Chest bruise: dangerous symptoms and first aid

A bruise is a common injury in medical practice. Occurs after falling or receiving a blow with a blunt .The most common bruises of the skin. Strong strokes may result in the slaughter of internal organs: the kidneys, the spleen, the lungs, the heart, the brain, etc.

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The main symptoms:

  • severe pain;
  • swelling in the site of impact;
  • of the hematoma.

Bruised bruise: possible causes of injury

Severe bruise is a common injury. Occurs as a result of exposure to soft tissue in the rib area. The cause of a bruise can be a fall from a height, a traffic accident, getting punches. Often, with such injuries, athletes and people who engage in extreme sports resort to doctors.

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What happens with a bruise in the body

When the ribs are injured, the soft tissue most often suffers. At the same time, the edges remain intact. Many people think that there is nothing wrong with the damage to the

, so you can not go to the trauma center. But pay attention, as a result of the impact in the ribs, the lungs, pleura, vessels, which supply internal organs with blood, and the ribs themselves may suffer. If you do not undergo the necessary course of treatment, then there may be health problems.

What happens during a rib injury? First of all, the integrity of the tissues is damaged. It looks like this: the muscles are straining in a damaged place, a spasm arises( feel it in the form of pain).If the blow was strong, then the blood vessels could splash, and there is a bruise, which in people is called a bruise.

Remember! At the site of impact, the development of an inflammatory process is possible, which leads to a significant deterioration in health. We advise you to immediately seek medical help if the injury was severe.

Symptoms of chest contusion

Often one can observe this situation, after getting bruises the victim thinks that everything will pass, there are no open wounds, no bandaging is needed, and the pain, as is often assumed, will eventually pass.

A person tries to live a full life, but as a result of loads or sudden movements, feels pain in the chest area. This indicates a strong contusion of the sternum.

In addition to these signs, you can observe such symptoms:

  1. The presence of a large hematoma. First has a red tint, then darkens to a lilac color. Over time, the bruise turns brown, and after about a week turns yellow.

In case of severe damage, the bruise may blacken. This means that a lot of blood has accumulated in the place of impact, which gives such a color. In this case, treatment is clearly necessary.

  1. In the area of ​​the injury, edema can be formed, characterized by condensation, it is easily palpable on examination. Swelling can spread to a large area of ​​the breast. Fade begins only on the second day after the injury.
  2. Skin in the area of ​​trauma becomes hot - indicates hyperthermia. This is a sign of the inflammatory process.

Pain in the sternum can be not only episodic, but also permanent. In this case, it is noisy and dull.

Possible accompanying lesions: their main signs

If the result of injury injured vessels or lungs, you can additionally observe:

  1. Cyanosis of the extremities, face. The skin turns white or blue, as a result of vascular damage.
  2. Disturbance of breathing. Inhale, exhale the victim severely, as these actions cause severe pain in the chest. Cough may appear. Sometimes accompanied by blood secretions. Dizziness is the result of a lack of oxygen.
  3. Behavioral disorders due to pain shock.
  4. Slowing heart rate, indicates a violation of the heart rhythm as a result of vascular damage.

It is important to remember , bruise can be accompanied by fractures of the ribs. And this is much more serious.

How to identify a fractured rib or bruise?

The patient with a palpation, as well as a request to take a deep breath, will have a sharp pain in his chest. It is dangerous to move the injured in this case, since it is likely that the lung is damaged. In this case, the patient should be given a comfortable position, preferably half-sitting, and delivered to the nearest medical institution.

First aid with a bruise

If it is necessary to provide first aid to a person who has received a bruised rib, then we advise you to perform such actions:

  1. It is necessary for the injured person to apply a tight bandage. It will help reduce the movements, make the injury less painful. The dressing is done over the chest, fixed under a damaged area, on the healthy side.
  2. Injured provides complete peace.
  3. It is recommended to apply cold to the damaged area. This procedure will make subcutaneous hemorrhage smaller. To do this, you can use polyethylene, which is embedded in the ice. The procedure lasts about 2 hours. During this time, ice changes every 10-15 minutes. If a hot-water bottle is used, filled with cold water, or a damp cloth, then every 3-4 minutes.
  4. If the patient has severe pain, then it is necessary to offer painkillers. It can be analgin, spazgan, baralgin, etc.

Remember! If you experience chest damage, consult with qualified help. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the complexity of the injury externally. The doctor must appoint an X-ray, with which you can determine the integrity of bones and organs.

Treatment of chest contusion

After first aid is provided, the injured person must continue to be treated. For this purpose, cold compresses are prescribed for 2 days. The procedure will reduce pain, and remove swelling. Applying cold is necessary 5-7 times per day for 15-20 minutes .

From the third day you can go on to hematoma treatment. To do this, make warm compresses. If possible, you can take a warm bath. Do not forget to make a bandage , which will help to avoid unnecessary pain. If the pain does not pass, according to the doctor's recommendations, you can use medicines.

Gentle mode will promote rapid recovery. Remember, the fewer movements, the sooner you will recover.

If the injuries are significant, the trauma doctor will definitely prescribe procedures such as electrophoresis .They will help to heal tissues much faster.

If within a week the hematoma does not resolve, this indicates a stagnation of blood. It will have to be surgically removed. In the hematoma area, a puncture is made, through which all will come out. In the case of severe vascular damage, recovery will be performed only surgically.

How to sleep with a bruised chest

Of course, a bruised chest is accompanied by pain. Especially they disturb during sleep. In this case, doctors are advised to make a bandage on exhalation, arrange the patient, in a semi-sitting position. In this position, the pain will be less disturbing. Also, patients are recommended breathing exercises, so that the lungs do not stagnate.

Common means of treatment of bruises

If the bruise is easy, then you can use folk remedies, among which the most famous drugs from:

  • cilantro;Parsley
  • ;
  • common;
  • vinegar.

From cilantro can be prepared such an anesthetic: 1 liter of boiling water to pour 50 g of fruit. Infuse for 10 minutes. After that, filter and take 2-3 cups each day.

Parsley is used for bandaging. Its aboveground part is finely chopped, applied to the bruise, fixed with a bandage.

In horseradish, the root is used. His tinder on the grater and impose a compress on the bruise. After a while, the pain goes away.

Vinegar is good for resolving bruises. It is mixed with honey and applied to the bruise. Periodically, the dressing should be changed until the bruise begins to disappear.

Consequences of injury

Treatment of a chest injury usually takes 2-3 weeks. But sometimes there are serious problems. Women should be especially attentive. Sometimes a bruise of the chest leads to the formation of a dense, which provokes the appearance of the tumor. These are not frequent cases. But you need to be careful.

A bruise in the heart area is also dangerous. As a result of the impact, the vessels can be damaged, which leads to the formation of a thrombus. And this is a possible stroke, heart attack, necrosis. Sometimes after such injuries, dyspnea appears. And it speaks about problems with the lungs.

Therefore, you must take care of yourself, and in case of trauma go through a complete examination and take appropriate treatment.

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