Is it possible to live without a pancreas, how do they live with pancreatitis, what kind of lifestyle to lead?

In the human body it is difficult to overestimate the role of the pancreas. This small, located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, an organ of elongated form produces enzymes necessary for digestion. And no other body can fully replace it.

In addition, the function of this gland is the production of an insulin hormone, without which it is impossible to transport glucose, the main energy fuel, to the tissues of the body. For its production, there are so-called islet cells, which in the healthy pancreas produce a sufficient amount of the hormone. The death of these cells leads to a lack of insulin in the body, and as a result, the person develops diabetes mellitus.

Analyzing the appointment of the pancreas in our body, you can guess that a person can not live without it. If this body is removed due to diabetes, pancreatitis or cancer, what can replace it? In our body there is no second such organ, so the removal of the pancreas is completely incompatible with life. It is possible, of course, a month or two to artificially maintain the function of the patient in the patient, taking oral enzymes for digestion and making insulin injections, but for a long time such a patient will not survive.

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People with diabetes make injections of insulin, because it is produced by their pancreas in insufficient quantities, but the body cures normally with the digestive enzyme function.

You can live with pancreatitis if you change your lifestyle for a better way and follow a specific diet. This disease is incurable, but if you do not consume alcohol, give up fatty and spicy food, eat easily digestible foods and follow the doctor's recommendations, you can avoid exacerbations of pancreatitis and the appearance of tumors.

In case of emergency, people with serious diseases of this body are offered to make a transplant. Pancreas transplantation is a very complex operation, both in terms of obtaining a donor organ and in execution, because the gland tissue is very fragile, and can be damaged even by touching the surgeon's finger. This organ is unpaired, therefore it is impossible to transplant it from a live donor to the recipient without the death of the donor.

Transplant operations are successfully carried out abroad, the leaders in this are the USA, Germany, Italy and Israel. Similar operations have been carried out in Russia since recently.

Lifestyle in pancreatitis

During the period of remission, it is very important to pay attention to physiotherapy. This is a completely safe technique and a wonderful rehabilitation method. A simple gymnastics, after the relief of pain syndrome is necessary, since stagnant phenomena develop during bed rest, circulatory disturbance and worsening of the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic gymnastics should enter into a lifestyle with pancreatitis, like pills and injections.

It is important to follow a certain diet that does not contain preservatives, fatty, fried and smoked food. Even the amount of salt in pancreatitis is limited. Just have to limit the amount of sugar, it is desirable to completely exclude bread, baking. Food should be fractional, frequent and in small quantities.

Of course, a lifestyle with inflammation of the pancreas must change. For example, smoking and alcohol are contraindicated, as this is a proven risk for this disease. Alcoholic pancreatitis generally develops rapidly and, in practice, is not treated.

The most common formula for inflammation of the pancreas: cold, hunger and rest, but this is during an acute exacerbation of pancreatitis.

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