Application of eye drops Tropicamide intravenously: symptoms of use, consequences, treatment

Every day the number of varieties of drugs is replenished with new means. Quite a lot of drugs have a hidden drug effect, however, they are available on a free sale. One such drug is Tropicamide.

Eye drops Tropicamide

Medication Tropicamide is a drug widely used in ophthalmology, which is intended for instillation into the eye. These drops help to expand the pupil, which is necessary for the doctor to thoroughly examine the fundus. In addition, a similar drug is used for adhesions in the apple of the eye and inflammatory pathologies.

Tropicamide belongs to the M-holinoblockers group. It blocks the neuroimpulse signals in specific neuro-systemic receptors.

Composition of

The active component of droplets is a substance - tropicamide. As auxiliary components in the preparation there are such substances:

  • Hydrochloric acid;
  • Sodium chloride;
  • Benzalkonium chloride;
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
  • Deionized purified water.

Mechanism of action

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Tropicamide refers to medications - mydriatic. Approximately in 5-10 minutes after instillation there is a mydriasis - pupillary expansion. The maximum expansion occurs approximately in 25-45 minutes and lasts about an hour. After 6 hours the pupil acquires its original dimensions.

If a significant number of drops enter the mucous tissues of the oral cavity and the nasal cavity, there is a possibility of a comatose state, fraught with the death of the patient. Therefore, the drug can be used only topically, by digesting into the eyes. Among the side reactions of the drug experts call increased nervous excitement, convulsive muscle contractions, dry skin and mucous membranes, increased heartbeat.

Initially, Tropicamide was used by drug addicts for their intended purpose, i.e. for dilating the pupils. This effect made it possible to hide the narrowed pupils after using opium drugs. But then someone managed to find another effect on the body. When used together with narcotic substances, Tropicamide enhances their effect. As a result, it was possible to significantly reduce the dose of a habitual drug, and the "addict" felt like a drug addict for the first time.

However, drug addicts did not take into account the significant fact that when Tropicamide is used, drug addiction intensifies, and withdrawal becomes many times heavier. And the drops themselves can provoke something similar to euphoria, so many addicts with their help cope with breaking, facilitating their condition, and some even do drugs intoxicated with hallucinations.

Effect of

Addicts inject eye drops with tropicamide intravenously, not realizing the extent of the damage they cause to their body.

  • When droplets penetrate the bloodstream, irreversible changes are triggered in the body, which are associated with the decomposition and death of the internal structures.
  • If the drug addict systematically enters high dosages of the drug, then the processes of decay begin in the body. The addict has abscesses on the body, swollen limbs or face.
  • The organism against the background of abuse of this drug weakens, immunity is suppressed, there are violations in the work of the heart, pulmonary system.

As for the psychoemotional sphere of the addict, under the influence of drops, he can bring himself to an abnormal state. A tropicamid drug addict can absolutely not react to others and simply periodically enter to himself a dose at a dose until the drug is over or he does not lose consciousness.

On the video about the use of the drug Tropicamide as a drug:

Dependence development

Tropicamide is able to quickly cause addiction, not only psychic, but also physical. Cope with a similar problem alone, "nariku" is beyond the power. Narcologists characterize such dependence, as the possessed desire to take drops intravenously, in order to achieve the desired sensation. They argue that after a short intravenous drip, a drug addict needs serious psychological help.

Dependence on eye drops develops very quickly, like blindness and other complications, so tropicid addicts need specialized help from psychiatric psychiatrists. Rapid development of dependence is due to the rather strong effect of drops in combination with other drugs. The addict tries again to achieve the same sensation, so again and again the product is injected.

If there are no other drugs, eye drops are injected in a pure form, in order to remove the intensity of narcotic withdrawal and significantly alleviate the condition of the addict. Therefore, after a few weeks of regular use, drug addicts can not do without Tropicamide. Breaking from these drops is so strong that without a specialized medical care the patient can hardly survive it. Even in the process of treatment, tropicidal drug addicts lose control and try to interrupt the course of treatment and rehabilitation in order to get another dose of the drug again.

Signs and symptoms of

It is very important to know what signs indicate intravenous use of Tropicamide:

  • In a tropicidal addict, after a few uses, the skin becomes a gray-yellow shade, which is associated with a sharp decrease in the hemoglobin level( for several doses 5 times less);
  • In the drug addict who uses these drops under normal sunlight, eyes begin to water very much, photophobia develops, and then vision begins to fall rapidly;
  • After a few months of tropikamidnogo experience at the addict begin to rot the inorganic tissue, often there are seizures, like in epileptics.

Consequences of

According to observations, drug addicts who used Tropicamide for several months had the following consequences:

  • Against the background of permanent mydriasis, the eye retina undergoes a strong light effect, as a result of which the drug addict first has a painful light reaction, and then completely blindness occurs;
  • The drug for intravenous use causes an organic intoxication. The liver suffers first, up to hepatic cirrhosis;
  • Often the use of drops causes the development of inflammatory processes in the myocardium and arrhythmic disorders, which is fraught with the death of a drug addict;
  • Skin becomes yellow and becomes like wax;
  • Anemia occurs, in which the hemoglobin content falls critically threefold and even quadruple;
  • The immune system is exhausted, the addict becomes absolutely defenseless before any infection;
  • Patient is rapidly losing weight, is exhausted;
  • Neurosystemic activity is also affected, the patient is overcome by psychosis, elpileptic-like cramps, endless hallucinations leading to insanity.

All of the above manifestations occur after just a few weeks of using Tropicamide, and in general such drug addicts rarely live more than two years. Finally, it is not known, but in some tropical drug addicts, muscle tissues exfoliate from the skeleton. Experts are studying whether this effect is caused by drops or their combination with other drugs.

In the photo, the effects of Tropicamide

Treatment of

Dependence The danger of intravenous administration of Tropicamide is that the next dose may lead to an overdose and cause a fatal outcome.

Therefore, such people need qualified treatment at a drug treatment center. Usually, the therapy is carried out in three steps:

  1. Detoxification therapy, which implies the complete purification of the body of narcotic products and their metabolites. At this stage, the patient is prescribed painkillers and sedatives, infusion therapy is performed to restore the water-salt balance, vitamin-mineral complexes are recommended to increase the immune status and accelerate the recovery of the body;
  2. Therapy of concomitant pathological conditions that occurred with the use of Tropicamide. If such diseases have not yet managed to reach serious stages, then it is likely complete cure. But most often tropical drug addicts after recovery can not return vision and liver cirrhosis, which make them disabled and significantly shorten life;
  3. Along with drug therapy, psychotherapy is conducted, the purpose of which is to identify the reasons that prompted a person to become a drug addict and the formation of motivation to abandon any drugs.

The psychotherapist shows that in life besides addiction there are other values ​​that bring happiness and bring joy. And they are completely unrelated to drugs.

When treatment ends, a drug addict is recommended to live in a rehabilitation center, where he finally gets stronger, will be away from former friends, will not be able to find a dose.

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