Urtical formations( rash, rashes): classification, treatment, symptoms

Often the body responds to external influences or internal processes with a skin rash. Urtical formations are a symptom of certain abnormalities. The task is to determine what problems caused this phenomenon and eliminate them.

What is Urtical Education

The term "urticary formations" refers to a characteristic rash on the skin. The tubercles are a consequence of a local edema that occurs in the papillae of the skin. The element of this development on the skin has the following symptoms:

  • formation on the skin that rises above its surface;
  • structure does not have a cavity,
  • elevations are characterized by clear boundaries,
  • they protrude above the surface to different heights: from the thickness of the palm to a couple of millimeters;
  • the color of the tubercle is reddish, and closer to the middle may be white;
  • formation gives a burning sensation and itching.

Their classification

Eruptions have in their nature different causes that can be classified. The emergence of urticaria formations is caused by diseases:

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  • urticaria - initiate the disease for a variety of reasons:
    • autoimmune reaction of the body,
    • causes the taking of certain medicines,
    • allergic reaction to certain foods,
    • from insect bite,
    • from contact with chemicals,
    • physical urticaria:
      • blisters, appearing on the change of temperatures( cold, heat),
      • of the rash caused by vibration;
      • rash due to ordinary water;The
      • problem initiates a physical effect on the skin( rubbing by parts of clothing),
    • hereditary factors,
    • disease is provoked by psychogenic causes,
  • urticaria vasculitis is a problem that resembles hives, but the primary factor is the disease of small vessels;the main cause of the disorder is an allergic reaction.

Urticaria has a variety:

  • acute course of the disease,
  • chronic urticaria.

How to identify a symptom in yourself

It can be said that a person has appeared urticaria formations, if on the skin areas there are reddish-colored elevations having all the features described above( about urticaria formations).At the same time, if the rash occurred because of the presence of urticaria, general symptoms may appear:

  • fever,
  • malaise,
  • heartbeat,
  • diarrhea,
  • headache,
  • intestinal colic,
  • bronchospasm,
  • nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • retrosternal pain.

What is said about urticaria rashes on the skin, find out later.

What kind of infringements can the

sign indicate? Urticaria eruptions can be a signal about such violations:

  • abnormal metabolism,
  • susceptibility to allergies,
  • small vessel disease,
  • autoimmune reactions when the body's defense system mistakenly attacks healthy cells;
  • malignancies,
  • disruption of the endocrine system:
    • ovarian failure,
    • diabetes mellitus,
    • autoimmune thyroiditis,
    • hypothyroidism;
  • disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:
    • cholecystitis,
    • gastritis,
    • fermentopathy,
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system,
  • disease of infectious nature:
    • infection in the urinary tract,
    • Helicobacter pylori infection,
    • inflammation of the infectious nature in the gynecological area,
    • inflammation due to infection in the nasopharynx,
    • presence of herpetic infection,
  • presence in thethe organism of parasites and fungal lesions.

Next, treatment with urticaria rash is considered.

Urtica rash( rash) on the photo

How to deal with it

First of all, you need to carry out diagnostic measures to find out the cause initiating the problem. After this, it is necessary to remove this cause( which causes rashes), for example:

  • if it is an allergy to contact with substances, then you should exclude them from your environment;
  • if the diagnosis revealed a negative reaction of the body to food or medicine, then it is necessary to perform such actions: to revise the diet or replace medicines with those that the body takes without consequences;
  • if a rash occurs after vibration, then it is necessary for a person to avoid such an effect;
  • diagnosis can reveal deeper causes of urticaria formations - diseases associated with disruption of systems or organs. These dysfunctions require medical supervision and treatment. On how realistic it is to liquidate the root cause of skin rashes and the possibility of their disappearance will depend.

In order not to provoke a worsening of the situation when there are rashes, it is necessary to observe the rules:

  • avoid the situation of being in direct sunlight,
  • for water procedures use only warm water, excluding hot and cold, so as not to cause additional irritation;
  • use accessories: soap with softening effect, towel with a soft structure;
  • should not take aspirin,
  • normalize the regime of the day, try to find peace of mind, take soothing herbal infusions or tablets from vegetable raw materials;
  • wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
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