Coding with acupuncture in the treatment of alcoholism: the essence of the method, procedure, contraindications

Acupuncture is the oldest method of oriental medicine, which is now used as an encoding for alcoholism. Patients who have undergone the procedure are recorded a decrease in cravings for alcohol, an improvement in the general condition, and normalization of the emotional state. What is acupuncture? How does it help with alcoholism?

Acupuncture coding for acupuncture

Acupuncture( or acupuncture) originated in China 5000 years ago, and now the procedure is used to treat a variety of diseases. This is one of the leading methods of modern medicine for the normalization of the functions of the nervous system and the rehabilitation of the body after stress, including those caused by alcohol dependence. In Russia acupuncture is fixed in the official list of medical disciplines.

According to numerous studies, the procedure of acupuncture provides the following results:

  • inclusion of a self-healing program;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • analgesia;
  • improvement of cerebral and cardiac functions;
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  • stimulation of microcirculation of liquids;
  • release of active substances into the blood.

After a number of procedures, the organism of the alcoholic restores the lost functions. The nervous system starts functioning normally and without doping, which is essentially alcoholic beverages.

The essence of the method

The method is based on the impact on certain points on the human body with the help of needles. As a result, self-regulation mechanisms are started in the brain: the body rejuvenates, stress is eliminated, normal metabolism is restored.

The stimulation of reflex points activates the production of hormones of happiness - endorphins, through which the treatment of alcohol dependence is conducted. The mood of the patient improves, cheerfulness appears, the state of health improves, and most importantly - for this, alcoholic beverages are no longer needed.

The points to which the impact is directed are located on the energy meridians that pass through the entire human body. Each of them is responsible for the functions of certain internal organs and systems.

There are more than 600 biologically active points on the human body, and their number decreases in a calm state and increases with stress. Determining the points to be influenced in a particular case is a painstaking and difficult work. It requires deep knowledge and long practice.


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How is

performed Before the acupuncture procedure, a specialist makes an individual treatment plan, considering:

  • the stage of alcoholism;
  • pain points on the patient's body;
  • emotional state;
  • floor;
  • age;
  • day mode;
  • medical history.

To find the reflex points to be affected, the specialist uses a special unit called "tsun".They depend on the patient's growth and vary from 1.5 to 3 cm in size.

After determining the points, the acupuncturist inserts sterile silver or steel needles 0.3-0.37 cm in diameter and 3-12 cm in length. The penetration depth depends on the site.

During acupuncture, the following sensations occur:

  • numbness;
  • burning sensation;
  • easy "bursting";
  • sensation of light electrical discharge.

If the sense of passage of current is present, then the needle was put successfully, its healing properties are activated.

The procedure for acupuncture is carried out in a relaxed environment, which contributes to the production of hormones of happiness. Due to the influence of needles on the reflex points, the functions of the central nervous system come to normal, and alcohol is abandoned on a psychological level. Feeling a charge of vivacity, the patient no longer wants to drink alcohol.

Alcohol withdrawal occurs at the physical level. With the proper introduction of needles, energy channels are opened, as a result of which the natural forces of the organism are released, complex purification is launched. After several sessions, liquor begins to be recognized by the body as a destructive element, which must be eliminated.

One session of this encoding for alcohol lasts from 15 to 40 minutes. The doctor all this time is close, monitoring the patient's condition, his blood pressure. At the end of the procedure, all needles are pulled in the reverse order.
The video tells about the procedure of acupuncture:


Coding with acupuncture for the treatment of alcoholism has its pros and cons.

The advantages of the procedure are:

  • security;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • normalization of emotional state.

Unlike drugs, acupuncture does not cause side effects in the form of intoxication and does not load internal organs. In addition, there is no need to visit an expert in narcology, which patients often refuse.

In addition to the coding for alcoholism, acupuncture allows you to normalize the functions of the central nervous system and restore the energy balance. In the course of the procedure, the development of endorphins is stimulated, due to which a person feels a surge of vivacity. He is recovering interest in life, resulting in a craving for alcohol disappears.

Despite the effectiveness of acupuncture, this method of treatment of alcohol dependence also has a number of drawbacks:

  • Presence of contraindications.
  • Necessity of preparatory measures.
  • The relationship between the efficiency and skill of a specialist.

The acupuncture method for controlling alcohol dependence is possible only with the patient's complete agreement and willingness to make efforts. Before the procedure, it takes several days to keep a sober state and even give up smoking. In addition, a visit to the therapist is required, so this method can not be considered an emergency.

The effectiveness of acupuncture treatment depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor. It will take a lot of effort and time to find a specialist who correctly identifies and stimulates the reflex points on the patient's body.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure for acupuncture as a method to combat alcoholism shows the greatest effectiveness in the following complications:

  • marked alcoholic psychosis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • indigestion due to alcohol intoxication;
  • emotional instability;
  • heart disease;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • abstinence syndrome.

And acupuncture is often used not only for the direct treatment of alcoholism, but also for the prevention of breakdowns.

However, the procedure for acupuncture can not be performed in the following cases:

  • state of intoxication;
  • HIV and hepatitis C;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • ARVI;
  • reception of hormonal preparations;
  • increased pressure;
  • tumor tumor;
  • exacerbation of mental illness;
  • tuberculosis in an open form;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases.

If the patient is in a state of intoxication, before acupuncture he should sober up. For this, infusion-detoxification therapy is used.

Then the organism is cleaned of toxins with the help of modern techniques:

  • Ozone therapy.
  • Plasmapheresis.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation of blood.
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