Inguinal hernia - symptoms, causes and treatment

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All sorts of hernias are a common pathological phenomenon. It occurs in people regardless of their age, sex, profession. This disease can occur quite unexpectedly, while the person will not feel any discomfort. An exception is inguinal hernia. This problem is noticeable at first sight, it gives discomfort when walking in the genital area.

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Inguinal hernia -that it is

The word "hernia" refers to the process of protrusion of the internal organs into places that are not intended for them. This phenomenon occurs quite often in the groin area. Due to the lack of development of connective tissue, muscle weakness in the groin area, a vulnerable space can form. It is this weak protection that allows internal organs to penetrate into the groin area under the influence of certain factors.

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Most often such problematic situations carry on the intestines, partially the omentum, the ovaries in women, the bladder. The organ partially penetrates into the weak zone, is fixed in the groin area. There is a noticeable densification, which resembles a small tumor.

Sometimes the internal organ almost completely falls into the groin area. Such cases are dangerous because they can lead to the withering away of the tissues of the organ. In this case, one can not do without surgical intervention.

Please note! Muscles of women in the groin area are much stronger than in men. Therefore, a hernia in the groin often occurs in boys.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms that detect inguinal hernia may be very different. But there are a number of common manifestations of this problem. Hernia hernia manifests itself as follows:

  • marked protrusion in the groin area, which can have different sizes;
  • redness of the skin in place of the lesion;
  • palpable discomfort when lifting weights, heavy physical exertion;
  • painful sensations arising in the lower abdomen;
  • burning sensation at the place where the hernia is located;
  • severe pain, nausea, vomiting.

When a groin hernia, a person feels relieved when taking a horizontal position. Herniation of large size causes discomfort when walking.

Please note! For a long time, the hernia can not be manifested at all. But if there is even a small tumor, the groin area should be consulted immediately. This will help to establish the diagnosis correctly.

Causes of

This problem is inherent in nature. Boys are more common.

Important! What is the spinal hernia, its symptoms and treatment are detailed in our article.

Among other causes of the disease can be noted:

  • the presence of excess weight in humans;
  • previous surgery in the inguinal zone;
  • pregnancy, childbirth;
  • frequent lifting of weights, sharp physical movements;
  • regular constipation, difficulty with bowel movement;
  • injured in the abdominal region.

Herniated formation in women can result from the constant wearing of tight, tight clothing.

Please note! Timely diagnosis of inguinal hernia increases the chances of being cured by a conservative method.

Types of the disease

Depending on the location of the hernia in the groin, there are straight lines, oblique, femoral. The degree of damage to the tissues of the inguinal region and the structure of the inguinal ring, posterior walls affects the type of hernial neoplasm.

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Conventional straight hernia

This pathological change passes the inguinal canal, affecting only the wall of the peritoneum. Appears due to excessive physical exertion.


Refers to purely masculine neoplasms. Often has an innate character. Or it is formed in boys up to 10 years due to weak muscles. Thus the vaginal appendage does not overgrow. The protrusion can be formed on the testicles or cords.

Important! For treatment of herniation of the lumbar spine, see here.


The most dangerous subspecies of the disease. The protrusion affects the parietal and visceral peritoneum. The protrusion is located near the bladder or genitals. Sometimes it affects the cecum and kidneys.

Important! On the treatment of the hernia of the cervical spine, you can find out on the pages of our site.

The inner bag may be missing. Slipping organ is not covered by the abdominal cavity. This hernia is more common in men.

Subcutaneous straight

The walls of the peritoneum are strongly pushed aside, the external oblique muscles participate in the protrusion. The hernial sac is located in the subcutaneous tissue.

Important! Learn about the treatment of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine.

Locations of this hernia:

  • thigh;
  • crotch;
  • the back of the scrotum. Scythe inguinal hernia. It arises from physical activity, severe cough and constipation.
  • Combined hernias occur quite often, cause severe discomfort and inflammation.
  • Specialists share hernias on relapsed, pantaloon. This definition applies when there is a combination of oblique and straight hernia.
  • Important! Symptoms and treatment of a stomach hernia are described in detail in our article.

    Inguinal hernia in men

    Very often, male representatives suffer from congenital hernia of the groin. Such statistics are observed because of insufficient development of the muscular, connective tissue of the inguinal region. Representatives of the stronger sex are working hard. What also provokes the appearance of a hernia. Acquired hernias of men due to excessively hard work - this phenomenon is 95 out of 100% of cases of this problem.

    Please note! Hernia, which was formed in men in the groin area, is more difficult to treat than for women. Most of these cases can not do without surgery.

    In men, the hernia manifests itself outwardly in the same way as in women. But along with this, there is a prolonged inflammation of the genital organs, which can cause a complete loss of reproductive capacity. Also, this problem in the stronger sex can cause intestinal obstruction.

    Inguinal hernia in women

    This pathology for the fair sex is a rarity. It can arise because of the lifting of a heavy load, excessive entrainment of heavy sports.

    Weakness of inguinal muscles occurs due to excessive stretching of the muscles of the lower abdomen:

    • at various stages of obesity;
    • during pregnancy;
    • after surgery.

    A woman can confuse this disease with a gynecological problem. Since the symptom of inguinal hernia in women is very often the presence of pain syndrome with localization in the lower abdomen.

    Please note! Hernia of the groin in women in most cases is treated with a conservative method. The special bandages effectively cope with this pathology.

    In the background of inguinal hernia, a woman's heart is accelerating and accelerating, the skin around the affected area inflames, fever may occur.

    During pregnancy

    The formation of a groin in the period of pregnancy is caused by excessive pressure of the large abdomen on the inguinal zone. Such education for a woman in the situation carries a great danger. The risk of unpleasant consequences increases during childbirth. In the case of a strong increase in hernia and danger to the fetus, the hernia is surgically removed. In other cases, the decision on the need for surgical intervention is postponed for the postnatal period. During labor, it is necessary to hold a hernia.

    Please note! To avoid this problem during pregnancy, it is worth wearing a special bandage. He will hold the weight of the abdomen, and fix the organs in their usual position. Also, avoid prolonged motor activity, too sudden movements.

    Inguinal hernia in children

    Often, with this problem, boys are born, much less often it is acquired character. Hernia in young children may be completely invisible, but at the same time, there is a regular anxiety on the part of the child. With visible signs of the disease, you urgently need to see a specialist who will prescribe an effective course of treatment.

    Hernia in babies can have the following consequences:

    • inability to conceive a child in adulthood;
    • partial, complete death of tissues of affected organs;
    • at long ignoring of a problem the lethal outcome is possible.

    Home Treatment

    To get rid of this problem at home and avoid surgical intervention, you need to combine several treatment methods.

    The intake of medicines prescribed by the doctor should be combined with the methods of folk treatment - tinctures, infusions, decoctions. Rinse the affected area with preparations prepared according to a special prescription, apply compresses.

    Please note! During the period of treatment it is necessary to adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor. This enhances the effect of conservative treatment, it allows complete recovery without the intervention of surgeons.

    In the home environment, a specially designed bandage will help to treat a hernia. Also, you should give up physical activity, do not make too sudden movements.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Therapeutic procedures, which are produced with the help of traditional medicine - one of the methods of conservative treatment of many diseases. The hernia of the groin was no exception.

    Important! You can learn more about the treatment of hernia folk remedies at home here.

    Infusion of clover from inguinal hernia

  1. Dried, crushed leaves of clover meadow( 15 g) pour 500 ml of boiled drinking water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 60 minutes.
  3. Strain, well while wringing out medicinal raw materials.
  4. Take 700 ml before meals.

Infusion of herbs bought

Dried herbs bought( 20 g) with fresh milk( 0.5 l).Put the mixture on a slow fire, cook for about 7 minutes. Allow the drug to cool completely. Take in a warm form 3-4 times a day for 30 ml.

Please note! Such treatment should be approved by the doctor after a complete examination. If there are no contraindications for the use of infusions, they are combined with medications and you can safely take the funds.

Positive results, during the treatment of inguinal hernia, compresses are applied using a variety of fresh plants.

Compression from the leaves of the nettle

  1. Fresh leaves of nettle to grind - they must acquire a consistency of porridge.
  2. Mix the resulting mass in equal amounts with fatty sour cream.
  3. Apply a thick layer to the area of ​​hernia formation. Cover with a fresh leaf of cabbage or burdock.
  4. Tightly secure with a cloth, leave overnight.
  5. In the morning, rinse with warm water, while not exerting pressure on the affected area.

This course of treatment should last for a month. Compresses should be done every day.

For medicinal purposes, it is possible to produce light rubbing of the affected area with apple cider vinegar. It must be diluted with boiling water. For 20 ml of 4% apple cider vinegar it is necessary to take a glass of water.

Tincture of oak bark

  1. Grind fresh leaves, bark, acorns of oak.
  2. Fill the mixture with half a three-liter jar, pour dry red wine to the top.
  3. Close the jar tightly, place it in a dark cold place for infusion.
  4. After 3 weeks can be used for rubbing, compresses.

Please note! The use of rubbing agents requires extreme caution. Actions need to be done slowly, neatly.

Medical treatment

Conservative method of treatment of inguinal hernia involves taking medications. Most often, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs that gently eliminate the problem.

For abdominal pain, antispasmodics are prescribed( no-shpa).Anesthetics for inguinal hernia can not be taken. Because you can skip the infringement of the hernia.

Medication can be given in the form of tablets or as special ointments. If the hernia causes discomfort in the digestive organs, a remedy is prescribed for its elimination. Sometimes, you may need to take a laxative( dylophak, microlux).

But completely to get rid of the hernia can only surgery.

Attention! It is impossible to deal with an independent solution of a problem with the help of medicines. This practice can result in allergic reactions, the development of concomitant diseases.


The resulting hernia of the inguinal region leads to disturbances in the digestive system.

For a while it is completely excluded from the diet:

  • fried foods;
  • smoked, spicy, salty foods;
  • is too sweet products.

It is not advisable to drink coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, plenty of water. The food should be balanced, you can not eat dry food to avoid the occurrence of constipation. Is necessary often, in very small portions. It is desirable to cook food for a couple, you can eat baked foods.

The diet is also included in the complex of postoperative events. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food and increase the amount of liquid and vitamins consumed.

Important! Find out which doctor heals hernia.

You can eat only liquid and semi-liquid foods with high protein content. Products that cause the formation of gases must be completely eliminated( cabbage, legumes).

The diet for this problem should be individual. All the details of the diet should be checked with your doctor.

Important! We already wrote about the hernia of the esophagus, and what diet should be observed with it, find out here.

Injury bandage

In case of this problem, the patient should wear a specially designed bandage daily. He keeps all internal organs in their usual position. During the day to remove the bandage is not recommended. During the night rest you can take it off.

Please note! The patient chooses a bandage for each patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. To wear it is necessary until full recovery.

Prevention of the disease

To avoid the occurrence of a problem of this nature, one must listen to the signals of one's own organism. Do not make too sudden movements, lift very heavy loads, excessively get involved in complex fighting, sports practices. Also it is necessary to avoid injuries in the groin, abdomen.

  1. When pregnancy is necessary to wear a special bandage that will support the stomach. Preventive measures include moderate physical activity, complete rejection of bad habits.
  2. It should not hesitate with the treatment of severe coughing, vomiting.
  3. It is necessary to avoid the occurrence of such stagnant phenomena as constipation.

Treatment of inguinal hernia is a rather complex, time-consuming process that should be of a complex nature. Therefore, it is better to do everything possible to prevent the occurrence of such problems.

If the disease can not be avoided, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. This increases the chances of solving the problem without surgery, a complicated treatment process, a long period of rehabilitation.

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