that is characteristic of certain types of ailment of the body.

The presence of a distorted color of the pancreas is a symptom of a decrease in the body or a thickening of the texture of its tissues. The reason for this condition is the presence of a foci of inflammation, sclerosing. In addition, color distortion can occur due to organ atrophy or surgical intervention.

Morphological change of the pancreas

They arise at the cellular level. The most common cause of this condition are various chronic and inflammatory processes of the pancreas.

At the initial stages, the morphological changes of the pancreas may not be manifested at all. Ailment will make itself felt only when it reaches the peak of its development. Usually, they are diagnosed by instrumental and laboratory means. Often, the condition is ascertained by a change in the chemical and morphological composition of blood and urine. Sometimes, patients take gastric juice for research.

This state can not be left without proper attention. Otherwise, it can lead to death.

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