Treatment of constipation in an adult, how to cure a disease, an effective regimen( course) of therapy for bowel disease, modern medods, a surgical solution to the problem

This problem, like prolonged stool retention, occurs in many adults quite often. Any person can be exposed to it, but the pathology brings most of all the discomfort to the strong sex. Men are always shy to contact doctors with this delicate question. Because of this, most of them regularly torment the thought of how to cure constipation themselves. This is possible only if the violations of defecation and the appearance of an excessively hard stool are not caused by a serious intestinal or gastric pathology. Therefore, before deciding which regimen of constipation treatment will be most effective in a particular situation, you should consult a specialist. It is to him that, by the results of the diagnostic tests carried out, it is most correct to determine the cause that provoked the disease. This will allow you to correctly diagnose and select an adequate therapy that will not only temporarily relieve the patient of the unpleasant symptoms associated with this pathology, but will also give a chance to cure constipation once and for all.

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What kind of an adult can have the causes of this ailment? Failures in the work of the intestine are caused by so many provoking factors that it is often difficult to single out any particular. Conditionally, all possible prerequisites for this disease of the digestive organs are subdivided into subjective and objective. Proceeding from this, the most suitable course of treatment for constipation is selected. In case of detection of objective reasons by modern methods, that is, those that are provoked by any ailments that are not always related to the digestive organs, the patient will need hospitalization and, quite possibly, an operation. If constipation is due to subjective factors, that is, the way of life and habits of a person, the treatment regimen chosen by a specialist can be applied with great efficiency at home. This is not a problem, since all therapeutic measures are reduced to adherence to a certain diet that corresponds to this particular case, and to increased physical activity. Sometimes, certain medicines may be prescribed.

Causes and treatment of constipation

One of the classifications of constipation is based on the causal factor. Proceeding from it, the following types of pathology developing in an adult are distinguished:

  • Alimentary constipation is caused by the fact that insufficient amount of fiber enters the human body with food. In most patients this factor proves to be leading. Treatment of it is carried out without the use of medications. It is enough for the patient to adjust the diet and adhere to it in the future;
  • Hypokinetic form occurs in people with low physical activity. The most correct treatment for constipation of this type, which gives quick positive results, is a change in lifestyle. For patients with this kind of pathology, it is enough to take the habit of doing gymnastics every morning, take long walks and do some kind of sport;
  • With reflex constipation, the cause of prolonged stool retardation in both an adult and a child is the disease of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases other organs. Treatment of this form of pathology is appointed by a specialist on the basis of the results of a diagnostic study and can be both medicamental and surgical;
  • In people working in hazardous industries, such a serious problem arises from the fact that their organisms are subject to constant chemical intoxication. Treatment of constipation in this case should be appointed by a specialist and conducted under his supervision;
  • The mechanical appearance of chronic stool delays in adults arises from the appearance of obstruction in the colon. These can be polyps, tumors or scars. In any of these cases, a person is prescribed surgical treatment of constipation, aimed at eliminating the formations that interfere with the free exit of feces.

In addition to the above-mentioned causes of violations of acts of defecation, they can also lead to diseases of the nervous or endocrine systems. In the risk group is a fairly large number of older men. The ailment develops against the backdrop of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or hemorrhoids. The consultation of a narrow specialist will help to effectively cope with such problems. The treatment regimen for constipation is selected by the doctor, depending on which pathological disorder provoked a prolonged stool delay. All modern courses of therapy allow once and for all to save the patient from this unpleasant intestinal disease.

Modern treatment of constipation

Correctly selected scheme of therapy for these pathological dysfunctions of the intestine should include correction of the factors provoking the ailment. There are practical recommendations developed by the international organization of gastroenterologists for specialists and adult patients. They clearly state what it is necessary to do to a person in the event that prolonged delays of the stool substantially poison life. It is in them you can find the answer to the question of how to properly treat constipation.

The main thing that you need to pay attention to is a diet. It is considered one of the most effective ways by which a patient can once and for all get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Eliminate intestinal problems can be based on nutrition products containing a large number of dietary fiber. These include all fruits and vegetables. Dishes intended for the daily menu should be steamed or boiled. The frying process is completely eliminated. Also, when treating the disease with constipation, it is not recommended to eat fatty, salty and spicy food. But the drinking regime should be strengthened. The volume of liquid in pure form should be at least 2 liters per day. But when compiling a daily menu, it should be borne in mind that if the cause of constipation is IBS, foods rich in fiber will not only fail to produce an effective result, but also contribute to a significant deterioration in the condition. That is why the diet should be selected by a specialist individually for each patient.

The second key recommendation, which is used in the modern treatment of constipation, is an increase in physical activity. For the most part, it is necessary for men who, by virtue of their professional activities, have a sedentary lifestyle. In its application, there is nothing too complicated. It's enough to walk more during the day. Good results are given by swimming, skiing and easy jogging. During physical exertion, shrinkage of the intestinal wall is intensified, and this facilitates the "pushing" of stagnant fecal masses outwards.

Also during the treatment of constipation it is necessary to stop uncontrolled taking of medicines. Many people are engaged in self-treatment of pathologies that do not pose a serious danger. But during the uncontrolled intake of medications, they forget that many of the OTC tablets taken without proper prescription can cause a person to fix fecal masses and prolonged delays in the stool. Before starting any medication, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about possible courses of therapy with them and the side effects caused.

Surgical treatment of constipation

Surgery for prolonged pathological bowel dysfunctions can be prescribed only in the most extreme cases. The reason for its use is usually a serious illness of the digestive organs. Treatment of constipation through surgery can be performed only after a thorough diagnostic study. The necessary scope of action and indications for intervention are selected for each patient individually. The operation can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • Increasing, despite prolonged and correct treatment of constipation, obstruction of the digestive organ;
  • Any mechanical interference that interferes with the progress of digestible food;
  • Frequent seizure incomplete, accompanied by severe pain.

This type of therapy is most often performed with laparoscopic colectomy. It helps patients to get rid of chronic constipation once and for all. But after the operation, an individually selected course of drug treatment is needed. In addition, all patients should follow preventive measures to prevent the re-occurrence of constipation. To prevent the occurrence of relapses, the following points can be strictly observed:

  • Correctly selected diet, which includes products containing a large number of dietary fiber;
  • Constant examination by a specialist and the admission, if necessary, of modern medicines;
  • Both treatment and prevention of constipation involves an increase in physical activity;
  • All patients with this pathology to prevent the occurrence of complications need to adjust the regime of the day and learn to manage stress;
  • Also a good preventive measure is to strengthen the drinking regime. The liquid that enters the body contributes to the rapid softening of the stony feces.

If you follow all these measures, as well as regularly visit a gastroenterologist, the question of how to treat constipation, will lose its relevance.

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