Sport and stomach ulcer: exercise therapy for peptic ulcer and physical exertion

LFK with peptic ulcer is an important element of treatment, because the pain caused by the disease and the change in reflex regulation cause pathological reflexes in the patient, which worsens all metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, if one recalls that permanent stress is considered one of the reasons for the development of this disease, then exercise therapy for peptic ulcer is simply necessary, since the correctly selected physical load in an ulcer will stimulate sub-brain centers of the brain that not only accelerate the passage of life processes in the body,but also responsible for the emergence of positive emotions.

Also, constant physical activity in the stomach ulcer has a direct beneficial effect on the nervous regulation of the digestive apparatus. The fact is that by performing various exercises, the patient gradually increases the energy reserve, increases the number of buffer compounds, the body is enriched with calcium, potassium, vitamins and enzyme compounds. However, to select exercises for gastric ulcer should be carefully and deliberately, all the above benefits of exercise therapy is observed only with moderate physical exertion, but after intensive training, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is oppressed on the contrary.

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Contraindications to exercise therapy for gastric ulcer

In addition to the fact that the load should not be depleting, there are a number of contraindications to physical exercises:

  1. acute period of fresh ulcers;
  2. is complicated by bleeding;
  3. stenosis in the stage of decompensation;
  4. preperforative state;
  5. massive fresh paraprocesses with penetration;
  6. severe pain;
  7. general contraindications to loads;
  8. marked dyspeptic disorder.

The tasks of therapeutic physical training for peptic ulcer

The main tasks of exercise therapy include:

  1. normalization of the neuropsychic tone;
  2. regulation of braking and excitation of HC;
  3. improvement of oxidation-reduction processes, digestion, circulation and respiration;
  4. counteraction to congestion, adhesions and other complications;
  5. improvement of the state of ODA;
  6. increased proprioceptive sensitivity and muscle strength.

Principles of selection of physical exercises for stomach ulcer

Patients simply need to remember the youth of the pioneer camps and start each day with morning exercises. Exercises in this complex should be no more than 10, all of them should be easy to perform and involve the main muscle groups.

The main emphasis of gymnastics should be on breathing exercises, load on abdominal muscles and learning techniques of voluntary contraction and relaxation of muscles. This will reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and reflexively help to relax the smooth muscles of the stomach. However, in the acute and subacute period of the disease any physical stress on the abdominal muscles is excluded.

Sports with a stomach ulcer

The fact that exercise therapy and gymnastic exercises for a patient are useful, we have already figured out, but how do sports and ulcers coexist among themselves?

It should be understood that professional sports are heavy debilitating physical activities and psychological stresses that are not very useful for the patient. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. First, a lot depends on the sport, and secondly, on the stage of the disease. So in an acute period with inpatient treatment, talking about sports is funny, in subacute - many sports can provoke an exacerbation due to the load on abdominal muscles and emotional experiences during the competition. But after the wounds of the stomach heal, you can slowly restore the athletic form. The main thing is that training does not bring down the diet prescribed by the doctor.

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