The main reasons why the top of the head can hurt

1 What is the most common cause of pain?

Headaches from above cause a feeling of constriction. Together with them, sometimes there may be a feeling of pulsation in the temporal region, a strong noise in the ears. The causes of pain, which appear in many people in the top of the head, are very different.

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The first factor is a strong overstrain of muscle tissue, fatigue. Finding for a long time in an uncomfortable position causes a person a pain in the parietal region. This refers to persons who sit in a sitting position daily during the working day, or are in charge of the entire work shift, or people engaged in growing crops and performing weeding and other activities in a posture conducive to the tension of muscle tissue.

Pain sensations in the parietal part, which occur frequently in women, can be not only due to abnormal muscle tone. To promote their appearance, can, strong physical fatigue, high mental loads, an incorrect way of life, malnutrition, insufficient duration of sleep.

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Every person should try to remain calm in all situations. The disturbed psycho-emotional state, constant stay in stressful condition, depressions cause in people a pain in the vertex of such force that unpleasant sensations are given to the neck and shoulders. Because of the often experienced experiences, the muscle tissue of the head contracts, which makes the moderate headaches systematic.

Reducing the load does not make them less strong, and sometimes the pains reach their peak and become unbearable. Headache, accompanied by mild nausea, dizziness, numbness of hands and feet, is most often the result of neurosis or other disorders in the nervous system. It is typical for subjects who for a long time can not get rid of psychoemotional overstrain. Medical research suggests that more than half of patients with disorders in the nervous system experience pain in the region of the vertex.

Migraine is a very common cause of pain in the parietal region. It affects both males and females at any age. Signals a migraine about its appearance with painful sensations of aching, spasmodic nature in the region of the vertex. It lasts for two hours, and several months.

Migraine-specific symptomatology:

  • pain sharp, accompanied by pulsation;
  • severe pain on top of the head, which becomes even more intense after eating or waking from sleep;
  • sharp headache with active actions, pressure drops;
  • hurts the upper part of the head during exercise, while walking;
  • triggering of an emetic reflex;
  • nausea.

The main factors that cause migraine are: disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system( there are processes of its degeneration) and malfunctions in the functioning of the circulatory system. Still migraines are connected with the use of alcoholic drinks in unlimited quantity, smoking, stresses, excessive loadings.

2 Additional causes of

A very serious reason that the parietal part of the head hurts is a traumatic brain injury. This happens when the patient is in a post-traumatic state. Headache can be acute or chronic. The fact that she is chronic, indicates her appearance within two months after the injury. A headache due to the fact that a person had a concussion of the brain. For help to an experienced specialist you need to apply urgently. Particularly complex may be the consequences of injury, if, in addition to these painful sensations, there are the following manifestations:

  • sharp deterioration of vision;
  • weakness, general state of health is unsatisfactory;
  • memory problems;
  • painful sensations from above are amplified;
  • presence of an emetic reflex;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dryness of the mucosa in the oral cavity.


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Cluster pains cover a separate area of ​​the head due to the fact that they affect the brain locally and last from several minutes to several hours. Cluster pain in any area most often makes itself felt to male representatives in middle age. In women, they occur during PMS or menopause.

Pain in the upper part of the head is sometimes associated with vascular disease. It is caused by: vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension or hypodynamia. Vessels because of the reduced or increased tone of their walls are not able to function properly and provide the required level of blood pressure. Nerve cells can be squeezed in this case, after which the tension of the vessels is formed. To make the pain in the vertex disappear, it is necessary to normalize blood pressure, to include in the daily diet only products of healthy nutrition, to follow a diet.

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An important factor that causes pain in the head, which becomes particularly acute when pressing, is the pathology of the cervical department of various kinds. Pathological disorders include: violations in the cervical vertebrae, osteochondrosis, jamming of nerve fibers and vessels, migraine cervical.

It happens that the pain in the vertex is associated with the skin, that is, with its defects. Then the person experiences pain from the outside by touching the hair and skin. The factors causing the disorder are:

  • allergic reaction to hair care products;
  • incorrectly executed hairstyle, long, heavy and thick hair;
  • diseases of the skin of the head caused by various fungi;
  • spasm of vessels that are closely located to the hair follicles;
  • psoriasis.

Why does the headache hurt at the top, with what else could it be related? Other reasons include:

  • development of a cold or infectious disease;
  • sudden change in weather conditions;
  • insufficient oxygen in the air masses of the room;
  • sunstroke;
  • supercooling;
  • eating harmful foods;
  • uncomfortable pillow for sleeping;
  • finding a long time in a noisy place.

3 Prevention and therapy

To prevent pain attacks in any area of ​​the head, or the likelihood of their occurrence being minimal, a number of preventive measures are required.

Try not to sit too long in front of the computer monitor and TV.The brain is in a strong tension, especially if a person is keen on computer games that provoke pain in the vertex rather quickly. Restricting requires not only themselves, but also children, whose parietal part of the head is able to ache as often as adults.

There are more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish. For example, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, negatively affect the vessels, which causes pain in the area of ​​the temples. Doing sports, however, exercise should be moderate in order not to harm your own health.

A full night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours a day. This amount of time will be enough for a person to fully restore the forces spent for the whole day and gain energy. And, so that the headache does not arise, sleep should be strong. Going to bed, you need not think about any problems.

In the area of ​​the vertex, the sensations of pain will be much less disturbed if a person avoids conflicts, provokes them and does not react to provocations from others. Such actions will protect the body from a variety of diseases of the nervous system. Rejection of any bad habits. Regular visits to medical institutions for a complete examination and detection of any deviations from the cardiovascular system, the spine in the early stages of the development of diseases.

4 Urgent set of measures

If a person has a sore head rarely, occasionally, then the symptom can be eliminated on their own. Actions when attacking a headache should be as follows:

  • take a horizontal position;
  • do deep, uniform breaths and exhalations;
  • open the window so that the room is filled with fresh air;
  • do so that the light does not put pressure on the eyes, there was no noise;
  • to measure blood pressure with a tonometer, if something is pressing on the head, then the reason may be in abnormal pressure;
  • perform a light neck massage;
  • take an analgesic medication.

When the headache does not disappear, but only intensifies, it is required to see a doctor for examination and an accurate diagnosis. The treatment course prescribed by the doctor will depend on the reasons for which the upper part of the head hurts.

Deviations from the norm in the arterial pressure are eliminated by various medications. If the pressure is lowered, then drugs with caffeine, citramonum are prescribed. With increased pressure, captopril, pharmadipine and other drugs.

Treatment of migraines is carried out in a complex manner. Various vitamins, medicines, for example, sedalgin are prescribed to the patient. Cluster pains in any area are eliminated with a drug called kafergot, drops can still be prescribed. Requires bed rest.

Psycho-emotional disorders, due to which the patient has a headache, are eliminated due to complex medicamentous effects on the body and psychiatric treatment. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is required to consult a neurologist. In some cases, he appoints to undergo examination from other specialists, for example, a cardiologist. Independently use any medication is not recommended.

5 Traditional medicine

When moderately the head hurts, in struggle against a pain medicines on the basis of medicinal plants can consult. A migraine attack will remove tincture from aloe and chicory. In the juice of chicory( 150 ml) is insisted for two hours of a leaf of aloe, cut into pieces.

Effective is a drink based on cinnamon: 0.5 tsp. Cinnamon should be filled with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, then add to the mixture 0.5 tsp. Sahara. Drink a few sips throughout the day.

To remove painful attacks, you need to do compresses. Variants that give positive results:

  1. Rinse fresh white cabbage leaf, put on forehead, hold for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut raw potatoes with mugs, wrap in 2 layers of gauze and put on forehead( 10 minutes).
  3. Wet a towel or napkin in cold water, apply to the temples and forehead for 3-5 minutes.

Sufficiently effective in combating the disease that arose from overexertion is relaxation. The patient should lie down in silence, completely relaxed, sleep, walk. The organism itself will tell what exactly it is required to undertake. Therapy with music will also have a beneficial effect on the patient. Regardless of taste preferences, a classical composition is needed for therapeutic purposes. It will calm your nerves and relieve fatigue.

Not all the reasons that provoke a feeling of pain at the top of the head depend on the person himself. However, the frequency and likelihood of the appearance of ailment will significantly decrease if you eliminate bad habits or unhealthy sleep. You should pay more attention to health, so that life is long, and you can enjoy it.

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