Chronic ascaridosis and other stages, phases, forms - migratory, repeated, acute, symptoms and treatment regimen

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Ascaridosis is a parasitic disease characterized by the movement of the nematode larvae throughout the human body with the further development of sexually mature individuals in the intestinal organs. The incidence rate on the planet is more than 100 million cases in one year. In most cases, the disease occurs in countries where the humid warm climate, i.there are optimal conditions for the development of helminths. Most often helminthiasis is affected by children, as they are not sufficiently observing the rules of hygiene( either because parents do not look after it, or because the necessary skills have not yet been developed).And if the disease does not fight, then the initial migration phase of ascariasis can go to chronic( intestinal ascariasis).

Late stage of the disease, chronic form

The late phase of the disease usually turns into a chronic one and is characterized by the parasitization of sexually mature individuals in the lumen of the small intestine, resulting in mechanical damage to its mucosa. In addition, at this stage of ascariasis there is a toxic effect from the products of the exchange of the worm on the tissues and organs of the human body. It should be noted that the nervous system is at greatest risk.

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In the majority of patients who had chronic ascariasis, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract were observed. This manifested itself in the following manifestations:

  • unstable stool;
  • lack of appetite;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea.

Even in the advanced stage of ascariasis, the patient is noted for malaise, weakness, epileptiform cramps, memory loss, poor sleep. These are nonspecific signs of helminthiosis. If you do not treat chronic ascariasis, the disease proceeds with complications, since helminths can enter the pancreatic ducts, into the bile ducts. This causes such diseases as mechanical jaundice, liver abscess, purulent cholangitis. Children in the chronic phase of ascariasis may have intestinal obstruction, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

Symptoms of chronic ascaridosis

The earliest signs of the disease appear only 1.5 months after a person has become infected with parasites. Larvae of worms begin to move around the body 2 weeks after penetration into the body. However, this stage of development passes without a trace, which leads to late diagnosis. At the initial phase of ascariasis in humans, there are symptoms of a food allergy, cough, seizures resembling bronchial asthma. In addition, migratory ascariasis causes the patient to have pain in the heart, his breathing becomes difficult, even in the absence of physical exertion. In addition, the migratory phase can be characterized by general weakness, increased body temperature, skin rash and severe fatigue. The appearance of these signs should cause the patient to seek medical help.

When a patient has chronic ascariasis, in addition to the above symptoms, there is always a disruption of the digestive tract in the form of malabsorption syndrome. Because of the large number of worms, food moves very quickly, so the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other substances necessary to the body decreases. Chronic forms of ascariasis are also characterized by the fact that lactase insufficiency is observed in the body, even if this was not the case before. Constant intoxication of the body leads to disruption of the nervous system. This is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • , frequent migraines appear;
  • nervousness;
  • memory and attention is reduced.

Treatment of the chronic stage of ascaridosis

The main goal of the fight is to prevent the development of acute ascariasis and severe complications, that is, intestinal obstruction, dysbiosis, inversion of the intestines. For these purposes, appoint Vormil, Pirantel, Helmodol, Albendazole, Mebendazole and Decaris for the treatment of chronic ascariasis in adults.

Despite the fact that these drugs demonstrate high efficiency, the scheme of treatment of chronic ascaridosis can include the appointment of a protein diet and the intake of antihistamines and vitamin preparations - such as Supradin, Duovit, Alphabet.

Also, therapy involves taking iron-containing medications if the patient develops anemia. For this purpose, Maltofer, Gino-Tardiferon is an excellent candidate. Even in the chronic phase of the patient, the doctor can prescribe antiemetic and detoxification therapy. If the chronic stage has led to serious complications, the patient is shown surgical intervention. A good effect is the procedure of therapy, in which a large amount of oxygen is injected into the stomach cavity. Do this in the morning on an empty stomach for three days in a row. The effect of this method in the chronic stage of the disease is evaluated in three weeks again. To do this, analyze the stool of the patient.

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