Causes and treatment of squeamish in the ears

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1 Why there is a squeak in my ears?

Tinnitus is a high sound that connects with noise. He is often accompanied by a decrease in hearing, stuffiness of the ears. The soreness of the hearing organs is felt, which is sometimes accompanied by headaches.

Squeaking is not a disease. It only indicates the pathology in the body. Causes of squeak may be due to external long-term irritants, because of which the patient has impaired the functions of the organs of hearing. So, as a result of listening to loud music in headphones, the work of small ossicles in the ear is sometimes disrupted, and their deformation occurs. Workers in industries with increased noise levels are injured by tympanic membranes. As a result, the level of audibility decreases. A constant squeak in my ears.

The cause of senility in the ears can be covered in increased or lowered arterial pressure. The patient catches not heard by strangers noise in the narrowed or dilated vessels, hears how the blood pulsates, the heart beats. The reason may be a narrowing of the vessels, their sclerosis, cardiovascular insufficiency.

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The cause may be a sleep disorder, suffered severe psychoemotional stress. In addition, the causes of persistent squeaks and other noises in the ears sometimes indicate tinnitus. The patient hears a squeak as a result of diseases of the ears, blood vessels, nerves, bone system, metabolic disorders.

The cause of pissing is in anemia, atherosclerosis, beriberi, tremors or brain tumors. Degenerative or dystrophic changes in the spine, cervical vertebrae - the cause of squeak in the ears. Squeaking is with reduced hearing( presbyacious).Often this pathology affects the elderly.

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In addition, the factors that provoke the development of this phenomenon may consist in diseases of the ears themselves. If the squeaking occurred as a result of the damage to the inner ear, the reasons may be as follows:

  • complication of the common cold, viral infection;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • tumors of the auditory nerve.

If the middle ear is affected, the following causes are possible:

  • otitis media;
  • injuries of the tympanum;
  • otosclerosis.

With external ear damage of squeak cause:

  • sulfur tube;
  • foreign body.

Causes may include blood flow disorders in the auditory center of the brain. Other causes of suds in the ears:

  • fluid in the middle ear;
  • response to some medications;
  • is a benign tumor of the auditory nerve( aneurysm).

2 Degree of noise

There are only 30% of people on the planet who have a squeak and other noises in their ears. Meanwhile, sometimes this is the cause of considerable discomfort, a bad standard of living.

Soldatov distinguishes 4 degrees of loudness of sounds in the ears. At the first degree they are almost not felt, being muffled by sounds of the environment. Only when absolute silence comes.

At the second degree may cause irritation in the patient, at night interfere with sleep.

At the third degree, the noise is constant, uninterrupted. They interfere with concentrating, sleeping at night.

At the last, fourth stage, the squeak muffles the surrounding sounds, clearly expressed. Delivers discomfort during the day: does not allow to focus on reading and watching the broadcast on TV, interferes with talking with other people, prevents sleep.

3 Diagnostic methods

If you feel a strong squeak in your ears, you should contact an otolaryngologist. He will carry out an examination, listen to complaints. To determine the causes of pathology, the auscultation of the skull is performed with a phonendoscope.

It may be necessary to consult a neurologist, psychoneurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

To confirm the hypothesis that the cause of squeak in the ears is hypertension, the brain's MRI is performed, the CT of the temporal region. Pharyngoscopy is performed, during which the level of muscular noise is measured, as well as otoscopy( observation of contractions of the soft palate).

4 Methods of treatment

Official medicine usually does not heal from squeaks and tinnitus, but significantly improves the patient's condition. Of great importance in therapy is the identification of the cause of squeaking in the ears.

The reduction in squeak as a result of cardiovascular diseases, in addition to physiotherapy, is facilitated by treatment of the main causes of a patient's malaise. It is possible to clean the vessels from plaques of atherosclerosis with the help of folk remedies.


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In osteochondrosis and other problems with the skeleton, in addition to drug therapy, treatment consists of massages, reflexotherapy.

To cure the consequences of stress, they resort to a course of psychotherapy, the training of relaxation. In cases of problems with the endocrine system, treatment includes the selection of drugs for the correction of metabolism.

Treatment of ENT diseases with the help of physiotherapy consists of such procedures:

  1. Low-frequency laser of red and infrared spectrum.
  2. Acupuncture, or acupuncture.
  3. Thermotherapy( i.e., cauterization using wormwood).

In some cases, when a tumor is detected, surgical treatment is performed. With sulfur fines in the clinic or at home, the ears are washed.

The doctor enters a special medicine into the ear canals, and then rinses the ears with water at room temperature using a syringe.

5 Home remedies

Often, treatment with traditional medicine shows no less, and sometimes more effective results of getting rid of noise in the ear, including from squeaks.

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Such popular ways will help:

  1. Drink herbal tea from motherwort and horsetail field( 1: 1) in between meals. Regulates the blood supply to the brain.
  2. Drink herbal collection of fruits of viburnum, dogrose, hawthorn and grass nettle, balm( in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1: 1).The infusion should be strong. Take four times a day. The agent regulates the functioning of the circulatory system, increases the number of red blood cells, increases immunity.
  3. Put a tampon impregnated with a mixture of propolis tincture with olive oil( in a 1: 4 ratio) in the ear canal, for two days. Such procedures should be 12. They must be done in a day.
  4. Drink half a glass of fresh fennel for several months.
  5. In case of ear inflammation, use the following remedy. In the bulb, make a hole, pour in the seeds of cumin and so bake. From the baked bulb squeeze the juice and bury it in the ears in the morning and evening for 5 drops.
  6. If you have an ear infection, you can also insert tampons soaked in camphor for the night in your ears.
  7. With vasoconstriction, take this medicine. Rinse 3 cloves of garlic, pour 0.5 liters of olive oil, allow to stand for a day. Take 1 tbsp.on an empty stomach.

People suffering from noise in the ears should have more rest, exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, strong tea, coffee. A strict salt-free diet should be followed.

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