The doctor who treats hemorrhoids, to what specialist to contact - to the proctologist, whether the urologist and the gynecologist treat hemorrhoids?

Every year, hemorrhoids become an increasingly common disease among the world's population. This is due to a modern sedentary lifestyle, although people who are extremely ill with excessive activity with regard to physical exertion often fall ill. For example, young people "swing" on simulators or are engaged in weightlifting. In this case, the risk of inflammation of the hemorrhoids is great. Aggravating factors are also features of professional activity, for example, for movers or drivers, malnutrition, leading to constipation and genetic predisposition.

Many people quite often when the earliest signs of this ailment make the following mistakes: wait until "by itself everything passes" or begin to heal independently. This is caused by the embarrassment and the fact that many simply do not know which doctor should be treated with hemorrhoids. Late appeal to a doctor for a consultation or even a lack of it can lead to the fact that the disease will progress, and the condition will be aggravated by complications or associated infections. If a person is an infrequent guest of a polyclinic, then he may not even know which specialist should be treated with hemorrhoids and how to make an appointment. Let's try to clarify the situation.

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First of all, you should know that a doctor who treats inflammation of the hemorrhoids is a proctologist or a coloproctologist. There is no significant difference between them, as the proctologist treats hemorrhoids, and the coloproctologist also has all other diseases of the large intestine. A narrow specialist can be found only in large medical centers. In ordinary polyclinics, a wide range of specialists work.

If you find any abnormalities in the anus and anus, you need a doctor who treats hemorrhoids. It is not advisable to make a diagnosis to ourselves. This is due to the fact that such pathologies as oncological tumors, anal channel cracks, and the like.have very similar symptoms. Only a proctologist, for whom the treatment of this disease is a narrow specialization, can accurately determine the pathology, its shape and prescribe an effective course of treatment. In addition, periodic consultation is needed for those who are part of a certain risk group with a high probability of hemorrhoids.

Those who have at least once been diagnosed with acute hemorrhoids, know to which doctor to handle. But few know that you need to visit a doctor not only during an exacerbation, but also for preventive purposes. Once a year, you should go to the examination, during which the doctor, if necessary, will make an appointment. This will allow timely detection or even prevent the development of the disease.

Doctors, proctologists who treat hemorrhoids in different groups of patients, recommend that people who have not previously faced with rectum ailments, but who are 40 years old, without fail have to undergo a preventive examination. It will assess the condition of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins. If a doctor dealing with hemorrhoids does not find anything, the next such examination can be repeated after 2.5 years.

Which doctor should I use for hemorrhoids?

It should be noted that the earliest signs of hemorrhoids are weak enough to call a doctor for help, and usually people do not pay attention to them. And even if there is a suspicion of hemorrhoids, many do not know which doctor will be able to help them solve the problem. The easiest way( and the most correct) is to find out in the polyclinic at the place of residence, to whom to turn. In the registry you can find out not only the name of the doctor who treats hemorrhoids, but also the schedule of his work. If you are shy to ask in the registry, who to go with such a delicate problem, you can find out on the profile site on the Internet, to which doctor to apply for hemorrhoids, both in the polyclinic and in a private medical institution.

If there is no proctologist in the district clinic, you can be referred to another doctor. For example, men often go to a urologist, and women treat this problem with a gynecologist. This is not entirely correct. If you have hemorrhoids, and there is no proctologist in the polyclinic staff, it is best to get a consultation from a therapist. It is he who, after acquaintance with complaints about health and examination, will accurately tell which doctor to go with the problem in each particular case. It can be a phlebologist or angiologist dealing with vascular pathology, a gynecologist( especially pregnant and only giving birth to women) or a surgeon.

Can I go to a gynecologist with hemorrhoids?

If the disease manifests itself during or after childbirth, while breastfeeding, do not hesitate to tell the doctor about hemorrhoids during a routine appointment. Awareness will allow him to make a timely appointment, which will prevent the occurrence of complications in the future. It should be understood that the gynecologist does not treat hemorrhoids, but directs the patient to the proctologist or the doctor replacing him. The effectiveness of treatment is facilitated by the fact that the appointments of both doctors are consistent among themselves, which completely excludes the risks of allergic reactions or the presence of contraindications.

How to prepare for receiving a proctologist doctor for hemorrhoids?

Before starting treatment, the doctor must ask the patient in detail about the complaints and signs of the disease, is interested in the conditions of his work and lifestyle, about what infectious diseases and surgical operations he had. During the interview, do not be shy, because the more information a specialist who treats hemorrhoids about his patient learns, the more chances for successful and rapid treatment of this ailment.

For many very significant circumstances is the factor that a doctor treats hemorrhoids - a man or a woman, as for most patients it's easier to talk about this delicate disease with a representative of your gender for most patients. However, if your request can not be satisfied, it should not be because of false modesty to refuse to visit a doctor. It is important to understand that the doctor, first of all, is a doctor, and then already - a representative of one of the sexes.

It is highly recommended to prepare specially before visiting a proctologist. This means natural( defecation) or forced( cleansing enema) cleaning of the intestine, as well as performing hygienic manipulations in the anus.

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