Diarrhea and burping of rotten eggs, air, yeast, sour, loose stool( diarrhea), nausea, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, gas( flatulence), what's the reason?

Most people have experienced such unpleasant symptoms as eructation of rotten eggs and diarrhea, so the question of why these phenomena occur and what to do in case of this symptomatology excites many. Gases that often leave the intestine and have a characteristic acidic, yeast or hydrogen sulfide smell, as well as the presence of a liquid stool in the patient, indicate that a violation has occurred in the functioning of the digestive system. Often, these negative symptoms are added to the state of nausea or vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain and fever.

To understand how to get rid of this negative symptomatology, it is necessary to understand what led to the simultaneous occurrence of diarrhea, burping of rotten eggs and nausea. Specialists note that the appearance of these signs provokes the decreased secretory function of the digestive tract and the violation of intestinal motility. As a result of this, putrefactive processes develop in the digestive tract, which cause diarrhea and eructation. Eating, diarrhea, and other dyspeptic manifestations may indicate many diseases, but most often they are characteristic of inflammatory or infectious diseases of the intestine. In order to identify the root cause that provoked the emergence of a stool with gases that smell of hydrogen sulfide, as well as such phenomena as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and fever, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo appropriate studies. Usually, diagnosticians recommend the following methods for revealing pathology, causing a belly egg to belch, diarrhea and nausea:

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  • Analysis of gastric juice for acidity;
  • Fluoroscopy or FGDS;
  • Immunological analysis;
  • ultrasound;
  • Biochemical and general blood test.

In rare cases, a biopsy of the gastric mucosa is possible to clarify the disease, which provoked the appearance of belching, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Treatment is appointed only after a source of negative symptoms is established. This approach is necessary because of the variety of diseases that induce the emergence, in a complex or separately, of such symptoms as rotten belching and diarrhea, fever, nausea, severe flatulence.

The main causes of eructation and diarrhea

This phenomenon can occur once and for a completely healthy person in the event that it allows serious errors in nutrition( reshuffle).After all, because of this, the stomach clogged with food does not allow the input sphincter to fully close and the air in the digestive organ is pushed back. Diarrhea in this case appears simultaneously with a belching of air, which has no smell due to the fact that peristalsis is accelerated in the congested intestine. So this body seeks to get rid of the food that is hindering it. This cause of danger does not represent and for a short time the release of air from the digestive organs and liquid stools cease.

Serious prerequisites that cause the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as eructation, giving off hydrogen sulfide or yeast, and accompanied by diarrhea, a lot, but most experts note that this symptom is provoked by hypoacid gastritis, which proceeds with chronic inflammation of mucous and low acidity. Patients suffering from this disease complain of nausea and lack of appetite. The minimal error in the diet causes diarrhea in them, accompanied by a belching, which has an unpleasant smell of spoiled eggs. In case of exacerbation of this disease, in addition to a loose stool, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and flatulence may also appear.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, a chronic disease characterized by retrograde admission into the esophagus of stomach contents, also causes this symptomatology. The appearance of an ailment of diarrhea with an acidic eructation is provoked by hypotonia of the esophageal sphincter, which occurs as a result of a disturbance in the diet and an incorrect lifestyle.

Some people have diarrhea with flatulence and after antibiotics, or because they consume large amounts of refined sugar-containing foods. These factors lead to the emergence of a yeast fungus candida albicans, causing excessive fermentation. Diarrhea and belching with a yeast flavor are the most innocuous of what this fungus is capable of. It can also cause quite serious diseases. Despite the fact that the likelihood of such a development of events is small, it is worth to turn to a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

Treating diarrhea and burping

All therapeutic measures are prescribed in this case only after the diagnosis is established, which caused this symptomatology. But there are measures to reduce the unpleasant manifestations that a person can perform independently before passing the diagnosis, especially if there is a suspicion of poisoning. They consist in the following:

  • When eructations are produced by rotten eggs and diarrhea, rinsing with a weak solution of baking soda or manganese should be done. After the vomiting has stopped, take Sorbex or a suspension of activated charcoal;
  • Drinking during diarrhea should be strengthened to prevent dehydration. It is best to drink rehydration solutions or herbal teas.

Also, when there is a belch, diarrhea, abdominal pain and nausea, you should adjust the diet. All food should be easily digestible and sparing. This will contribute to the restoration of normal bowel function and the formation of a stool. When diarrhea and rotten belching eggs almost cease, half an hour before eating it will be useful to use honey in the form of a solution. But do not delay with a visit to the doctor. This symptomatology often indicates that any pathology develops in the body, and without appropriate treatment, negative manifestations after they subside for a short time, will return again. In addition, an untreated disease can give serious complications.

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