Why diarrhea from sauerkraut, beets, pickled cucumbers?

The reasons why a person can have diarrhea are extremely diverse and can include both the consequences of food failures, and stressful situations, inflammatory processes and many others. There is a list of products that, for various reasons, have the properties to cause diarrhea, among them cabbage, cucumbers, both fresh and salted, beets.

Cabbage is very useful for maintaining normal functioning of the body, however, like other representatives of the cruciferous family, it has a laxative effect when consumed fresh. In its composition there is a full set of vitamins necessary for normal work of the human body. Juice is used to treat many diseases, including ulcers, liver diseases, gall bladder, skin diseases. It is known to use it for diseases of the cardiovascular system and inflammatory processes. Such a wide range of effects is due to the following vegetable properties:

  • relieving symptoms of inflammation;
  • healing effect on open wounds, including healing of the damaged mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
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  • neutralization of toxins and harmful bacteria;
  • diuretic effect;
  • is soothing and anti-sclerotic.

In addition, cabbage is able to stimulate the strengthening of the defenses of the body, to resist the development of cancerous tumors. However, its medicinal properties depend on the type of application. For example, to fix, you need to use cabbage after a long time of cooking, but using fresh salads or a short-boiled vegetable can cause diarrhea. This is due to the increased fermentation processes, after consuming both fresh and sauerkraut.

Diarrhea from cabbage can be caused by its choleretic properties, especially when it is used in the presence of irritable bowel syndrome. High fiber content in cabbage irritates the mucosa and can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea from sauerkraut can be caused by eating a large amount of a dish with meat of fatty pork, or generally stewed in cabbage oil with plenty of spices. Why diarrhea from sauerkraut, the answer to this question is contained in its property to cause increased gas formation in the intestine.

Diarrhea from cucumbers

Cucumbers that contain a lot of water are easily digestible, and a large content of various alkaline salts neutralizing acid compounds makes it possible to use them in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including in the diet of people suffering from kidney, liver, obesity and gout. As a source of iodine, cucumbers are recommended for nutrition in areas where there are no seafood. However, the consumption of a large number of these fresh vegetables, especially in combination with dairy products, leads to diarrhea. Cucumbers are susceptible to the accumulation of nitrates and in this case, even with a small amount, diarrhea can occur. Diarrhea from pickled cucumbers occurs as a result of the effects on the intestines of lactic acid and other biologically active foods contained in them.

Diarrhea from beet

An unusually wide range of beet application in the treatment of various diseases is due to its chemical composition. At the same time, the cellulose, organic acids and other elements contained in it act excitably on the peristaltic of the stomach, causing diarrhea. Therefore, beets are often used in folk medicine for the treatment of constipation. The effect of beet as a laxative, depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and is strengthened when combined with yoghurt, nuts and other products.

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