Is it possible to die from a hangover: the causes of death, dangerous symptoms, how to act

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The hangover is caused by the poisoning effect of alcohol on the body. Ethyl alcohol, dissolving cell membranes, destroys the nervous, hepatic cells, cellular assemblages of the islets of Langerhans pancreas. The action of alcohol poisons on vital organs disrupts their work, causes life-threatening diseases. But is it possible to die after drinking?

Death from a hangover

Hangover symptoms can mask signs of dangerous diseases caused by alcohol. A serious condition after a fun party can be caused by a life-threatening illness. And time for help may not be enough.

So, with a stroke "therapeutic window", when it is still possible to save the victim, it is 6 hours and even less. It is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of the disease, to distinguish them from a hangover.

Causes of

Threat to life with a hangover is:

  • alcohol overdose, taking a lethal dose;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • appearance of pathologies caused by ethyl alcohol.

Overdose on alcohol

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Death from an alcohol overdose can occur if a person takes 750 ml of vodka for 5 hours. A plentiful appetizer worsens the situation. Intoxication comes with a certain delay, during which a person manages to drink a lethal dose of poison.

Lethal poisoning with ethanol is more often observed with prolonged abuse, in persons with a pronounced mental, physical dependence.

Alcohol overdose causes:

  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • hepatic impairment.

In addition to overdosing, alcohol can cause a relapse of a chronic disease.


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Acute exacerbation of

The destructive effect of alcohol is observed when using ethanol in any amount, and chronic alcohol intoxication causes diseases of the internal organs, of which the greatest danger is:

  • heart damage - myocardial dystrophy, arrhythmia;
  • diseases of the digestive tract - gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, hepatic insufficiency, esophageal reflux;
  • pneumonia;
  • nervous system - hepatic encephalopathy, polyneuropathy, myopathy, epileptiform seizures;
  • genitourinary system - nephritis, acute urinary retention, sexual disorders;
  • bone of the skeleton - fractures.

Drinking alcohol causes a violation of carbohydrate, purine metabolism, contributing to exacerbation of gout, diabetes. Ethyl alcohol and its even more dangerous metabolite ethanol destroy immunity by acting on leukocytes and blood lymphocytes, distorting the body's immune response, causing autoimmune reactions.


With abusing ethanol, pneumonia develops atypically.

Drinking alcohol increases symptoms, speeds up the development of the disease. Symptoms of pneumonia are manifested:

  • by dyspnea;
  • by high temperature;
  • with cyanotic lips.

Inflammation of the lungs, which arose on the background of alcohol intake, is characterized by a protracted course, requires prolonged antibacterial treatment, accompanied by complications.

Acute pancreatitis or pancreatic necrosis

The cause of acute pancreatitis is in most cases the abuse of alcohol. This body suffers from ethyl alcohol no less than the liver, brain, heart.

Alcohol enhances the secretion of pancreatic juice, which increases the pressure inside the gland, causing pancreatic necrosis. This phenomenon is accompanied by death of the body cells, replacement of their connective tissue, loss of the function of insulin production. The complication of pancreatic necrosis and acute pancreatitis may be type 2 diabetes.

Pain in acute pancreatitis is acute, worse after eating. Pancreatitis is accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Adopted "for health correction" a portion of alcohol will increase pain, will provoke necrosis.
On the video on the effects of alcohol on the pancreas:

Bleeding of the digestive tract

Ethyl alcohol, getting into the stomach, damages its mucous membrane, causing:

  • mucosal surface mucosa;
  • edema;
  • erosion, hemorrhagia of the inner shell of the stomach.

With a hangover, the gastric mucosa loses its ability to recover, is thinned, which contributes to the appearance of ulcers.

Drinking alcohol provokes perforation of the ulcer, accompanied by internal bleeding, which is expressed by:

  • heartburn;
  • with stomach pain;
  • with acidic eructation;
  • vomiting with blood in the morning.

Symptoms of internal gastric bleeding from a hangover can be limited to eructations, weakness, headaches caused by blood loss, black tarry stools.
The effect of alcohol on the digestive tract:

Renal colic

Alcohol intake in urolithiasis can cause an increase in the movement of the stone in the ureter, which causes renal colic. The property of alcohol to cause swelling of the mucous membranes leads to a narrowing of the ureter, increases pain when passing a stone.

The strongest pain is one-sided, localized in the back, in the lower part of the abdomen, extending to the thigh.

Symptoms of passing the stone:

  • urine with blood;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting.

Acute Quincke

An allergic reaction to alcohol can occur as a response to the main ingredient from which the beverage was made( grapes, cereals), and to flavorings, stabilizers introduced to improve and preserve the taste.

The very molecule of ethyl alcohol does not cause an immune reaction, but it increases the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the absorption of the contents of the stomach and intestines.

Simultaneously, alcohol reduces the ability of the liver and pancreas to digest food, neutralize toxins. In the blood fall not completely processed proteins, which are the strongest allergens.

The response of the immune system to intrusion can be of a slow type, manifested as urticaria, itching.

A dangerous reaction to the invasion of "foreign" proteins are allergic reactions of a fast type, which include:

  • Quincke edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • bronchospasm.

Quincke Edema is a fast, unpredictable allergic reaction, which is another reason why people die with a hangover. It is impossible to cure yourself of this condition. Moreover, it is not necessary to get drunk with alcohol in the morning, which caused an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of Quincke edema:

  • swelling of the subcutaneous tissue of the face;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • itching;
  • panic.

If, after yesterday's feast, the swelling of the face is more pronounced than usual, and continues to increase, it is necessary to call an "ambulance".The reaction causes laryngeal edema, in which, in extreme cases, a tracheotomy is necessary to ensure air access to the lungs of the affected person.

With swelling of the Quincke, swelling spreads to the eyelids, lips. Distorted facial features, swim eyes. Such strong swelling can not be treated independently, death from Quincke's edema can occur within an hour.
First aid for swelling of Quincke:

Heart failure

Hazardous consequences for the patient may have unrecognized heart failure. It is easy to confuse the symptoms of a developing disease with signs of an ordinary hangover. The defeat of the body is manifested by symptoms, some of which are similar to those of a normal hangover and do not cause suspicion of loved ones.

These symptoms include:

  • dyspnea at rest and with exercise;
  • sweaty, cold, trembling hands;
  • anxiety, inability to sit still, fussiness;
  • pain in the heart;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Heart failure promotes stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation, can be complicated by pulmonary edema caused by congestion in the pulmonary alveoli of phlegm. The presence of liquid in the alveoli prevents the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which leads to oxygen starvation.

If the patient is not helped, he may die from lack of oxygen. Sign of the developing pulmonary edema is the cyanosis of the skin, abundant cold sweat.

Cardiac arrhythmia

Violation of contractile function of the myocardium is noted in 65% of persons suffering from chronic alcoholism. This disease is accompanied by an increase( tachycardia), a slowing( bradycardia) of the pulse, a ciliary arrhythmia, a pulse deficit.

Interruptions in the heart rhythm indicate a profound disturbance in the work of the myocardium. The danger of atrial fibrillation is that it is impossible to identify this condition independently and recourse is often delayed.

The general condition of arrhythmia, despite the weakness, the sense of cardiac fading, remains satisfactory. The arterial pressure in the patient rises, but not always to critical values, the consciousness remains clear.

It is often possible to detect the severity of a condition with arrhythmia only by ECG data. Independently you can try to determine the pulse deficit - the difference in heart rate and pulse wave in peripheral vessels. To do this, you must simultaneously measure the frequency of heart contraction and pulse on the wrist.

The heart rate deficit arises from the fact that part of the contractions of the heart is accompanied by such a small amount of ejection of blood that the pulse wave does not reach the peripheral vessels. The greater the difference in the values ​​of the pulse, the heavier the patient's condition.

The risk of arrhythmia is the risk of cardiac arrest as a result of disruption of the work of the centers of automatism of the myocardium, the appearance of chaotic signals disorganizing the contraction of the heart muscle.

Hepatic failure

Hepatic insufficiency develops not only in chronic alcoholics, but also in people who drink alcohol from case to case. Often acute liver failure is diagnosed in the early stages of liver disease. The rate of death of hepatic cells( hepatocytes) depends on the accepted dose of alcohol, the duration of use, the individual characteristics of the organism.

The destruction of hepatocytes can occur at lightning speed. In this case, in the liver for a few hours there are foci of necrosis - dead and decaying tissue. Violation of the liver can take a chronic character.

Both acute and chronic liver failure are accompanied by somatic disorders and neurological disorders reminiscent of hangover symptoms. Exacerbation of hepatic insufficiency can provoke even insignificant intake of alcohol, especially if it is accompanied by a copious reception of fatty, spicy, fried foods.

Signs of hepatic insufficiency are:

  • vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • superficial breathing.

The presence of toxins in the blood reflects the work of the brain, causing:

  • syncope;
  • delusions, hallucinations;
  • repetitive motor movements, exclamations;
  • asthenia.

A similar condition may result in hepatic coma and death if the patient does not receive qualified care.

Harbinger of hepatic coma are the signs:

  • yellowing of the skin;
  • darkening of urine;
  • clarification of feces;
  • speech impediment;
  • hiccups, abdominal pain, hypochondria on the right;
  • fear of death.

If the condition is complicated by confusion, a violation of coordination of movements, tremor, a specific odor from the mouth, an increase in temperature, then you need to call an ambulance.

Acute urinary retention

An acute urinary retention( ishuria) is a condition when, when urge to urinate, the patient can not do this. Acute retention of urine can occur in patients with prostate adenoma with alcohol and the blood caused by it.

A stone that has moved from the kidney and has fallen into the urethral opening can cause pain when an unsuccessful attempt to urinate is made. In acute urinary retention, the bladder is stretched, a protuberance is detected in the suprapubic region, and with palpation the patient feels severe discomfort.

With the intake of alcohol develops a nervous-reflex ishuria. This condition develops as a result of a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscle of the bladder with an increased contractile capacity of the sphincter.

How not to die

Poor state of health with a hangover is an indicator of the developing dependence on alcohol and a sign of a serious illness. Vomiting with blood can be a sign of a stomach ulcer, a pain in the heart - a heart attack. It should not be with great pain to try to cope with it by strong-willed effort, as well as folk remedies.

Fainting, increasing pressure or temperature, an increasing headache should immediately seek qualified medical attention. You can not stay idle with a strong palpitation, confused consciousness, dizziness, excruciating multiple vomiting.

These symptoms may not be signs of a severe hangover, but symptoms of an acute condition. With renal colic, pain can be removed only by intravenous administration of pain medication, no other methods will help, especially with bilateral pain, acute retention of urination, repeated vomiting.

Heating procedures, such as a warm bath, warming compresses on the kidney area, will not help either. In acute urinary retention, all attempts to provide assistance at home to a patient can only increase his suffering.

In addition, in order not to worsen the condition with a hangover and not die, do not:

  • opohmelyatsya;
  • to bathe in the bath, take a hot shower, warm foot baths;
  • use coffee, which strengthens tachycardia, tea, promoting fermentation, intensifying intoxication.


Do they die from a hangover?- Yes, if you do not ask for help in time. The most common causes of death after drinking alcohol are strokes, heart failure, pulmonary edema, internal bleeding.

In order to prevent such an outcome, when unusual or severe pain symptoms appear, one should not be alcoholized, use non-traditional methods of treatment, and take medicines without the doctor's advice.

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