Why does my head ache and my heart ache and what should I do?

1 Causes of the pathology of

But what are the most common reasons for such dual pains? First, you need to address their characteristics. When hypertension is characterized by occipital and parietal pains, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in these areas of the head, the pain in the heart makes itself felt as soon as the pressure starts to increase. In addition to these symptoms, nausea and flashing of "black flies" in front of the eyes are observed in parallel.

Arterial hypotension is accompanied by pain in the temporal and frontal parts, but the patient sometimes has a feeling that the pain grasps the entire head. Heart pains are accompanied by periodic noise in the ears, trembling of hands and general weakness.

Neurocirculatory dystonia is characterized by periodic headaches and unstable cardiac pain. Sometimes there is increased palpitations, sweating, mood swings and a slight increase in body temperature.

Quite often headaches and pains in the heart disturb and patients with neuroses of different etiology. However, most patients complain about a "heavy", "stale" head. Painful sensations do not have a constant and clear localization, they can be noted in different parts. Characteristic for neuroses are painful sensations during palpation or touching the scalp. These pains are also often accompanied by noise in the ears and dizziness. Unpleasant sensations in the heart are not clearly expressed. As this disease is accompanied by displays of irritability, hot temper, tearfulness, the patients in some cases can themselves "wind" themselves and "diagnose" some terrible ailments.

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See also

  • Nausea and headache: causes of
  • What to do if the head and neck are aching
  • Headache with breastfeeding
  • Contemporary preparations for pressure!

Asthenic conditions very often can also be accompanied by diffuse periodic headaches, coupled with severity in the heart area. In some cases, patients complain of some "dull" and not pronounced pain in the heart, which then arise, then recede. Given the suspicion of people with this temperament, experts find it difficult to determine the true root cause of pain.

Frequent and persistent pain in the chest, in the heart area are observed in the presence of cervico-thoracic radiculitis. These pains, as a rule, one-sided, can give not only in hands, but also in the neck. That's why people with this ailment sometimes misinterpret these pains in the neck, which, in turn, they give to the head with some awkward movement.

In addition to the aforementioned ailments, a very common disease can be a source of unpleasant sensations and pains in the head and heart area - cervical osteochondrosis. Why is it common? Because in today's time they are increasingly falling ill with young people. Active use of a personal car, night watching at the computer and in general a sedentary, unsportsmanlike way of life contribute to the development of osteochondrosis. Statistics state that cervical osteochondrosis is the second most common after osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral. The peculiarity of the ailment lies in the fact that primarily large and small vessels suffer through which the brain is supplied with blood. If the brain stops receiving the right amount of vital substances, it can cause many complications, which in turn lead to disability and even death.

Among its main features are the following:


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  • pain in the neck, giving to the forearm, chest, occipital and frontal parts of the head;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • tinnitus;
  • general breakdown;
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • decreased hearing and visual acuity;
  • frequent headaches accompanied by dizziness;
  • pain in the heart.

It is often difficult for an ordinary person to put together regular headaches with pains in the heart and other symptoms. He tries to treat pain in the head and problems with the heart and( or) other organs separately. Such "treatment" is counterproductive and leads only to an aggravation of the disease.

The course of this disease develops individually, which is why doctors distinguish several types of cervical osteochondrosis syndrome:

  • radicular, in which the patient suffers pain in the neck, giving in the forearm, a scapula;
  • of the vertebral artery, when the pain pulsates in the occipital or temporal part of the head. Strong burning pain in the occiput can be further intensified when the neck moves;
  • cardiac, when patients have pronounced pains in the heart, which seem to squeeze it.
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These symptoms are often confused with angina, but the pain does not go away after taking nitroglycerin. In some cases, such pains cause panic in a person, since they resemble a heart attack.

2 When should I see a doctor?

Be that as it may, only a specialist can determine the true cause of regular cardiovascular headaches. As a rule, most people try to treat these pains with well-known means. Among them, various compresses, painkillers, aspirin, nitroglycerin, various diets, active and passive forms of rest. If such methods and forms of treatment do not give a noticeable effect, or if it is of a short duration, the patient should go to the hospital without delay. With such complaints and symptoms, doctors usually appoint a comprehensive examination. It can include ultrasound of the brain, echocardiography, ECG, blood tests, etc. A good doctor will necessarily ask about the nature of the pain, their frequency, and about the accompanying discomforts that accompany headaches and heartaches.

Only after establishing the root cause and setting the right diagnosis can begin to directly treat the disease.

3 General recommendations of

Among the general recommendations for strengthening the body and getting rid of recurrent cardiovascular diseases, doctors call the following grouped by types of diseases:

  1. If a person is diagnosed with hypertension, he should always have drugs that lower blood pressure and are approved by his treating doctor. When you have pain, you need to take one of these drugs.
  2. In addition to chemicals, very good tincture of motherwort or valerian. It can be consumed in an amount of 30 drops in addition to taking the main drug. Well, and massage in the neck, neck. If circumstances permit, it is good to take a hot foot bath and put mustard plasters on the collar area.
  3. But people with hypotension, useful strong tea or black coffee with sugar. These drinks can be drunk immediately after the first bouts of pain, but only if the blood sugar level is okay. Some people are helped also by rubbing into the forehead and the nape of the balm "Golden Star" and the parallel intake of caffeine in tablets or cofetamine. Massage of the neck-collar zone will also help. In order to strengthen your body, it is useful for such people to do regular exercises that include head turns and are associated with a change in the position of the body in space.

The above cervical osteochondrosis needs to be treated only under the supervision of a specialist, however, some actions to prevent his painful symptoms can be undertaken independently. For example, when pain occurs, apply a magnetophora for 1 hour along the spine, which can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.

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