Liposarcoma of soft tissues, retroperitoneal space and stomach: photo, symptoms, prognosis

Cancer on the first stages does not hurt and looks like a lipoma. It is necessary to diagnose the problem in time, then there is more chance of a positive result.

Concept and Statistics

Pathology refers to soft-tissue sarcomas. It takes a fifth of the total number of these diseases. More common in older males. But in rare cases this type of pathology in children is determined.

Different modifications of the future fatty cell at different stages of its differentiation determine the creation of different types of liposarcomas.

Tumor localization

  • Pathology most often affects the thigh area, the knee joint. May be in other parts of the lower limbs.
  • The shoulder is the area where the liposarcoma finds its location a bit less frequently than previously mentioned localizations.

The photo shows a patient with soft tissue liposarcoma of the

  • shoulder. The retroperitoneal space is also a place for the liposarcoma variety of the tumor, which is often chosen.
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  • Pathology can occur in any area of ​​the body. Tumors are often associated with periarticular tissues, intermuscular connective tissues, located deep in tissues.

Species and their characteristics

Tumors are divided into the following types:

  • Pleiomorphic - formation of this species is rare. Cells that form pathology, have a marked difference from healthy cells of adipose tissue. This:
    • pleomorphic lipoblast,
    • pleomorphic spindle-shaped and round cells.
  • Highly differentiated - rarely produces metastases, tumor cells are represented by lipoblasts, hyperchromic and mature fat units. The type of pathology is divided into three varieties:
    • Inflammatory liposarcoma in addition to the characteristic for highly differentiated liposarcoma cells has a lymphoplasmocyte infiltrate in its composition.
    • Sclerosing liposarcoma is a type of tumor where lipoblasts are almost not detected. Education consists of fibrous tissues with atypical cells and tissues from mature fat cells.
    • Liposarcoma, which in its composition has a large number of lipoblasts and fat cells, defined as mature. This kind of pathology most closely resembles a lipoma.
  • The dedifferentiated cells retain differentiation. Pathology quickly forms metastases, differs by an aggressive characteristic. Are prone to frequent local relapses.
  • Mixoid liposarcoma - consists of cells that, when enlarged, look normal. At the same time, education is prone to rapid transformation into an oncological tumor, indicating that it has a high degree of malignancy in potential. Education represented by:
    • spindle-shaped, round
    • cells and lipoblasts.
  • Mixed type - this pathology is most rare. Characterized by the fact that the tumor contains cells of two or more species listed in this section.
  • Round cell liposarcoma - this is also called lipoblastic sarcoma.
  • Low-differentiated - a tumor similar in composition to conventional fatty compounds. Pathology develops with great speed as an oncological entity.

Tumor features associated with its localization:

  • If the pathology is located in the retroperitoneal space, then growing education oppresses the organs and can be displaced from a natural location. Usually such a location is occupied by differentiated formations with an aggressive character. One of the variants arising with their help of problems is the creation of interference in the work of the ureters, which accordingly harms the health of the kidneys.
  • If the tumor is formed in the limb region, it may be accidentally injured. This is due to the fact that in these areas there are mainly low-grade representatives of liposarcoma.
  • Education is prone to metastases. Here, the danger lies in the possible transmission of blood vessels and the deterioration of blood supply. Also, a tumor can interfere with nerve fibers, then a sensation of pain will appear.

Causes of development of

Consider several factors that can cause the disease:

  • It is noted that cases of pathology coincide with the facts of taking hormonal drugs of a corticosteroid nature.
  • It is assumed that there may be anomalous benign formations: neurofibromas and lipomas.
  • The appearance of pathology can be facilitated by prolonged traumatization of a small force on soft tissues or serious mechanical damage.
  • There is an opinion that the disease can initiate an effect on the body of radiation.
  • Harmful effects of chemicals, such as asbestos, are attributed to the causes of the appearance of pathology.

Symptoms of liposarcoma

The presence of the disease is signaled by such signs:

  • Problems with the health of internal organs - the possible presence of liposarcoma in the retroperitoneal space.
  • Change in the size and shape of the muscles in the limb region or elsewhere in the tumor. With pathology in the limb region, the formation is susceptible to displacement in the longitudinal direction.
  • Palpation of the node or swelling. If the tumor is heavily ingrown, then it can become immobile.
  • Education can be painless or with certain development of the tumor there may be pain in the place of the problem.
  • The patient has signs of ill health:
    • anemia,
    • impotence,
    • is emaciated.

Difference from a lipoma?

Lipoma is a tumor of benign nature. It is also called a wen.

Liposarcoma can be distinguished from similar, at first glance, formations - lipomas in such ways:

  • By the method of palpation, an experienced physician will easily determine which of these two types of tumors a patient has. Liposarcoma has such characteristics:
    • almost always at the initial stage of development painless formation,
    • to the touch pathology soft-elastic,
    • structure lobed,
    • the skin above the lesion has no changes in the initial period, then it can acquire a bluish-purple hue.
  • Differences can be established by ultrasound examination of the tumor.

Diagnostics of

The study begins with the definition, is the formation of liposarcoma or lipoma.

To diagnose pathology, the following methods are used:

  • Bone scintigraphy - scanning determines possible oncological formations in the patient's skeleton.
  • Computer tomography - will allow you to see the layered state of tissues. The method is especially good for accurate investigation of solid constituents.
  • Ultrasound examination is a variant of obtaining detailed information about the location of pathology, possible metastases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging provides an opportunity to examine the tumor and its metastases with consideration of incisions performed with a certain step. This type of diagnosis is especially suitable for obtaining information about the state of soft tissues.
  • Biopsy is the determination of the type of tumor through the examination of a part of the tissue.

Treatment of

  • The main way to treat pathology is surgical removal of education. At the same time, tissues adjacent to the tumor and having diseased cells are maximally excised. In the case of removal of the pathology located on the limb, part of the tissues, if necessary, part of the bone, is removed. If the case allows, then the transplantation of the removed part of the bone tissue is done. A variant with removal of the limb is possible, if the tumor has developed so that the patient can not otherwise be saved.
  • After the operation, radiotherapy is carried out of the place where the pathology was to deprive the lifeblood of diseased cells that could remain and not be removed.
  • Chemotherapy is performed if the patient's condition or the progression of the pathology does not allow her to be removed. The action of chemotherapy does not provide a radical solution to the problem, but it stops its growth and facilitates the patient's condition.

Prognosis depending on the form of the disease

The outcome of the treatment is greatly influenced by three factors:

  • the location of the problem,
  • degree of tumor development,
  • form of liposarcoma.

More than half of patients after the received course of treatment have a five-year survival rate. After the surgical removal of the tumor, the resumption of the problem occurs in a third of patients treated, but the same number is cured according to statistics.

The video shows the removal of giant liposarcoma in the neck:

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