Increased blood sugar and pancreas in pancreatitis

In pancreatitis, there is an increased sugar content in the blood. In addition to creating serious complications for diabetics, the pancreas is also adversely affected. Often this happens in chronic forms of the disease, but the first symptoms are evident even at the initial stages. As a result, the pancreas can not cope with the processing of carbohydrates that enter the body, as it does in the ordinary state. Here you must immediately sit on a diet and act according to the instructions of the doctor, because the increased sugar content in the blood will only aggravate the situation. It must be reduced in a safe manner so that complications do not occur. But, it is worth noting that not all forms of the disease are characterized by such a condition. As a rule, some of them do not have a strong negative effect on the pancreas.

Sugar level in pancreatitis

The blood sugar level in pancreatitis depends on the form of the disease. For example, with hemorrhagic form, it significantly increases. If the patient has a serous or edematous form, then this indicator may well remain normal. But at the same time it is always necessary to track changes, since without monitoring this parameter it will be difficult to track the course of the disease. This can be determined in the hospital using a biochemical blood test or a portable blood glucose meter at home. When determining the form of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism can be used with the analysis of glucose load. If the body can not cope with the assimilation of a dose of sugar in a few hours, then it is possible to conduct further tests to identify pancreatitis.

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Increased sugar and pancreas

With increased sugar in the blood, the pancreas suffers from a lack of blood supply, which causes a number of complications. This can cause diabetes, since with insufficient blood supply in the pancreas, fewer cells that produce insulin become less. Thus, pancreatitis and diabetes are, directly, interconnected diseases. To soften the situation can special diet, excluding not only glucose, but also fatty foods. Even if pancreatitis occurs in a form in which the blood sugar level does not increase much, then do not neglect the diet so as not to increase the load, as all this can cause complications. Sharp jumps in the content of this substance can cause severe pain in the pancreas. If not to lower the level, then the pancreas will constantly work at the limit of its capabilities, which can lead to hypoglycemia.

Increase of sugar in pancreatitis

In normal state, a person's sugar level increases after eating, but, subsequently, he independently normalizes. The increase in the amount of sugar in the blood in pancreatitis is not so smooth, because due to the inappropriate functioning of the pancreas the body can not absorb carbohydrates to the full. This is inextricably linked with other diseases that can arise in the end. This condition is one of the main consequences with which we have to fight. Thanks to him, and you can identify some forms of inflammation of the pancreas, so timely tests can facilitate treatment by identifying the disease in the initial stage. An increase in blood sugar can cause symptomatic "secondary" diabetes. Thus, regardless of the form of the course of the disease, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist to get timely help.

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