The causes of frequent diarrhea( diarrhea) in adults, why often there is a loose stool, upset stomach?

People suffering from persistent diarrhea can not lead a normal life. Frequent diarrhea, the causes of which are difficult to determine without the intervention of doctors, can not only affect the order of life, but also harm the body.

Unfortunately, this ailment can manifest at any age. Diarrhea is usually divided into chronic and acute. Chronic diarrhea in adults can last for several days, and sometimes even weeks. Acute diarrhea, is already on the second or third day.

In various diseases, feces can have a different color spectrum. To diarrhea does not appear often, the reasons for its appearance should be known to everyone. Only then can you try to prevent the appearance of such an unpleasant illness.

Causes of frequent diarrhea in adults

The cause of frequent loose stools is a violation of the digestive tract. When changing the stool, you should pay attention to this, otherwise such a change can be dangerous to health.

Before starting treatment, one should understand why regular diarrhea arises, the reasons for it may be different:

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  • A change in the consistency and color of the stool can occur due to the virus infection. Pathogens can be adenovirus, rotavirus and enterovirus;
  • The causes of frequent diarrhea in adults can be covered in bacterial infections. Now the most common bacterial diseases are salmonellosis, escherichiosis, cholera, food poisoning and, of course, dysentery;
  • Medicinal preparations. Many do not understand why diarrhea often occurs when taking medications. It's simple, maybe an ordinary laxative overdose. Also, indigestion of antibiotics and prokinetics can cause;
  • Changes in stool in adults can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, which is why diarrhea occurs, its causes are simple - a stomach or duodenal ulcer, or there is a small intestinal bleeding;
  • Intoxication can cause adults to develop a loose stool. Most often, intoxication is caused by poisoning with poisonous chemicals, household chemicals, heavy metals. After that there is frequent diarrhea, such reasons as poisoning should be quickly eliminated;

Psychosomatic causes of frequent diarrhea

The human body is one of the most complex "mechanisms" and responds to any changes in the state of mind. This is why frequent diarrhea can occur if a person experiences or is very nervous. In the aftermath of experiencing and diarrhea can cause serious illness. Most of the diseases are psychosomatic in nature. The brain is a mirror reflecting the inner state of a person. If you ignore the signals of the body often there is a loose stool, why does this happen? Thus, it becomes clear that it's time to take up your treatment, because the body can not cope.

Many do not understand why there is a loose stool, if the causes of the disease lie in the psychosomatic. Experienced psychotherapists claim that there are conditions that cause diarrhea:

  • Fear. Why often there is diarrhea, if the fear is not a problem of the digestive tract? It's simple, fear can inhibit movement. Stiffness disrupts the functions of the whole organism. Even when the state of fear passes, the liquid chair will not pass by itself. If there was a frequent upset stomach, the causes of which lie in fear, you should resort to folk medicine.
  • Another condition, when the process of digestion is disturbed, is closure. If you do not cope with this condition often there is diarrhea, why you should try to get out of this condition so you do not have to go to the doctors.

Dysfunction of the digestive tract is a serious problem, so you need to deal with it more quickly. If there is often a loose stool and the causes are difficult to identify on their own, it's better to seek qualified help so that specialists can determine what a person's an ailment is.

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