Helminthiasis: symptoms in adults and children, classification, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

The human body often suffers from lesions of all kinds of parasitic organisms, and diseases of this nature are equally common in patients of any gender and age category. One of such pathological parasitic conditions is helminthiasis.

Definition and code of disease according to ICD-10

Helminthiasis is a group of pathologies caused by parasitic helminthic organisms( flat or round worms).Helminthiasis lesions are characterized by a chronic character and systemic influence.

Pathology is often accompanied by allergic or abdominal syndrome, chronic toxicosis or anemia. During the development of helminthiases, the liver, pulmonary and bile excretory structures, eyes and brain are affected.

With the development of helminthiosis, the patient has all the signs of exhaustion and a pathological decrease in immune forces. Most often, helminthiases occur in a chronic form in the form of toxocarosis or trichocephalosis, ascariasis, enterobiosis or hookworm.

Infectiousness of the population among Russians is about 1-2%, but in some regions of the country it reaches 10%.

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Causes of infection

The process of infection with helminths is carried out through food and water, although some parasitic organisms are able to penetrate the human body transdermally. The mechanism of infection generally depends on the species of helminths.

  • Eggs and larvae of stilted heads and ascarids penetrate into the human body when eating unwashed fruit or vegetable crops, as well as from dirty dishes or unwashed hands.
  • Lamblias are infected with a fecal-oral route. In the patient's mouth, organisms fall from the hands, surrounding objects, bed, dishes, food, etc. Patient with these parasites a patient can allocate up to two million parasitic cysts per day.
  • Oysters patients get infected by swallowing their eggs, which fall into the hands, clothes, household items and underwear. The patient himself actively allocates pinworms to the environment, from where they get to the surrounding objects and clothes. When a healthy person touches these things, then the eggs of the parasite will fall into his hands, and from the hands already into food and the mouth.
  • Also, helminthiases develop due to the penetration of eggs from improperly processed foods like seafood, fish or beef, poultry or pork.

Infection with helminthic pathogens can occur through various transmission routes.

Transmission routes of

The source of helminth infection is patients who already have a parasitic infection, either from domestic or wild animals, from fish, etc.

Infected people and individuals distinguish helminthic larvae and eggs that spread through water, soil and plants. Then the larvae enter vegetable crops or into water, into the soil, with which they spread along farmland.

If a person eats unwashed vegetables from such a garden, then he can easily become infected with helminthiasis. Some helminthic forms spread exclusively from person to person.

In general, there are several ways of transmission of the disease:

  1. Contagious or contact. Helminths get into most cases through the mouth. Some parasitic species lay eggs, emerging from the patient's anus. The patient experiences itchy discomfort in the anus, especially disturbing at night. The person, often not understanding through a dream that occurs, mechanically combs the perineum, while the eggs fall under the fingernails and on the hands. Then, upon contact with an already infected person, other people will become infected. A similar path of infection is used by pinworms, which prefer to settle in children's organisms. Also by a contagious way, you can catch parasites in a public toilet, grabbing the door handle or the water flush lever. If after that do not wash your hands with soap, then the infection is almost inevitable.
  2. Geological path. In this situation, infection occurs by contact with the soil into which the parasites have previously deposited their eggs. From the soil, they penetrate into vegetables, water, fruits, etc. Experts believe that the geological mode of transmission is the most common. After all, it is enough just to eat the vegetable from the bed, which was struck by the larvae, as they immediately develop violent activity when entering the body, and soon the patient will have helminthiasis. This way is typical for children who take all sorts of things from the ground while walking, dragging them into their mouths. As a result, the disease spreads quickly in the family, and then on.
  3. The biological pathway of infection of involves the deposition of eggs in the intermediate body( in various animals).Sheep, cows, pigs - these farm animals suffer from helminthic invasions, eggs were put into meat or fish. If a person eats infected meat or fish that were not sufficiently fried or cooked, helminthiasis is provided to him. Helminths spread quickly enough, but only they do not show themselves until the defeat does not take sufficiently large scales. Therefore, to eat half-roasted steak in roadside cafes is not worth it, otherwise there is a high probability of getting infected with worms.
  4. Alternatively, the infection pathway may carry the percutaneous nature of when the introduction of the parasite or its eggs occurs through mucous membranes and skinfolds, for example when infected with ankylostomids or schistosomes.
  5. In addition, infection can also occur inoculation transmissible by , in which larvae and worms penetrate into the human body during the bite of certain insects.

Any pathway of infection leads to the development of helminthiosis, which in the absence of therapeutic measures can lead to dangerous complications and consequences.

Classification of

Helminth infections are divided into various groups according to the species and location, by infection and mode of existence.

In accordance with biological characteristics, helminthic infestations are divided into:

  • Nematodes or roundworms;
  • Cestodes or tapeworms;
  • Trematodes or flukes.

The photo shows the trematode, called helminthic liver damage

According to localization, helminthiases are divided into intestinal and extraintestinal, hepatobiliary or pulmonary, as well as ophthalmic helminthiases.


Helminthiases of tropical origin are classified as enteric infections, which are rare in abundance. These pathologies include:

  • Schistosomiasis;
  • Transmitted through soil, helminthiases( trichocephalus and ascariasis, ankylostomidosis);
  • Filariasis;
  • Food flukes( fascioliasis);
  • Cysticercosis;
  • Onchocerciasis;
  • Dracunculiasis;
  • Echinococcosis;
  • in Kenya.

Similar pathogens-parasites live in subtropical and tropical climatic conditions. Therefore, infection can occur only when visiting countries with a similar climate, for example, in Latin America, Asia or Africa.


The diagnosis of mixed helminthiasis is established in cases where one patient simultaneously identifies parasites of two or more varieties. Also, this condition can still be called helminthic polyinfusion.

A similar disease is typical for tropical countries, where a wide variety of parasitic infections are widespread due to their favorable conditions.

The picture of infection can be this: first a person buried in the sand on the beach, in contact with the contaminated environment, then drank unrefined water, and then ate unwashed fruit. As a result, a parasitic infection developed, in which biological and geological worms peacefully coexist in the body.


Intestinal helminthiasis is called parasitic infections, in which helminthic invasions multiply in the intestinal structures of the patient.

Usually in the intestine of the patient, parasitize ascarids and pinworms, nekators or hookworms, whipworm and intestinal ugliness, dwarfish or bovine or pork tapeworm, wide ribbons, trichostrongylids, etc.


With extraintestinal helminthiases, parasites colonize any other inorganic structures other than the intestine. They can parasitize in the subcutaneous layers and vascular junctions, cholelithiasis or liver, etc.

Outside the intestine, usually parasitize the filarias or Chinese flukes, pulmonary flukes or spiral trichinella, larvae of the pork chain and giant or liver flukes, blood flukes or hepatic trematodes,worm, etc.


The term laryngeal helminthiases indicates that the patient's helminthic larvae of the ribbon species affected some internal structure.

In this case we are talking about clinical situations, when an infected person acts only as an intermediate host. At the same time, until maturity, the parasite can not develop in the human body.

Larval invasion is short-lived, but from this it does not become safe, as with prolonged development it can lead to irreversible inorganic disturbances. The most common are such larval worm infections as echinococcosis or cysticercosis.


According to statistics, about 80% of infections with parasitic helminthic infections occur in patients of childhood.

Most of the time the kids are struck:

  • Round worms - a withered head or a pinworm, ascarids and a trichinella, ankylostomide, etc.;
  • Flukes - hepatic or cat litter;
  • Band worms - pork, bovine or dwarf chain, broad ribbon or echinococcus.

Children are affected by worms food, contact-household, cutaneous and transmissible, as well as placental( rare) way.

Natural focal

To natural focal parasitic lesions include infectious pathologies that develop in natural foci due to persistent invasion and infectious foci supported by animals. To such diseases include parabronemosis or makrakantorhinas, etc.

Signs of worms

Clinical manifestations of helminthiases in the human body are diverse.

Symptoms in adults

Usually the signs of helminthiosis depend on the specific type of pathogen. To general symptomatic manifestations include:

  1. Rapid fatigue, chronic weakness, general malaise, noticeable weight loss;
  2. Increase or decrease in appetite;
  3. Allergic conditions such as skin rashes or urticaria;
  4. Nausea-vomiting reactions;
  5. Diarrhea or constipation, epigastric pain, painful discomfort in the intestine;
  6. In fecal masses fragments of worms or worms are found;
  7. In a dream, a man grinds his teeth;
  8. Against the backdrop of helminthiosis, pronounced anemia often develops.

Symptoms in children

The clinical picture of helminthic invasions in children is practically no different from that of adults.

  • In acute helminthiases, children develop an itchy, often relapsing rash on the skin, similar to hives.
  • In a similar state, children often suffer from musculo-articular pain, lymphadenitis and fever.
  • Some even have pulmonary syndrome, which is characterized by a prolonged asthmatic-like cough, chest pains and shortness of breath.
  • Ascaridosis can be accompanied by pleurisy of eosinophilic nature or hemoptysis.
  • Also, patients are concerned about hypertension( against the background of helminthic invasions in trichocephalosis or trichinosis.)
  • Abdominal lesions like disorders of stools or flatulence, belching and nausea reactions are also characteristic of children's helminthiases
  • The child often has an unreasonable fever, disturbs sleep, worries exhaustion and weakness, it becomes irritable and capricious, there can be convulsive attacks.

In chronic helminthic invasions, children are in a dull state, they have aboutthe appetite is falling and weight is lost, the progress falls, anemia develops.

Against the backdrop of helminthiases skin diseases( such as psoriasis or seborrhea, dermatitis, etc.), respiratory diseases, etc., can often develop. Such babies often catch colds, get stomatitis or ARVI, skin pustular pathologies

Video about helminthiases in children:

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostics is assigned based on patient complaints and anamnestic data. A laboratory study of feces for the presence of helminths is prescribed.

The patient's blood is examined by ELISA.If necessary, contrast intestinal radiography is performed and scraping is taken for enterobiosis.

If necessary, studies of feces, urine, skin biopsies or blood, sputum during expectoration, etc. may also be needed. Ultrasonic diagnostics of pancreatic or liver structures, colonoscopy and FGDS, radiographic studies and endoscopic biopsy, CT, etc. are also widely used.

How to take blood testsand feces?

The most effective method for diagnosing helminthiasis is fecal analysis. To carry it out, the patient needs to collect at least 2 teaspoons of feces, and take the top, side and inner. This should be done immediately after defecation( no later than half an hour), after which it is necessary to immediately take the biomaterial to the laboratory.

Although short-term storage of biomaterial in the refrigerator is allowed, but not longer than 6-7 hours. Sometimes a single stool examination can not detect the presence of helminthic eggs, so if necessary, the analysis is repeated about 3-6 times. The results are usually ready after 1-5 working days.

Differential Diagnosis

It is difficult to diagnose pathology in the early stages, because the disease has symptoms of allergic reactions, fever, or pulmonary infiltrates. If the pathology proceeds in severe form, then the lesions are of a more scale character: the lungs and heart, the digestive or nervous system are affected.

Therefore, differential diagnosis, which makes it possible to distinguish helminthiases from pathologies similar in clinical manifestations, is important.

Treatment of helminthiosis

The main task of anthelmintic therapy is the destruction of parasitic organisms, therefore the main components of the treatment of helminthiases are the means that kill helminth invasions at any stage of their life activity - in the form of eggs, larvae and adults. In addition, prescribed fortifying agents, vitamins, diet therapy.

Therapy must necessarily be complex in nature so that not only the parasites are destroyed, but also the effects of their vital activity are effectively eliminated.

The treatment schedule is assigned only by a specialist, after the thorough diagnosis and the type of parasite is determined. Treatment can take place at home.


Specialists primarily prescribe anthelmintic drugs like Pirantel, Karbendatsim, Albendazol, Levamizol, Wormil or Mabendazol, etc.

Since helminthiases are often accompanied by allergic manifestations, the patients are additionally prescribed antihistamine drugs such as Zirtek, Suprastin, Cetrin, Erius, etc.

With severe headaches and hyperthermia, drowsiness and lethargy, joint-muscle pains, which indicates severe intoxication,detoxification activities, in which vitamin C is taken, intravenous administration of Hemodesis or glucose solution, intake of vitamins and calcium chloride.

In severe clinical cases, glucocorticosteroid preparations such as Dexamethasone or Prednisolone, Betamethasone, etc. are also included in the therapeutic complex.

Spice chanter

As a part of anthelmintic therapy, preparations like Spetstonica chanterelle are successfully used. This remedy is equally effective for various types of helminthic invasions.

  • The components of the drug affect adult worms and their eggs, while further strengthening the body and preventing the recurrence of the disease by parasites.
  • The action of the Specialton is connected with the restoration of the inorganic structures affected by the helminth activity.
  • Thanks to the drug it is possible to prevent lymphotoxicosis and normalize the microflora, to strengthen and restore the immune status.
  • The drug cleans organic structures from the results of parasitic vital activity, develops resistance to parasites.


My nephew has already found worms several times, although his parents strictly follow him, they control him to wash his hands. But he loves animals, so at the cottage at least one cat or dog, but pat. Here and after another sortie to the country house, he began to show signs of infection: lethargy, stomach ache, etc. Our grandmother somewhere read about the Spetstonics chanterelle, therefore, knowing about the frequent problem of the grandson, it acquired it in advance. It was decided to treat with a new drug. The taste of the nephew did not like much, but the effect surpassed all expectations. Now he is periodically treated for prevention. Over the past two years, worms never suffered again, although earlier in the warm season managed even to fall ill twice( in early summer and fall).Conclusion: the drug is effective.


I just love sushi, so until a certain time I ate them daily. But one day I noticed an incomprehensible pain in the intestines, which periodically appeared, disappeared, then came back again. I was afraid that the problems on the female line, so she ran to the doctor. Imagine the surprise when the tests showed the presence of helminthic invasions, and, already quite long parasitizing in my intestines. Appointed strong anthelmintic drugs, and for prevention, the doctor recommended taking Specter chanterelle. I do not particularly welcome chemical preparations, I prefer natural preparations, so I did not listen to the doctor, I started to be treated only by the Specialton. The results were no worse than chemical preparations. Therefore, I liked the tool very much.

Folk remedies

Among folk methods of helminthiasis therapy, the means of anthelmintic and laxative action, such as elecampane or carrots, celandine and pomegranate, walnut or garlic, pumpkin seeds, etc., have proved to be a positive candidate.

But these funds can not be taken as the main treatment, preliminary consultation is necessaryspecialist.

Complications of

Complications of helminthiases depend on the type of pathogen and the degree of its spread throughout the patient's body. The most common complication of helminthic invasions is intestinal obstruction or appendicitis.

Less frequent cases of perforation of intestinal walls with the further development of peritonitis. With hepatic lesions, there is an abscess and jaundice, and for lung tissues the danger is parasitic aspiration, which ends in a fatal outcome.

Basic measures for the prevention of infectious diseases

Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating the factors contributing to infection with helminthiases.

Therefore, for prophylaxis it is necessary: ​​

  • Strictly follow the rules of hygiene;
  • Before consuming products of meat origin, you must thoroughly boil them;
  • When using spring water or well water, it must first be boiled;
  • Vegetables, greens, fruits, berries - all this must be thoroughly washed and sprinkled with boiling water before consumption.

It is also recommended to take anthelmintic agents for prevention if there is a risk of infection with helminthiases( such as contact with animals or the use of poor-quality meat, etc.).

Video-program will tell about the effect of helminthiasis on humans:

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