The work of the pancreas, how it works, the symptoms and signs during the wrong, poor functioning, malfunction, video

The pancreas is one of the most important organs for humans. How does it work, what to do in the event that the necessary functions are implemented badly and not in full, and how to check it?

It is important to note that the pancreas, in comparison with other organs, has a number of features, and its main difference is not just one task, but several purposes. At the same time, they, in general, and each separately, are important for the full operation of the human body.

So, for example, if the pancreas does not work well and the hormones are malfunctioning, then the likelihood that the amount of sugar in the blood and urine will increase rapidly. As a result, if the work of the body is not performed in full and at the same time it will not be restored and normalized as soon as possible, the likelihood of developing diabetes, as well as other very serious complications, increases.

What is important, in addition to the production of hormones, the basic principle of the functioning of the pancreas is also in the production of pancreatic juice, which is the basis of the digestive process. And in this case, any failures or shortcomings are no less dangerous, because they affect the functionality of the entire gastrointestinal tract. In the case if this body starts to work badly, then the food does not split, and therefore it is not digested properly. Accordingly, as a result, the body loses useful substances and elements, which seriously weakens it and causes irreparable harm. And in this situation, it is very easy to check the work of the organ, all the more so that any malfunctions in its functioning will immediately report themselves with strong painful sensations.

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No less important task of the pancreas is the regulation of metabolic processes, carried out by the cells of Langerhans. These elements ensure the full functioning of the whole body, the main principle of their work is to regulate the amount of enzymes and hormones produced, so that they are always present in the appropriate volume, since their excess or deficiency can adversely affect the state of the human body.

It's worth mentioning that a full-fledged pancreas work is very important for a person, because if its functions are not performed in full, the probability of serious ailments is great.

Symptoms of abnormal pancreas

Small disruptions in the pancreas are almost invisible, which complicates the diagnosis of impaired activity in the early stages. The first discomforting symptoms usually manifest themselves even with serious problems requiring adequate conservative treatment, and in some cases even surgical intervention. Fortunately, even with acute pancreatitis surgical treatment is required only in 25% of cases, and most patients have enough drug treatment and lifestyle adjustments, in particular, diet.

Among the most common symptoms of malfunctioning of the pancreas can be noted:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, sometimes in the back( between the shoulder blades, cervico-thoracic region), in the heart( at the same time with such cardiology ECG normal).
  • Nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite.
  • Digestive disorders due to impaired enzyme production, meteorisms, fermentation of undigested food, intestinal obstruction.
  • General weakness, fatigue.

In some cases, if the pancreas improperly works, there may be a rise in temperature, increased heart rate, respiratory failure, skin pallor, jaundice symptoms, lowering blood pressure and other signs.

Symptoms of poor pancreas

Treatment is always easier if the body is allowed to recover in the early stages of the disease. Without waiting for acute pancreatitis, you can pay attention to the indirect signs of poor pancreas.

  • Deterioration of digestion, especially severe perception of a plentiful feast with lots of fatty foods and / or alcohol.
  • Any pain in the left hypochondrium, especially if they take shingles and irradiate even in the back.
  • Bloating and muscle tension in the abdominal wall.
  • Wet, coated tongue( in severe cases dry with a gray bloom).
  • Temperature rise.
  • Liquid stool.
  • Increased irritability, restlessness, sleep disturbances.
  • Pale skin, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

The presence of several of the described signs of poor organ performance is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Even if it turns out that everything is fine with the pancreas, it will be possible to find other malfunctions in the functioning of the body, and after their elimination, life will noticeably improve.

What if the pancreas does not work?

Presence of symptoms of severe exacerbation of malfunction of the pancreas requires immediate medical attention, if the condition is severe, an ambulance should be called. During this period, you can not take medication so that the doctor can more accurately diagnose the condition of the body. To somehow ease your condition, you can use a cold compress( but, in no case, no heating pad!) In the left hypochondrium. You can also find a pose in which the state is slightly easier.

In other cases, it is recommended to take antispasmodics to relieve pain. If the process was started and the pancreas does not work correctly, it is necessary to make adjustments to the lifestyle and diet. Excludes all the sharp, sour, fatty and pickled food, alcohol, coffee( especially on an empty stomach).

In case of poor body performance, it is recommended to eat porridges on the water, vegetable soups, mild cheeses, lean meats, pasta, light tea. Products are recommended to boil, steamed or stew, but do not fry. Butter is also not useful, and vegetable oil should be consumed in limited quantities. Physical loads should be moderate, with exacerbations it is generally desirable to avoid intensive physical work.

These same measures will help to stop the destructive processes at the beginning of the disease. Since the disruption of the pancreas is often accompanied by problems with the gallbladder, it is necessary to adhere to general recommendations for the prevention of cholelithiasis.

Pancreas time.

For the health of the organs of the endocrine system, it is necessary to give them rest. Round the clock load leads to rapid wear, so you need to provide recovery periods to improve the pancreas work the rest of the time. In the period of exacerbations, a "hunger pause" with an abundant drink is better, while maximum rest is provided at all.

A pancreatic diet( 5P) is prescribed for rehabilitation after a course of treatment. It is recommended to divide the daily meal by 5-6 times to avoid a heavy load at a time. Before going to bed( 2.5-3 hours), it is generally desirable to exclude food intake, since at night it is absorbed more slowly. Often such a diet is the basis for many years, since complete recovery is impossible, so it is better not to bring to acute stages of pancreatitis and start treatment in a timely manner.

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