Methods for getting out of the binge: at home and in the hospital, folk recipes and medicines

About the state of drinking-bout, many residents of our country know firsthand. Someone experienced this difficult period himself, someone watched how close people suffer. It's not just an alcoholic with an addiction that has already formed that can turn into a drinking bout. A complex life situation often sends a drink to an ordinary person who is prone to alcoholism. Not everyone can get out of this state on their own - someone needs support from relatives, and sometimes they can not do without hospitalization and qualified medical care.

What is binge drinking?

Drupal is a pathological( unnatural for the body) condition, in which a person consume alcohol for several days without stopping, and the body suffers from severe intoxication.

Drinking can last from 1-2 days to several days, the timing depends on many factors:

  • availability of money for alcohol;
  • free time( you need to go to work);
  • state of health and the presence of chronic diseases;
  • getting into the police / sobering-up station;
  • compulsory hospitalization.
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Psychiatrists and drug addicts distinguish two types of such a condition: pseudo-dust and true.

True drunken alcoholism is much more difficult. He happens to alcoholics at the second and third stages of the disease. Here a person is completely dependent on alcohol, he does not drink for pleasure( or to forget), but because otherwise he does not imagine life. In this case, there is a strong, painful abstinence syndrome, and a regular "drunken" only briefly gives relief.

Ways and methods of quitting the booze

Not every person can easily and relatively painlessly get out of the drinking-bout. The choice of means and methods to overcome this alcoholic nightmare, today many - sparing people's prescriptions, pills, dropper, etc. You can try to cope on your own, with the help of relatives, you can go to the hospital and even call the narcologist home.

The choice of means for getting out of drinking-bout depends on several factors: the length of the binge, the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed, the presence of concomitant diseases in humans.

At home,

At home, the choice of ways to get out of the binge is fairly simple, because there are not many options. The main method here is independent detoxification and salvage from dehydration. That is, you just need to drink a lot of fluids. In the first day, first of all, mineral water without gas, also juices, fruit drinks, green or black tea, not necessarily strong - with a lemon. It should also be remembered that it's not only difficult, but also dangerous, to get out of the drinking-bout quickly.


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Folk recipes

At home, such folk remedies are also used:

  1. Cool shower every hour. If the alcoholic is not able to go to the shower himself, you can put him in a bath and water it to drain from the neck down the spine.
  2. From food the best detoxifier is a thick beef broth( hot).
  3. Well helps and honey-give a teaspoon every 20 minutes, you can breed in a small amount of milk. The last dose before bed, the total amount - six spoons.
  4. Active herbs and herbs. The safest, but effective recipe is chamomile tea. You need to soak the decoction from the chemist's daisy, make hot foot baths and water their head.
  5. After all procedures, a long sleep is necessary. If alcoholic insomnia does not allow a person to fall asleep, an easy sleeping pills on herbs are allowed.


Without pharmacies a full-fledged exit from the binge is simply impossible. To independently maximally neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol on a weakened organism( especially for several days), a powerful complex therapy is needed.

Begin with sorbents. The simplest version is activated charcoal, 1 coal pellet per 10 kg of weight. But doctors warn: more than 3 times coal therapy can not be arranged, otherwise, along with toxins and products of alcoholic breakdown, useful substances will also escape from the body. After coal, you can go to "Enterosgel" or "Polyphepan".

Physicians also recommend the following drugs to quit long drinking and "after-boring" treatment:

  • "Clonidine"( soothes, reduces pressure, removes tremor - trembling of limbs);
  • "Carbamazepine"( removes harmful decomposition products and relieves seizures);
  • "Tiaprid"( neuroleptic, reduces alcoholic aggression), etc.

Narcologist at home

A quick way to get out of the binge at home is to call a narcologist. It is important to understand - to remove a person from a protracted binge and remove all the symptoms at home can not always be. But only if the "alcoholic experience" of the patient is low, and the binge itself is relatively short.

But there is one important advantage for the "narcologist at home" - this method will help to assess the patient's condition in detail and, if necessary, make a decision to send a person to the hospital.

Detoxification( cleansing) and sedation( sedative effect) are the two main methods a drunken alcoholic needs.

A doctor who is a narcologist, having come home to a patient, is obliged to conduct those medical procedures and give those drugs to provide it:

  • Injection of vitamin B1( thiamine) intravenously.
  • Dropper with glucose, saline or saline solution( magnesium sulfate on glucose, etc.).
  • Soothing and anticonvulsant medications. Excitation will remove "Diazepam" or "Phenazepam", seizures - "Carbalex", as a sedative is often used "Proproten-100", etc.

On the video about getting out of the binge at home:

Treatment in a hospital

Treatment in a special clinic is required if a person has left not in a pseudo, but in a classic true binge. When the booze lasts more than a week, the amount of strong alcohol per day is more than a liter, the patient suffers from cardiac and stomach pain, without hospitalization and taking medication is indispensable.

The very first stage of treatment is detoxification and infusion therapy( treatment of dehydration).This is a dropper with glucose solution, vitamin B1 and diazepam intravenously.

Other drugs are selected strictly individually, depending on the patient's condition, presence of concomitant pathologies, mental state:

  • sedative - to calm nerves, relieve tension and reduce cravings for alcohol;
  • vitamins - to restore the body's work;
  • nootropic - to restore the work of the brain, memory, attention, nervous activity;
  • psychotropic - for relieving anxiety, internal tension, restoring sleep;
  • hepatoprotectors - for the treatment of an exhausted liver;
  • cardioprotectors - for restoring the heart, normalizing the pressure and strengthening the vessels,
  • diuretic tablets - to support the kidneys and ensure a quick withdrawal of all toxins and the products of the decomposition of ethanol.

General recommendations of

Regardless of how a person tries to get out of the binge( independently, with the help of relatives or under the supervision of doctors), it is important to observe several vital rules:

  1. You should not hang out at all. Whether it is necessary to do it at an exit from a drinking-bout - a question popular, however it is necessary to remember, that the next portion of alcohol for a short while removes painful symptoms of an abstinence, but already in a short time the person would like to continue a booze. As a result, minimal doses can only "finish off" the body with poison, and continue drinking binge.
  2. In the first day after stopping drinking, any physical activity and contrast shower are prohibited. All internal systems operate at the limit, and this overload can even provoke a heart attack or stroke.
  3. Do not take the classic "heart" soothing - Corvalolum, Valocordinum and the like. The consequences for the body can be unpredictable and very dangerous.
  4. It is forbidden to take any psychoactive drugs without prescribing a doctor. In the state of withdrawal, the side effect of such drugs can not be predicted, they can only be used under the supervision of physicians.
  5. To get out of drinking-bout is better gradually, slowly reducing the alcohol dose.

How long can it take to get out of a binge?

Drinking can last from 2 days to several weeks, and the timing of getting out of it can not be guessed.

How quickly and with what consequences a person returns to a sober life, depends on several factors:

  • duration of drinking( the more days an alcoholic uses, the harder it is to stop);
  • the amount of alcohol( the higher the dose, the greater the complications and the more painful the withdrawal syndrome);
  • presence of chronic diseases( when exiting a drinking-bout may develop an exacerbation of chronic diseases);
  • quality of alcohol( counterfeit alcohol at times intensifies intoxication and provokes the development of dangerous complications);
  • availability of medical care( droppers and appropriate medications maximize detoxification and recovery of alcoholics).

Usually abstinence syndrome after long drinking-bout lasts from 1 to 6 days, in the most dangerous situations after a week of terrible hangover white fever may develop.

Changes in the body

The withdrawal syndrome of drinking alcoholics is completely different from the usual hangover of healthy people, who occasionally can "get through".All the various gamma of unpleasant sensations in the morning in dependent people is superimposed on disorders in the work of the heart, disorders of the liver and pancreas, impaired brain function, sick vessels.

The physical consequences of quitting the binge in patients with alcohol dependence are:

  • loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • pressure jumps;
  • coordination problems;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids( or appearance for the first time);
  • the strongest headaches;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments.

The most terrible time for alcoholics - the first three days after drinking. Constant nausea, severe headache, severe tremor of the hands - what a person feels after leaving the drinking-bout.

Among the mental manifestations:

  • insomnia and constant nightmares;
  • longing and lasting anxiety;
  • is depressive.

If binges continue regularly, alcoholic degradation of the person develops. In this case, disorders of thought processes, violations of self-esteem, various depressive states begin. In this case, to help the patient return to their old life, complex and long-term treatment is required for different specialists.

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