Sarcoma of the femoral, hip and humeral bone: symptoms, photos, treatment and prognosis

Tumor processes of a malignant nature can be formed in any tissues, including bone. Bone sarcoma refers to hard tissue formations and is characterized by oncologists, as very aggressive, almost always the primary tumor.

Most often, a similar form of sarcoma is detected in patients 14-28 years of age predominantly male. Prefers to localize on the knee or elbow and in the pelvic bones.


Bone sarcoma is classified into several varieties. According to histological features, bone sarcomas are of the following types:

  • Osteosarcoma is an osteogenic sarcoma, considered the most common and is detected before the age of 20, prefers the lower extremities, in particular the femur;
  • Angiosarcomas are a rare form of formation formed from vascular cells;
  • Ewing's sarcoma is the most aggressive solid-tissue tumor, typical for patients 10-20 years of age;
  • Chondrosarcomas - are formed from cartilaginous tissues, are more common in elderly and middle-aged people, more often male;
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  • Fibrosarcomas are rare tumors that form from the cellular structures of collagen fibers;
  • Neurosarcomas - are formed from cells of nerve trunks.

Almost all patients have a metastatic spread of the tumor in the lung tissue, less often in the hepatic and other structures.

Causes of

The causes of bone sarcoma are not definitively determined.

Specialists note some connection of such tumors with factors like:

  1. Traumatic effects - in this case, the injury appears in the form of an unfavorable trigger factor, which initiates the development of bone sarcoma;
  2. Negative carcinogenic, chemical or viral effects - similar causes are also capable of acting as activators of bone malignant tumors;
  3. Influences of radiation radiation - under the influence of radiation activation of the growth processes of atypical cellular structures occurs, from which malignant formation is formed;
  4. Bone pathologies of a benign nature, for example, Paget's pathology or fibrous dysplasia. Against the background of these diseases, bone sarcoma can also occur.

In addition, sarcoma in the bones are detected more often in adolescents. Because of this, experts suggest that one of the provoking factors of sarcoma can be precisely adolescence, when there is an active growth of bone structures.

The faster and higher a teenager grows, the more likely the development of an oblique tumor.

Thus, the underlying causes of sarcoma development are the carcinogenic effects of hazardous substances and radiation, trauma and intensive bone growth in adolescents.

Clinical symptoms of bone sarcoma

In the early stages of a bone tumor in the affected limb, there is pain that does not depend on physical activity. Even the absolute limitation of movements is not able to rid it of it.

With the growth of the tumor, the pain from dull and periodic turns into intense and persistent, intensifying at night. In this case, analgesic medicines do not provide the proper effect. This factor often causes insomnia and other sleep disorders.

In addition, bone sarcoma is accompanied by signs:

  • Functional disorders and swelling in the affected area;
  • Increased brittleness of bones, which often leads to fractures;
  • Specific symptoms of bone sarcoma are supplemented with general-type symptoms such as hyperthermia, sleep disorders, excessive fatigue, anemia and weakness, causeless weight loss, etc.


A similar form of bone tumor can occur either independently or as a secondary, metastatic focus.

Symptoms of the femoral tumor are often complemented by the spread of tumor cells to the hip or knee joint structures. Gradually, with the development of pathology, tumor processes also spread to soft tissue structures.

Chondroosteosarcoma develops on the cartilaginous structure of the tumor. Under the influence of tumor processes, bone tissues are weakened, which causes frequent fractures of the femur.

The soreness accompanying a similar pathology, arises usually owing to squeezing nearby nerves. Pain of similar origin extends to the entire limb, embracing even the fingers.

Malignant sarcoma is dangerous with rapid progression and metastasis, with a rapid increase in tumor-affected tissues.


The tibial tumor differs in its primary character and is localized near the large-articular structures. Such formations are characterized by increased aggression and malignancy.

Tibial bone under the influence of the tumor process becomes brittle and brittle, which significantly increases the likelihood of fractures. Therefore, in a similar pathology for the prevention of fractures, the diseased limb is often fixed with a langet.

Tibial sarcoma is more favorable than a tumor of the femoral or hip bone.

Severity of symptoms depends on the degree of lesion and spread of metastases, which are most often observed in pulmonary structures.


Brachial sarcoma has a secondary origin, because it occurs as a result of a tumor process in another part of the body, being its focus of metastasis.

The onset of pathology is characterized by a latent course, however, with the increase of negative changes, the characteristic symptoms of the tumor increase.

When the sarcoma grows, it damages the circulatory network and nerve tissues located in the shoulder region, which manifests certain symptoms.

  1. When spreading up to the nerve plexus, the tumor compresses the nerve endings, which is manifested by acute pain along the entire arm.
  2. In addition to the pain syndrome, there are violations of sensitivity, burning sensation along the entire limb, crawling and numbness.
  3. The hand loses its strength, the finger motor skills deteriorate, the patient can not perform any manipulation with some particularly small objects.


The frontal-lobe sarcoma is an osteogenic tumor that most often locates in the occipital or frontal cranial bones.

More common in young and middle-aged people.

When the tumor grows inside the skull, the patient rises in ICP and quickly creates new foci of the tumor process.

Much less dangerous is the formation that grows on the outside of the cranial surface. In such a situation, osteogenic sarcomas of the forehead, even with relatively large dimensions, are "dangerous" only by cosmetic discomfort.

Bone pelvis

Sarcoma swelling of pelvic bones is most often represented by Ewing's sarcoma. Such education is most typical for male patients, and often still adolescent or even childish.

Gradually the severity of the pain syndrome increases, if the tumor is located close to the surface, then on the body the patient notices characteristic protrusion.

If the tumor process is started, then pelvic bone sarcoma can lead to deformation or squeezing of organs of low-tidal localization, which is manifested by a violation of their activity.

This tumor has a high degree of malignancy, early and rapid metastasis, aggressive growth and development.


Chondrosarcomas and osteosarcoma are common among the hip bones of the hip. These formations are characterized by:

  • Motor restrictions;
  • Painful contractures;
  • Severe pain on palpation of the tumor;
  • Characteristic pains tend to increase in intensity at night;
  • The use of anesthetics and analgesics does not facilitate the patient's condition, and the pain syndrome does not depend on the intensity of physical exertion.

Such an education is considered to be very aggressive, metastases appear early, and in the most remote parts of the body.


The ileum is considered to be the largest of all bone structures of the pelvis, most often it forms osteosarcomas, mainly in children, although the adult population is also susceptible to similar oncological processes.

Metastasizes such a tumor mainly in the lung tissue. Pathology is difficult to diagnose, difficult to treat, does not respond to radiotherapy.

Parostal type

A similar form of oncology is considered a type of osteosarcoma, it is very rare. The parostal tumor grows and spreads over the surface of the bone structures without germination inside.

Photo of parostal bone sarcoma

Differs formation and slow development. Prefers to localize in knee joints, tibial and humerus bones.

It is revealed more often in patients after 30. Palpation of formation causes soreness, the tumor is dense enough to touch, and the tissues around it are swollen.

Diagnosis of the tumor

For a reliable diagnosis of the tumor requires a comprehensive research approach, which assumes:

  1. X-ray diagnosis;
  2. Morphological analysis of puncture biopsy;
  3. Ultrasound examination;
  4. CT or MRI;
  5. Angiography, etc.

Treatment and prevention

More recently, the only option for treating bone sarcoma was amputation of the affected limb. This was the only way to save the patient's life, but not always.

However, today the possibilities are so high that surgical operations are performed while maintaining the functionality of the affected organ.

In bone marrow sarcomas, chemotherapeutic and radiotherapy is indicated. Operative treatment in this case may be needed only with relapses or neglected forms of the tumor.

Sarcomas, in general, are considered particularly sensitive to the chemotherapeutic effects of antitumor drugs, so this technique is of great importance in the therapeutic process.


The earlier the tumor process was identified, the higher the patient's chances of a favorable outcome. In older patients, the tumor is milder than in adolescents.

If the tumor has developed to the last stage, then the maximum life expectancy of patients is 3-5 years.

The therapeutic process of such tumors is marked by pain and duration. Quite often there are relapses, and quite late( 10 years later).If the disease is started, the consequences will be only lethal.

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