Effective absorbable ointment from cones of hemorrhoids, than to smear hemorrhoidal nodes in treatment?

Because of impaired circulation in the rectal region, hemorrhoidal cones are formed that cause symptoms such as pain, burning and bleeding. Such a problem is quite common, of course, it can only be completely solved by an operative method, but most people prefer less radical methods. For example, often treated with hemorrhoids cones ointments.

Ointment is a convenient dosage form, with which you can remove the bump from hemorrhoids. There is a large selection of such remedies that effectively cope with the symptoms of this delicate problem. It is better if the drugs are prescribed by the proctologist on the basis of the patient's complaints. For example, if a patient suffers from bleeding, he will be prescribed a medicine with hemostatic effect.

There are multicomponent ointments, they have a complex effect, that is, relieve several symptoms at once. It is best to use them in the presence of external hemorrhoids. If the nodes are internal, it is better to use candles after all. Ointments are often prescribed to children and pregnant women, because such a dosage form has only a local effect.

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When thrombosis is prescribed drugs that, when applied to a sore spot, contribute to the resolution of the thrombus. Completely get rid of cones with the help of conservative therapy can not. But you can reduce them and remove signs of inflammation.

What is the best way to smear cones from hemorrhoids?

The choice of medication should be made by the proctologist, because the patient may have an individual intolerance to the drug components. In this case, the doctor will be able to choose another analog. Because of the large choice of drugs, it is difficult to make a choice independently, which would fit all parameters and relieve it of the main symptoms of the disease. Consider the most popular means for treating hemorrhoid cones:

  • Ultraproct. If there are inflammation and itching of the hemorrhoids, then this remedy can be used. In addition, it has wound healing and analgesic effect. Apply it to a clean, dry surface with a thin layer.
  • Ointment Gepatrombin G is good for use if there is uncomplicated thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node. The components contribute to the resolution of the thrombus, reduce swelling and pain, which with this diagnosis is clearly pronounced.
  • Heparin ointment is also effective for thrombosis, does not contain hormones, is an affordable and proven remedy.
  • The Troxevasin Gel should prescribe a proctologist as part of a complex therapy. Since hemorrhoids are enlarged veins, this medicine directly affects the problem, components in the composition of this remedy increase the tone of veins and prevent their expansion.
  • Vishnevsky ointment is another available and well-known remedy that can be used to smear hemorrhoidal lumps in inflammation. It is superimposed on a cleaned surface with a thin layer, the rules of application need to be clarified by the proctologist. This tool can even be used for pregnant women.

Ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones are used very often, but they should not be the only therapy. It is not enough just to smear knots with any means and hope that the illness will pass. To treat this ailment requires a comprehensive approach, which includes not only medicines, but also the exclusion of factors that contribute to the formation of hemorrhoidal nodal plexuses from their way of life.

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