Mummies - regimens treatment of stomach ulcers

The healing properties of the mummy in gastric ulcer favor that the defects in the mucosal epithelium disappear already on the 7th-12th day after the first taking of the natural medicine. Mountain resin successfully affects internal organs and restores all physiological processes. Ancient balm removes inflammation, normalizes trophic tissue at the cellular level, reduces the vulnerability of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ, anesthetizes and exhibits antitoxic activity.

By the way, treatment of ulcers with mummies can be carried out against the background of drug therapy, since natural medicine, combined with pharmacological drugs and even enhances their effect. Most often doctors prescribe the reception of Vikalin in a complex with a mountain tar, this interaction eliminates pain during the day, and on the third day the patient's condition is normalized.

Anti-ulcer therapy has several positive undeniable aspects:

  • absence of negative toxic reactions;
  • compatibility with any prescription drugstore, without the need for parallel treatment adjustments;
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  • is a quick result with regard to mucosal regeneration.

Mummy with gastric ulcer - simple

schemes Each patient starting treatment for stomach ulcers with mummies must follow the general rules without which any therapy will not be effective:

  • Compliance with a prescribed gastroenterologist diet and complete refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  • Adhere to the established treatment regimen, without interruptions and technical violations.
  • It is better to purchase the Altai mummy or Pamir - these are the most powerful drugs with pronounced anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
  • Mountain tar dissolves not only in water, it can be drunk with juices, herbal decoctions and milk.

The following regimens and prescriptions for the treatment of gastric ulcer are simple and universal. The most common method is:

The first method of : a glass of water or herbal tea is dissolved 0.1 gr.mummies and drink in the morning on an empty stomach, and then they also prepare the medicine before going to bed. It is advisable to drink the medicinal product at the same time every day for 3 weeks.

The second way is : for 150 ml of water or milk add 2 gr.mummy. Drink a concentrated drink only in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp.l. The rest should be stored in a refrigerator in a closed container. The course of treatment is calculated for 10 days with the primary signs of the disease. If the disease is chronic, it will take a second course after a one-week break. This method quickly removes symptoms and provides a persistent long-term remission.

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