The main reasons why the face burns and the head hurts

1 Symptoms of

The face can burn due to temperature changes. Most often this happens when a person after a stay in the cold enters a warm room. In many, this symptom is often manifested in the off-season, especially in the autumn period. The person begins to burn in people with a high threshold of sensitivity to temperature changes.

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The face can be affected not only by temperature changes, but also by climatic factors. If you decide to spend a few days vacation on the other hemisphere of the planet, do not be surprised that the body will present you such surprises.

The person can burn from serious physical exertion. If you have not done sports for a long time, and you had to go for a run or climb a steep hill, do not be surprised if your head breaks up and your cheeks turn red. This is due to a sharp increase in pressure.

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Such problems are often faced by people who suffer from hypertension. With increasing pressure, the vessels begin to expand, and the blood actively circulates through the body. If you do not suffer from high blood pressure, but you often encounter such symptoms, you should definitely be examined. First of all, you need to make a general blood test and cardiogram of the heart. The fact is that a person often burns in those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels. Headache and fever in the face can be harbingers of a heart attack or stroke.

The reason for this may be the abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Probably everyone noticed that a well-tipsy person starts to burn his face. This is due to the fact that after taking alcohol, the vessels begin to expand, because of which the blood flows to the face. A very disturbing sign is that the face begins to become covered with burgundy-red spots after consuming alcohol. This means that the pressure has jumped and the risk of an onset of hypertensive crisis is very high.

Cheeks can burn because of metabolic disorders. When metabolism is slowed, burning cheeks and headache are among the first symptoms. The face also burns due to a lack of B vitamins. Especially often this occurs in the spring and autumn.

The face often burns in women during pregnancy. This is due to a change in the level of hormones in the body. Most often this occurs in the first trimester, a little later, when the body gets used to its changed condition, the heat in the face and headaches stop. Also, because of the change in the hormonal background, the face burns in women with the onset of menopause.

The face can burn because of sunburn and frostbite. Because of the scorching sun and low temperature, the facial skin begins to lose its natural moisture and becomes thinner. For this reason, the vessels become fragile and the blood begins to pour to the face. It should always be very attentive to all the negative manifestations on the skin, because it can determine the general state of human health.

This symptom can occur in stressful situations, neuroses, experiences. Burning cheeks, we often can see in people who are overworked. This is due to the overexcitement of the nervous system, which leads to a surge of blood to the head. Other psychological causes of blush and headache are embarrassment, shame, anger, joy, etc.

Burning cheeks and headache are a common symptom of a cold or flu. It is on these grounds that the parents of young children who can not speak yet recognize the disease. Because of the headache, the child begins to be capricious and becomes nervous, and burning cheeks speak of a change in the temperature of his body.

2 What to do with the first manifestations of

First of all, the causes of these symptoms should be established. If they manifest themselves quite often, and you can not determine their nature by yourself, you should definitely consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive examination.

If this does not happen often, then first measure the body temperature and pressure. If the cause of unpleasant symptoms, cold or flu, start treatment. Remember that in the first days of the disease you must always comply with bed rest.


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If such manifestations occur from time to time, then follow your diet. You may be allergic to certain foods. Exclude for a while from the diet chocolate, coffee, citrus, strong tea, spicy seasonings and alcohol. Walk more often in the fresh air. While exercising, dose physical exercise. Often ventilate the room.

If headaches and redness are associated with psychological stress, try to allocate 1-2 hours of your time each day for rest and relaxation. Spend this time in places where you do not think about your work and unsolved problems.

If redness arose due to a strong physical load and negative emotions, you need to quickly hide this symptom, wash with warm water. Remember that applying ice to your face and using icy water is by no means impossible! Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes for a minute and try to completely relax. Remember that your health is more important than any circumstances in life. Therefore, take care of yourself!

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3 Blush on the face

Blush on the face of many a smile. This symptom often causes a stream of innocuous jokes and sayings. However, do not treat him lightly, because a sweet blush can be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore do not try to disguise it with the help of cosmetics, but be sure to establish the reasons and get busy with your health!

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