Treatment of hemorrhoids with copper sulfate

Hemorrhoids are a violation of blood circulation in vessels located in the pelvic area. The disease prevents the conduct of a normal lifestyle, because itching, burning, discomfort and pain constantly appear. There may be bleeding.

Patients do not go to the doctor until symptomatology becomes severe, and the pain simply does not have enough strength. At the started stage from a hemorrhoids it is possible to get rid only by operative measure. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to start treating the disease in the first stages.

Instead of tablets and tinctures, you can use the prescriptions of alternative medicine. You can treat hemorrhoids with the help of copper sulfate. To prepare a remedy to combat it, you should perform the following actions:

  • Prepare a chicken egg( only yolk is needed), a pinch of copper sulfate and 2 st.tablespoons of butter;
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • When the mixture is ready, it must be placed in the refrigerator.
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It is recommended to apply the drug before going to bed. It is necessary to inject 1 teaspoon of the medicinal mixture into the rectum. The treatment is repeated every day, and after 4 days the patient will be able to feel relief.

Copper sulfate works best against hemorrhoids when enemas are used for treatment. To perform the procedure, you need to prepare a special solution:

  • You will need 2 tsp of copper sulfate, 1 liter of hot water;
  • All components should be thoroughly mixed;
  • Next 2 hours spoon the resulting solution diluted with 500 milliliters of hot water;
  • The resulting solution can be made an enema.

The patient should use a large enema, which is injected into the rectum with 0.5 liters of solution. The procedure must be performed every day, before going to bed. After about 15 days, the patient will notice that there is no trace of hemorrhoids, which means that the treatment can be stopped.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids from copper sulfate it is possible to prepare an ointment. To prepare the ointment, you need to do the following:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of ammonia, a piece of copper sulphate the size of a pea and butter;
  • All components should be thoroughly mixed;
  • Apply ointment to the hemorrhoids for 1-7 minutes.

The procedure must be performed until the disease completely disappears. It should be noted that the ointment can be slightly burned, so do not panic if a similar sensation appears.

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