Periodic diarrhea, a single loose stool, why again there is diarrhea in an adult?

Whenever there is a periodical or a single diarrhea, one should keep in mind that the cause of its appearance can be a serious gastrointestinal disease. Even in the event that its appearance is caused by the usual overeating, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Thanks to timely treatment, periodic diarrhea can not cause complications.

A single liquid stool at first glance may seem like a trifle. In fact, even a single liquid stool is a symptom of a serious illness. It should be remembered whether there have been any alarming symptoms in the last few days, such as:

  • Vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Spasms in the abdomen;
  • Increased temperature.

If one of the symptoms appeared, then periodically diarrhea occurs, it can be dangerous.

Diseases that cause periodic diarrhea

To determine the cause, go to the hospital where the diagnosis will be performed. This must be done, because some other diseases simply can not be determined by another way. After passing the tests, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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Periodic diarrhea in an adult is caused by the following diseases:

  • Chronic enteritis. In this case, the disease, the loose stool is plentiful, but arises rarely. In addition to diarrhea, the patient may be disturbed by nausea, weakness, rumbling in the intestines pain in the navel;
  • Syndrome of digestive disorders. A person experiences discomfort, nausea, heartburn. Periodically there is diarrhea, flatulence, belching.
  • In childhood, the stool changes after a small overeating. There are no other obvious symptoms;
  • Teething can cause a loose stool that periodically changes to normal. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of each child's body;
  • In an adult, a single stool disorder can be caused by a slight food poisoning, but if diarrhea is again, it is better to see a doctor.

Again diarrhea, what folk remedies to apply?

In the event that the diagnosis did not reveal any serious abnormalities in the patient's body, you can cope with diarrhea at home. To do this, you can choose one or more folk recipes. After consuming decoctions, recurrent defecation will no longer disturb the patient.

If diarrhea occurs from time to time, you must prepare one of the following folk remedies:

  • Decoction from walnut. To prepare the broth, you need an inner part of a walnut in the amount of 1 tablespoon, 0.5 liters of boiled( hot water).After 20 minutes the product should be filtered. The medicine is used in the morning in the amount of a small glass;
  • Apples. Every 2 hours the patient should consume one large apple, previously peeled. For a day 12 apples are eaten. At the same time, there is nothing more to eat during the day;
  • Tincture from the bark of oak.1 pinch of oak bark is placed in a small container, which is filled with 1.5 cups of water. The capacity is set on a slow fire, where it stands for 10 minutes. The broth is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day and there will be no trace of periodic liquid stool;
  • Fig. In childhood, from the periodically appearing diarrhea will help precipitate from cooked rice. Rice boil over low heat, then strain through gauze. Cool and give the child half a glass every 3 hours.

Thanks to the decoctions and tinctures, regardless of the age of the patient with diarrhea, there will be no trace.

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