Drinks with hemorrhoids, why you can not drink chicory?

Constipation not only serves as one of the main causes of hemorrhoid-promoting growth, but also aggravates the course of the disease. Therefore, in the treatment of varicose veins of the small pelvis, the main task is to restore the normal process of digestion, timely evacuation of the intestine. The use of medications as a laxative is undesirable, since they can cause diarrhea, which adversely affects the hemorrhoids. Increasing fluid intake and especially with laxative effect, allows to solve this problem gently and without complications. With hemorrhoids, beverages consumed in large quantities soften the stool and improve digestion, restoring the broken intestinal microflora.

In treatment, the right choice of drinks is important, which is useful and must be drunk with hemorrhoids. These include:

  • sour-milk products;
  • kvass;
  • teas( green, from herbs, tea mushroom).

What kind of drinks are taken from hemorrhoids?

The first place among drinks that have a slight laxative effect and improves digestion, eliminating constipation, is kefir. It is not recommended to use kefir with additives, chemical fillers. Best one-day fresh kefir or enriched with biocultures. It is useful to drink a glass of kefir for the night with the addition of a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil. You can use hemorrhoids for kefir in the form of compresses to reduce swelling of the nodes, preventing the multiplication of infection. At the same time suffering from heartburn, ulcer, gastritis, you can not use this sour-milk drink.

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Beneficial effect on the work of gastrointestinal tract kvass has been known since ancient times. Formed as a result of fermentation kvass microorganisms activate secretory activity of the intestine and peristalsis. In addition, kvas, regulating the metabolism in the body, triggers the process of reducing weight, increases immunity.

What can not be drunk with hemorrhoids?

Despite its useful properties, milk, especially whole, with hemorrhoids is prohibited. Dishes prepared with the addition of milk are also forbidden. It is strictly forbidden to drink beverages that contain alcohol, including beer. Beer promotes dehydration of the body, having a diuretic effect. In addition, after drinking beer in patients, pain and discomfort with burning in the anus zone increase. Sweet carbonated drinks with hemorrhoids also can not be consumed.

A few especially in this case are drinks from chicory. Its unique healing properties are due to the high content of insulin, fructose, tannins, organic substances, vitamins. The roots of the plant contain 33 microelements, including iron, copper, zinc, nickel. Its use prevents constipation, removes toxic substances from the body. Therefore, the question whether it is possible to drink chicory with hemorrhoids, given its useful properties, is topical. At once it is possible to tell or say, that he at varicose veins in any display is counter-indicative. The reason for this is the plant's ability to weaken the walls of venous vessels, increasing the permeability of capillaries. Another reason why hemorrhoids can not chicory, is its diuretic properties.

When hemorrhoids are very important maintenance of water balance, and dehydration of the body with the use of chicory aggravates the disease. The negative effect of plants on the human body, suffering from varicose veins of the rectal area, is associated with a high content of calcium oxalate. Based on these properties, consumption of drinks with it is completely excluded or recommended in a limited number.

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