Can there be constipation after removal of appendicitis, what should I do?

In inflammation of the blind appendage of the gut( appendicitis), the only way to treat is surgery. The need for urgent surgical intervention in appendicitis is caused by the danger of developing a deadly disease, peritonitis, with an appendix burst. Modern medicine provides an operation without injury to the body. At the same time, such interference in the intestine does not pass without leaving a trace, leading to problems with defecation.

The operation to remove the appendix weakens the intestinal peristalsis, which causes constipation. The main causes of constipation after appendicitis are:

  1. Preparation for surgery and drug blockade.
  2. Anesthesia and surgery.
  3. Restriction of motor activity for several days.
  4. Postoperative adhesions.
  5. Stressful condition before surgery and fear of defecation during the postoperative period.

The postoperative period is very important in order to avoid complications, especially in case of treatment of appendicitis started and aggravated by other diseases. Therefore, it is very important to conduct therapeutic measures to eliminate problems with timely evacuation of the intestine and with the elimination of possible negative effects.

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What to do with constipation after appendicitis?

The scheme of treatment of constipation after removal of appendicitis, as with any surgical intervention in the intestine, includes:

  • diet food;
  • medication;
  • folk remedies;
  • special gymnastics.

The main and basic condition for getting rid of constipation, recovery and the soonest return to a full life is a special diet. In this diet should be observed at least two weeks after removal, even if there are no problems with constipation. The best results in ensuring a stable good performance of the entire gastrointestinal tract can be achieved if the dietary diet is extended to 30-40 days after the operation.

The main principles of the therapeutic diet include:

  1. Small meals at least five times a day.
  2. Food temperature should be comfortable, not hot and not cold.
  3. Exclusion from the diet of products that promote gas generation.
  4. Special drinking regimen, which includes consumption per day of six to eight glasses of clean water at room temperature.

Immediately after the operation during the day you can not drink or eat, you can wet your lips with mineral water without gas. The next two or three days should be limited to the consumption of a small amount of chicken broth or rice broth. Then gradually added to the menu mashed potatoes, boiled rice, mashed boiled chicken, chicken broth. Quick healing of wounds is promoted by puree from courgettes and pumpkins. Categorically forbidden for the entire recovery period are pickles and smoked products, spices, fatty meat, cheese, fatty cottage cheese, confectionery pastries, chocolate and sparkling water. Effectively treat constipation of juice or compote of prunes. By permission of the doctor, you can drink coffee in the morning, as caffeine activates the work of the intestines.

When conducting medical therapy, it should be noted that some laxatives contribute to the additional increase in fecal matter due to additional fluid attraction. In turn, a large mass of feces presses on the seams after removal of appendicitis, which can cause serious complications. Some drugs cause intestinal atony, which can also aggravate the problem of constipation. Preferences in the selection of laxatives are given to substances of plant origin( senna leaves, root of buckthorn, jostler fruits).

Strengthens the motor activity of the intestine to eliminate constipation from appendicitis tinctures of chamomile flowers, mint, fennel seeds, cumin fruit. Postoperative constipation is effectively treated with a combination of oily and herbal preparations. A strong laxative effect gives Dufalac syrup in combination with fermented milk products. The course of treatment is 14 days and, if necessary, repeat it after a month.

Physical activity is very necessary to restore impaired intestinal motility after an operation of appendicitis. After the operation, when the operated patient is still in the medical facility, the doctors recommend to gradually restore the motor activity. Very useful in this period is a complex of therapeutic physical training, which is selected by the attending physician individually. To prevent the formation of adhesions, special gymnastic exercises are recommended. To prevent the development of hemorrhoids with constipation, it is recommended to go to the toilet only for the act of defecation, avoiding a long useless straining. On the question: "Can there be constipation with appendicitis?", - the answer is positive, but it is possible to successfully solve the problem successfully, observing all the medical recommendations.

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