Panaritium: treatment, classification, autopsy, causes, symptoms

An inflammatory disease with acute course, panaritium can be caused by the penetration of the virus into the body tissues. Panaritium arises on the hands and phalanges of the fingers, with the incidence of the greatest on the right arm. The most common cause is a work injury, which causes significant mechanical damage to the hands. Specificity of this soft tissue injury is such that the initial stages very quickly become more progressive, embracing more and more healthy parts and patches, gradually penetrating to the bones, which is especially dangerous.

At the first manifestations of this skin lesion, caused by the penetration of the virus, there is a manifestation of quite obvious symptoms, which immediately attracts attention and allows you to identify the disease at the earliest possible stage. Purulent processes that accompany the emergence and spread of panaritium are noted mainly in the tissues of the fingers( similar lesions on the outside of the hand do not apply to panaritium).The characteristic symptomatology, a high degree of soreness in the "maturation" of purulent inflammation make it possible to start treatment on time, which can be performed conservatively in the early stages of the disease. With the aggravation of the pathological process and the penetration of purulent masses deep into the tissues, to the bones, urgent surgical intervention is required.

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Features of the ailment

A specific feature of the panaritium can be called the rapidity of the pathological purulent process, its rapid penetration into soft tissues and the possibility of bone capture, which is dangerous for the health of the bone system. Running panaritium can cause damage to the bone tissue, which is often irreversible.

The incidence of this lesion in women is approximately the same as in men;but because of its appearance in obtaining mechanical damages of the tissues of the hands and fingers, which, according to medical statistics, are especially often recorded in the workplace, panaritiums are predominantly the lesion that occurs in men. In children, panic attacks can occur during games, with mechanical effects on the hands and fingers.

About the ailment on the arms, legs, nails and other types of panaricium read below.

Elena Malysheva in the next video will tell about the finger felony:

Classification of

Today, doctors distinguish several varieties of panation, which differ among themselves the place of localization of the lesion. All of them have identical manifestations, the characteristic symptomatology is aggravated in the absence of therapeutic effect.

The classification of the panation is as follows:

  1. The cutaneous species , which is considered to be the easiest in the treatment. The abscess is formed in the thickness of the skin, while the deep layers of tissues are usually not affected.
  2. The circumgneal form of , the site of localization of the inflammatory process is the area near the nail roller.
  3. The subungual form of the panaritium is characterized by the location of the site of the abscess in the space under the nail plate.
  4. The subcutaneous variety is located in the palmar tissues, on its inner part.
  5. The articular panaritium affects the phalanges and joints of the hands, fingers. In this inflammatory process can capture an increasing number of tissues.
  6. Bone purulent lesion of , in which the pathological process spreads into the thickness of bone tissue. This species is especially dangerous, since the depth of its penetration is greatest, as a result of which it is more difficult to treat.
  7. Tendon , affecting the area of ​​tendons and ligaments.
  8. Bony tendon , in which there are purulent lesions of both joints and adjacent areas, and bone tissue. Treatment with this type of disease is required to be carried out urgently to prevent further infection of the body.

The listed classification allows attributing the revealed purulent lesion to a specific type, which allows to determine the most effective scheme of therapeutic effect.

Types of fence

Causes of

The most common cause of such a disease, as panaritium, is the penetration into the tissues of the hands and fingers of pyogenic infection and viruses. Their further and active reproduction provokes the formation of purulent masses. Even small wounds and a crack on the skin can become an open gate to enter the tissue of the infection, and its penetration often goes unnoticed.

The most common cause of inflammation in the tissues of the fingers and hands becomes Staphylococcus aureus. However, microorganisms such as

  • streptococci can become pathogens;
  • Gram-positive rods;
  • gram-negative rods;
  • E. coli;
  • pathogens of putrefactive infection.

The listed pathological microorganisms, actively multiplying, with a decrease in immunity cause the formation of purulent masses that fill the tissues and require the release of ulcers.

Symptoms of

The most characteristic symptoms of panarization include inflammation on the skin of the palms, fingers, interdigital spaces and on the phalanges of the fingers. In this case, there are such subjective sensations as:

  • marked soreness in the lesions;
  • appearance of masses of pus, which are looking for an outlet on the skin;
  • suppuration with exiting;
  • formation of inflamed skin areas, an increase in this area in size;
  • gradual aggravation of pathological process inside tissues in the absence of treatment or its insufficiency.

Each variety has a number of characteristic manifestations, and the symptomatology even allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis, which then must be confirmed by the attending physician: this approach should be applied to remove external manifestations of the disease, remove soreness and prevent the possibility of inflammation entering the tissues. The most difficult to treat is panaritium, which affects the deeper layers of the skin or palm tissues.


The diagnosis of this disease should be carried out in a medical institution;on the basis of the received analyzes and researches the doctor taking into account the general condition of the patient prescribes a scheme of therapeutic effect, which will allow to remove the characteristic manifestations of the disease.

In addition to an external examination of the affected areas, a doctor may prescribe an X-ray, which will provide complete data on the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the palm and fingers.

Now we learn how to treat panaritium.

Finger pinarings in a child( photo)

Treatment of

It should be remembered that panaritium at a very early stage is much more quickly cured. However, with the aggravation of the process, the penetration of pyogenic infection into the tissues, there is a high probability of a more in-depth treatment with the use of potent antibacterial drugs that will rather relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate soreness and swelling in the lesion.

This video will tell you how to cure panaritium:

Therapeutic way of

  • The peculiarities of the application of therapeutic methods of treatment are that obtaining a pronounced result of treatment in diagnosing the panaric form of any form is manifested with external lesions of tissues and skin of hands.
  • With deeper penetration of infection, only surgical intervention should be used, which will remove the infection and prevent damage to ligaments, tendons and bone tissue.

By medicamentous method

At panarization the most effective antibacterial agents have shown themselves, which reliably and reliably remove the inflammatory process, eliminate soreness. There are many such means. So, the standard set of drugs for panaritium is Levomecol, Dimexide, Ichthyol and Vishnevsky Ointment, some antibiotics.

Usually antibacterial therapy is performed after surgery, but it can be successfully used in shallow forms of panaricium.

Now let's talk about the autopsy panaricium.


Surgical intervention is recognized as the most effective method of affecting affected tissues during panaritium. With the help of surgery, purulent masses are removed, cavities are cleared.

The operation is appointed by the doctor after necessary laboratory tests and blood tests.

Prevention of the disease

Preventive measures against panarization include treatment of the skin of hands and hands after doing any work, preventing the penetration of viral infection in the hands. To do this, even with minor mechanical damage to the skin, immediately treat the wound with a disinfectant solution.

Complications of panaritium

To complications in the identification of any form of panaritium and in its insufficient treatment, include such conditions as damage to bone tissue, tendons. These conditions are not amenable to treatment, therefore, if there are any signs of abnormality in the condition of the skin and tissues of the hands, fingers and hands, consult a doctor for a survey.


Survival in the early stages of the panic is 100%. However, with aggravation of the pathological process, the penetration of purulent masses into the bone tissues the probability of complications, which reduces the survival percentage.

This video shows the operation as a method of treatment panaric:

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