How to make baths with hemorrhoids, can I take sedentary baths at home while treating hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are nothing more than a common pathology that needs an integrated approach. And very often folk techniques in the fight against it are much more effective than taking expensive medications. One of these methods can be indicated baths that have a positive effect on hemorrhoids and overall health.

Many patients are interested in the following question, but is it possible to take baths with hemorrhoids, or is it best to wash yourself in the shower all the time. Of course, you can, but it is recommended to perform this together with herbal decoctions, combining the pleasant with the useful. However, it is not necessary to stay in the water for a long time, as it is possible to damage your health. When washing under the shower, you must observe the contrast of water at a temperature of 34 to 41 degrees.

Types of medical baths for hemorrhoids

A doctor can prescribe to his patient different types of trays with hemorrhoids, taking into account the stage of the process. Below are listed the main ones, those that people use most often for the removal of symptoms of the disease. What are the tubs with hemorrhoids:

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  • Hot. For such a procedure, water with a temperature above the human body will be required - approximately 40 degrees. Hot it does not need to do, since the skin around the anus is tender and sensitive. To relieve pain, you can use medicinal broths using chamomile, calamus, calendula, sage, St. John's wort. A good effect has a decoction of onion peel. They have an effect aimed at healing tissues and fighting inflammation.
  • Warm. The water temperature is equal to the temperature of the human body. You can use manganese, onion and garlic husks, herbal decoctions. Thanks to this procedure, the walls of the vessels are strengthened, the cracks heal, the muscles relax, the itching passes, and bactericidal action appears.
  • Cool. The water temperature is 18-20 degrees. It is recommended to use potassium permanganate, chamomile broth. They are used for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, so bleeding, pain and blood circulation improve.

The course of execution of any of these methods lasts no more than 2 weeks, after which you need to take a break. Duration of reception of a warm and hot bath is 15-30 minutes, the rest should be taken no more than 7 minutes.

In the peak of exacerbation of the disease, hot water is contraindicated for the sick, as it can only harm the patient due to the improvement in blood flow.

Radon and hydrogen sulphide baths with hemorrhoids

Many people are interested in the question: are they allowed to be carried out with hemorrhoids, because they are so useful to the body as a whole. But with hemorrhoids, a bath based on hydrogen sulfide is contraindicated, since it can negatively affect a person's health.

As for baths based on radon for hemorrhoids, they do not give a positive result. With such a disease, a doctor can prescribe the use of intestinal lavages, which also fight other diseases from which the patient suffers.

When should I make a bath with hemorrhoids?

Baths with hemorrhoids at home can be shown at any stage of the disease. But they can be used only as part of complex therapy. Although sometimes this method becomes the only salvage in the painful sensations of the anus and the appearance of cracks. After performing the procedure, nothing can be done, it is better to lie in bed. To prescribe this procedure should the doctor, an independent appointment can only do much harm.

Such a measure of symptom relief will be effective when eliminating the causes of the disease, for example, frequent constipation, sedentary work, motionless lifestyle. Often, the trays are shown to pregnant women due to the fact that not every medication is allowed to this category of patients.

Indications for such procedures are the presence of hemorrhoids. Over time, they will pass, and after each procedure the patient will feel a noticeable improvement.

In order for the procedure to be more convenient, you can purchase a special medical lining for the toilet. If, for some reason, you can not buy it, you can perform manipulations in the usual pelvis. Not everyone knows how to properly make baths with hemorrhoids. After the solution is ready, you need to dilute the buttocks with your hands and sit in it.

Baths in the treatment of hemorrhoids at home

If twenty years ago to stop the hemorrhoids needed only to carry out operations, today everything is different. There are many methods for alleviating the condition of the patient and eliminating the ailments. As a rule, today the doctor when identifying hemorrhoids prescribes to the patient sessile baths with the addition of various decoctions in the complex therapy.

As a rule, the solution with permanganate is usually prescribed. It is necessary to perform the procedure at home three times throughout the day. If this technique does not help the healing of the nodes, then it is necessary to select other measures to get rid of them. And if they do not help, you can not do without surgical intervention. That is why early diagnosis of the disease is important.

If the patient develops internal hemorrhoids, the baths will be ineffective, they will have to choose another method to eliminate the ailment. And therefore at any stage of the disease you need to consult with a specialist.

Baths with warm water are used most often, as it is well perceived by the body and has a minimum of contraindications. If we talk about the first stage of the disease, 70% of the cases after the procedures go through all the symptoms of the disease, and after a while it passes by itself. When the disease develops to the second stage, this procedure should be done regularly.

Trays after a hemorrhoids removal operation

After removing hemorrhoids, an important procedure is taking a bath to counteract the development of a bacterial infection. In addition, thanks to the use of therapeutic baths, the postoperative period is shortened. For treatment, apply potassium permanganate, oak bark, mummies, chamomile and other herbs.

When using potassium permanganate for medicinal baths from hemorrhoids, do not overdo it and add it as much as the doctor prescribes, otherwise a burn may appear.

In the postoperative period, you need to be treated with baths at home with a water temperature of more than 36, a maximum of 37 degrees. The duration of its reception should not be more than 12 minutes. Follow the procedure after the hygienic shower.

The procedures have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, bactericidal effect on the body. After the adoption should be wiped with a soft towel, having wet an anus and to lay down to have a rest.

Contraindications to baths with hemorrhoids

Baths with hemorrhoids are not allowed to all people. So, for example, procedures with cold water have such contraindications:

  • of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious diseases.

Hot baths with hemorrhoids are contraindicated in such cases:

  • severe bleeding;
  • thrombosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • infringement of cones.

If we talk about warm baths, they have no contraindications, they are not allowed to be taken only to people with an individual intolerance of the components used to prepare the solution.

In conclusion, I want to say that the baths with hemorrhoids are an indispensable measure both for eliminating the symptoms of the disease and for recovering after its removal. And what means to use for acceptance it is better to ask the doctor, since not all herbs can be useful to a person. At home, you can perform procedures that are very effective for different diseases, in addition, they can be performed even by children.

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