Diet №10 with gastritis

Diet No. 10 is attributed to pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels, as well as in case of circulatory failure. The purpose of diet 10 is to improve blood circulation, work of cardiovascular system, purification of the liver, kidneys, avoidance of stomach irritation.

Therapeutic diet with gastritis provides for a slight decrease in the total calorie content of the diet. The amount of fat is limited. Also, the amount of carbohydrates is also marginally limited. In order to provide a gentle effect on the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the amount of table salt is significantly reduced.

The content of substances that irritate the liver, kidneys, as well as stomach and intestines in diet No. 10 is also significantly limited. At the same time, the content of salts of potassium, magnesium, as well as products that promote alkalization, is significantly increased.

Food in diet No. 10 is mechanically gentle, excluding gastric and intestinal irritation, as well as the formation of gases. Meat and fish are used only in boiled form. Difficult to digest meals are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to cook without salt. The temperature of the dishes is normal.

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The basic composition and calorie diet for gastritis

In just 24 hours a person receives from 350 to 400 grams of carbohydrates, 70 grams of fat and 90 grams of carbohydrates. At the same time, most of the proteins are of animal origin, and about a third of all fats are of vegetable origin. At the same time, the total caloric content of the diet will be from 2500 to 2600 kilocalories.

The amount of table salt is limited to 6 - 7 grams.

What can I do with gastritis?

Dietary menu number 10 suffering from gastritis is limited and consists of such products and dishes:

  • Vegetarian soups with cereals, as well as dairy, fruit soups.
  • Lightly dried bread.
  • Low-fat meat and fish.
  • Milk is used for portability.
  • Vegetables can be eaten in baked or boiled form. Cabbage is limited.
  • Ripe fruit, berry, juice, decoction of rose hips are allowed.

What does diet number 10 forbid?

To the sick gastritis it is forbidden:

  • Fresh bread, pancakes, pancakes.
  • Fatty kinds of meat, smoked products, sausages. Fish smoked, fried, caviar, canned fish.
  • All vegetables that irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Chocolate, cakes.
  • Mustard, pepper, horseradish and other spices.
  • Filled broth.
  • Too strong tea, as well as coffee.
  • Combined fats.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Fruits that have coarse fiber.
  • Spicy cheeses.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
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