Dietary table with stomach ulcer. Recommendations for the formation of diets

When a stomach ulcer is diagnosed in a person, it means that you need to completely change not only your previous lifestyle, but also strictly adhere to the dietary regime of nutrition. For these purposes, a complex menu was developed, which is recommended for use in stomach ulcers. The table, which dieticians offer, accommodates products that do not have fats, smoked products, spicy and sour food.

The main purpose of the dietary table for ulcer is to provide the body of a sick person with a complex of nutrients, microelements, vitamins and amino acids that do not irritate and do not damage the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

Food is recommended to be taken in small portions up to 6 times a day, but not later than seven in the evening. This will avoid the occurrence of an acid reflex, and will promote the stimulation of blood circulation in the stomach.

During the remission of ailment it is recommended to eat the following food:

  • Morning .Oatmeal porridge, slightly dried toast, one soft-boiled egg, light salad of fresh vegetables. You can drink vegetable or fruit juices from non-acid fruits( raspberry, cabbage, potato, pumpkin, and kalinovy).Before lunch, as an intermediate meal, you can repeat the breakfast menu or use spaghetti, rice, whole-grain noodles.
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  • Lunch at the .Diets table with a stomach ulcer during lunch consists of the first dish - a light soup. As the second recommended meat boiled chicken without skins, oatmeal or mashed potatoes as a side dish, a salad of fresh cabbage and cucumber. You can drink light tea, as well as decoctions of rose hips, chamomile, anise. Before dinner you can eat from the lunch menu.
  • Dinner .Mashed potatoes, porridge or pasta. Light salad of fresh vegetables, as well as seafood, cooked on a steam bath. Drink low-fat milk, tea or fruit non-acidic juices.

Which table for stomach ulcer is indicated in the manifestation of exacerbations and frequent relapses? In this case, doctors prescribe a strict diet, which must be observed impeccably. The table with peptic ulcer of the stomach is formed on the basis of the conducted studies. It is divided into two parts: table 1a and table 1b. Eating is carried out about 8 times a day.

Table for peptic ulcer of the first part( 1a) is prescribed for 7 days.

For breakfast, use an egg soft-boiled or steam omelet, a few spoons of oatmeal with butter, as well as skim milk.

Light rice soup, chicken or low-fat beef prepared on a steam bath is recommended for lunch. You can drink jelly, juice or low-fat milk. As intermediate meals, steam omelette and spaghetti are offered, as well as mineral water, pumpkin juice, weak tea.

Dinner consists of oatmeal or semolina porridge, as well as dairy or fruit jelly. Such a dietary table with a stomach ulcer means the suppression of the reflex function of the digestive organ, and helps restore the mucous membrane.

Diet table 1b is the second part of a strict diet that is used in case of exacerbation of exacerbation. The food is prepared exclusively on the steam bath. The daily diet includes dishes on a dairy basis, as well as fish and lean meat.

For breakfast, use steamed chops, scrambled eggs, buckwheat or rice ground mush. Drink recommended tea with milk. Intermediate meals consist of milk yogurt, jelly, unhealthy cookies.

For lunch, peanuts eat rice soup or barley cereals, meatballs or chicken meat, mashed potatoes. You can drink milk. Until the evening allowed to eat boiled soft-boiled egg, as beverages - juices( non-acid freshly squeezed), mineral water.

For dinner you can eat fish, porridge from buckwheat or oat croup. Drink recommended milk, jelly( milk or fruit), fresh juice, light tea.

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