Steatosis of the pancreas and liver - symptoms, signs, treatment, diet, what is it?

Steatosis is the accumulation of fats in the cells of the organs. Excess fats accumulate, for example, in the liver, with obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, exposure to toxins and certain medications. Steatosis can also occur if there is insufficient protein intake, sharp weight loss, chronic malabsorption of food in the intestine. Diabetes mellitus type 2, severe thyroid insufficiency, increased secretion of adrenal cortex hormones can also trigger the accumulation of fats in the liver.

This disease usually occurs with subtle symptoms. The patient feels weakness, mild pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. At such symptoms it is necessary to address to the doctor as not cured steatosis conceals threat of an inflammation and even a cirrhosis of a liver. This disease is best diagnosed by computer and magnetic resonance imaging, and biopsy.

Pancreatic steatosis( lipomatosis) can develop for hereditary reasons, as well as when a person regularly consumes harmful foods, smokes and consumes alcohol. Pancreatitis and cholelithiasis can also cause fat accumulation in pancreatic cells.

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If fatty inclusions are dispersed throughout the gland and do not squeeze its ducts, then the symptoms of lipomatosis are rather poorly expressed - it is heartburn and not severe pain in the abdomen. In the case of islet steatosis, when fat accumulations have localized sites, the position is much worse - the patient is disturbed by nausea, weakness, heaviness in the abdomen and bloating of the intestine.

Pancreatic lipomatosis is often associated with steatosis of the liver, a violation of the metabolism of fats in the body and gastroesophageal reflux. This disease is found, as a rule, by accident - with ultrasound examination. The main method of its diagnosis is computed tomography. If a patient is suspected of steatosis, a comprehensive laboratory examination is prescribed.

In the treatment of steatosis, weight loss is important. Even a loss of 7% of weight leads to a significant improvement in the patient's condition. As with other diseases of the liver and pancreas, the treatment of lithpomatosis requires compliance with a special diet, exercise and taking enzyme preparations. To surgical intervention resorted only in cases of formation of lipomatous nodes, which squeeze the ducts.

Symptoms and signs of steatosis of the pancreas

Steatosis as a pancreatic disease can have mild signs. The presence of certain symptoms will depend only on the degree of "obesity" of this body. When lipid sprouting is insignificant, a person may feel mild nausea, sometimes heartburn and associate these signs with the peculiarities of the food they eat.

In more severe cases of this pancreatic disease, symptoms may appear:

  • sensation of pressure in the right hypochondrium;
  • frequent shingles in the abdomen;
  • vomiting with an admixture of bile, nausea;
  • jaundice of the skin, mucous due to stagnation of bile;
  • loss of appetite and general weakness;
  • decreased immunity and as a consequence of frequent colds.

All these symptoms manifest themselves regardless of food intake and are a serious reason for going to the doctor.

Diet for steatosis of the pancreas

Steatosis of the pancreas as an irreversible process can only be suspended. To avoid surgery, it is important to follow a diet that the doctor will recommend. It is proper nutrition that will save a vital organ from cell death and dysfunction.

A diet with steatosis implies a fractional diet. The body will receive food 5 times a day, and it should be easily digestible with a minimum amount of fat. The task of the diet is to provide the body with a full-fledged variety of nutrition and help get rid of excess weight.

The main products to be included in the diet are:

  • cereals( oat, buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables, especially zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes;
  • meat, only lean( better fish and poultry);
  • milk and dairy products with low fat content.

Accordingly, smoked meat, pickles, canned food, fried foods, muffins and sweets, as well as alcohol, are prohibited. This diet corresponds to table number 5, which is recommended to all patients with gastrointestinal problems. With regard to direct cooking, the dishes should be easy for digestion, cooked on a steak or baked, with more you need to eat vegetables, cottage cheese. Daily caloric content of dishes should not exceed 2600-2800 kcal.

This regime of nutrition and a set of products for a patient with steatosis of the pancreas will have to follow a lifetime. Over time, this diet will become the norm and become a habit, and the body will only benefit from it in all respects.

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